Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

Sabrina is married???

Sabrina is married???

0But… but how could she be alive??      

There were no survivors, especially the people who were inside the building when the fire accident happened.      

Her uncle's people have checked again and again till they made sure that no one was alive. And, they even found Brina's DNA samples and dress remains.      

All again, it didn't feel totally impossible too.     

Sabrina is the woman full of surprises. She would have left the tattered pieces of her clothes and her blood samples on that cloth intentionally and left them somewhere where others can find them easily.      

She is a pro in all this stuff from her childhood itself.     

Some people used to turn the tables against her and when they used to think that they defeated her, she used to pull up some or other stunt and become the winner ultimately.      

She is insightful and a person with many backup plans.      

That is why her uncle chased her only weakness, emotions.      


Meanwhile, Nick looked at her Layla, hoping that she would answer his questions.      

If she knows Sabrina's past, she must also know how he and she are connected.      

And, he is damn sure this woman here knows everything!!     

"What you are thinking is right, Nickolas. She is Sabrina, your fiancée, sorry, ex fiancée" Layla told him, not even tiring her eyes at him.      

Her eyes are glued to Brina, Will and Meg who are chatting something pretty funny and are laughing. Will has his cheeks totally red while Meg is giggling.      

And, when Nick heard her answer he felt his heart stop.     

Not with shock or fear but rather with happiness.      

His Sabrina, the love of his life is still ALIVE!! What could be more happy than that???      

His eyes started to shine like the bright stars in the galaxy while his lips curved up into a full blown, lovestruck smile.     

His legs involuntarily moved towards the door, irking to run to her and hug her, if possible kiss her.      

However, Layla stopped him all of a sudden and yanked his collar making him stumble and fall on the couch.      

"Hello, where are you going??? And, what the heck is going on in your goddamn brain??" she questioned him, precisely, demanding him, when she saw him trying to stand again.      

According to her, he doesn't deserve to even touch Brina's hair after what he did to her, let alone hug her.      

"Don't tell me that you are actually thinking of running to her and bugging her in your arms!!! Don't dare to forget what you did to her and don't make me remind you that you are still a traitor in her eyes" Layla scoffed at him.      

Nickolas pursed his lips and sat down heavily. The glow in his eyes faded away and his face turned ashen.      

"From when have you known about all of this?" He questioned Layla who was glaring daggers at him.      

Seeing her angry, hateful eyes, he realized that she knows about each and every thing related to Brina's past and also her present.      

"Just a few days back. My best friend told me about it" Layla answered briefly.      

Nickolas nodded his head while he looked at his Sabrina with affectionate eyes.     

The love of his life is alive!!!      

He couldn't believe that she is alive and all of  this felt like a happy dream he didn't want to wake up from.     

And, he couldn't help but get afraid that this is really a dream.      

But, his heart is aching for him on the other hand. Although she is alive, he can't meet her, hug her or kiss her!!      

This is the most torturous thing for him.      

"How is her life? She seems happy..uhmm… which is a little surprising" Nick asked Layla after a few moments of looking at Brina who is totally swimming in bliss and radiance.       

For Sabrina, nothing matters more than her family and friends.     

She is ruthless and cold hearted when it comes to her enemies but it is totally opposite when it comes to her family.     

She would be able to bear anything and fight bravely against any danger, but when it comes to her family, it is her life and weakness.      

She gets disturbed and her mood flip off even with a slightest hark to her family.      

A girl like that has lost her family and due to which she should have already sunk deep into depression, but, on contrast, she look so happy now.     

It is so surprising and damn shocking to him.      

There is no way she would have moved on!!     

It's impossible.      

But what he is seeing is contradicting it very badly and this miracle is so hard to digest.      

"Yes, she is very happy. To be precise, her life is fabulous now, except that she lost her maiden family."     

"However, she found a new family who could fill that void and heal her heart back to normal"     

"All thanks to her fabulous husband and his caring family who are now her family too." Layla said, enjoying this.      

Nick deserves this, anyway. Though he changed, he was still that betrayer who is the reason for many people's death.      

Meanwhile, Nick felt his heart get pricked by millions and millions of needles all at a time. He felt suffocated and his mind turned blank.     

With all that pain that is engulfing his heart right now, he felt like dying is better than that.      

At least like this it wouldn't have to suffer.      

But, unfortunately he knows he suffered from this.      

"W…wh…what? Sh… she is marr..married. Nickolas asked Layla, his voice barely audible and it felt lifeless. More than shock there is agony filled in it.      

"Yes. To my best friend" Layla simply answered.      

Nickolas looked at Brina who is now eating something.     

She really looked so happy. Way more happy than he ever saw her in the past.      

However, Nick couldn't take that.     

For him it felt like she was pretending to be happy.       

It felt like she was hiding her sadness and agony beneath that radiant smile and serene face.      

But, when his eyes landed on something sparkling on her finger, it dawned to him that she is actually 'MARRIED!!!'      

"No… no, she shouldn't be married! ho… how do..did she move on? Sh.. she was in love with me" he said, not able to digest that fact. His voice is so gloomy as if he is about to cry.      

"Did you forget that she hates you? Hate and love cannot coexist, Nickolas"     

"And, by the way, do you know what she calls herself now?" Layla asked.      

When Nick looked at her with a blank face, she continued.      

"She changed her name into Brina. It is because you used to call her Sab and she didn't want to remember anything that is connected to you" Layla explained.      

Nickolas shook his head sideways, almost immediately. No, he won't believe it!! Never!!      

Sab is her favorite Nickname!!!      

"That can't be it. Even Will calls her Aunt Sab" Will retorted.      

"Well, it means that she hates you and that hate is so much more than her love for her nephew" Layla inferred.      

"No… no. It can't be true!" Nick shouted.      

"And, I am sure my Sabrina would have married your best friend because he is powerful and can help her to hide her identity and her nephew's!!!" he asserted as if it is a known universal truth.      

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