Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

At last, he found out truth.

At last, he found out truth.

0Louis felt his frown deepened.       

What his wife is talking about now is totally irrelevant! Why is she interlinking Greta's past deeds with this??!!     

Louis didn't think much in this frenzy and his whole focus was on his wife's health condition.  He didn't think deep because his wife tends to overthink.      

"Brina, I don't understand why you are overreacting. Sometimes it's better not to take everything in that perspective! Yes, that old geese could have been vicious but why the heck are you comparing your incident with those past incidents of old days?" Louis asked, not able to hold his cool and patience anymore.       

"Yeah, that swapping of dead plants. That's similar to what happened back then. But, just because it happened doesn't mean that history will repeat itself" Louis said, angered.      

He never even gave a thought that she could be pregnant because they were careful.      

And, when Louis saw her, his anger evaporated and he felt guilty for being angry at her. Caressing her hair, he kissed her forehead.      

"Think logically, love. If Greta wants to harm you like the same way she did to that queen, you should be pregnant, in the first place. However you aren't! You even had your shot yes-" Louis stopped when he sensed his wife looking at him with complex emotions brimmed in her eyes.      

His eyes suddenly darted her to hands that are resting on her stomach. And, he suddenly realized that she was very gentle with herself since yesterday, to be precise, from the time she came back from hospital.       

She didn't even let him touch her, worried that it would escalate to something else,  something that is strictly restricted when the lady is in her early stage.      

All this, it's just leading to one goddamn thing. Otherwise his wife would not have reacted overboard.      

"You, are you-" Louis stuttered with his words, his eyes shifting to her plain stomach.      

A tear escaped from Brina's left eyes when she took his hands into her and pressed it to her stomach.      

"Yes, I am," she said, her eyes brimming with tears and her lips quivering.       

"I found out yesterday," Brina said, "I was shocked too. I mean, how could a shot fail?" she asked.       

Meanwhile, Louis sat there, frozen.       

He is shocked. He didn't dream this even in his rarest dreams!      

This thought never crossed his mind, dammit!      

And, he isn't ready for this yet.     

More importantly, this is not at all the right time.      

This shouldn't be happening now!! They are married just for a month and they haven't enjoyed their new life yet.     

For God's sake, they are still in their honeymoon phase, which I'd far, far away from the parents phase.      

Secondly, they are in the middle of an unpredictable war.      

"Louis?" Brina called.  Shaking his shoulder.     

It is when Louis came out of his reverie. And, Brina felt her heart pricked by hundreds of needles when she saw the look in his eyes.      

Uncertain. Worried. Tensed. Unprepared.      


She doesn't blame him. She was like that yesterday.      

It will take some time, no...a very long time to accept this fact whole heartedly.      

Being a child lover, she herself couldn't accept the fact yet. So, she doesn't expect Louis to do either.       

"I was saying that the shot failed and it is not the fault of us nor the fault of the shot. Someone made it fail deliberately" Brina said.       

When Louis heard it, his eyes shook in anger. A dangerous aura surrounded him, making even his wife shiver.       

Brina was taken aback when she saw him like this. She never saw him this angry!! And now, she understood why others said that he is scary!!     

However, what made her more worried is.. is the thought that Louis is not accepting the baby?     

Will he hate it?      

If there is something he is adamant about, it is not having early pregnancy.      

Meanwhile, at the same time, like an angel descended to save them from overthinking, Rhianna knocked on the door and entered the room.       

"You are awake?" she asked.       

"Thank god you are fine, Brina. Didn't I say that you and the fetus both are very weak right now? Why are you taking stress even after knowing the risk?" she reprimanded her friend.      

[A : Certainly not an angel.]     

And, when Louis heard it his aura became even more suffocating and deathly.       

Weak? Risky?      

When Rhianna walked closer it was only when she felt something deathly and chilly around her.       

She gulped her saliva when she realized that she just escalated something serious between the couple.      

"I.. I will co.. come la.. later" she stuttered over her words, turning around to escape through the door.       

"Rhianna" Louis called, making her halt in her tracks.       

Ahh… she never thought Louis could be this horrifying and scary. She never saw him like this! He was always jovial with her.      

"What?" Rhianna asked, her voice barely coming out of her vocal chords. This whole room is filled with dark and scary aura.      

"Check her vitals. We have to make sure she and the baby are good" Louis said, standing up and walking to the couch at the corner.  .     

After he sat down he gestured to Rhianna to continue her work.  Rhianna gulped down and called her assistant to come inside.       

And, when her assistant stepped in she felt the tension in the room and shivered.  However, left with no option she started helping Rhianna.      

"Girl, your husband is very scary and strict" Rhianna whispered to Brina.      

"He is angry and gloomy," Brina replied, closing her eyes.      

Later, no one talked.      

With Louis's eyes following each and every movement of them, they felt as if the devil himself was watching them from hell.       

"Uhmm.. Louis, she seems to be fine. For better clarification it would be good if she had a check up tomorrow" Rhianna said.       

Louis nodded his head. "Thanks Rihanna. And, have you found how that shot failed?" he asked, his eyes turning chilly again.      

He knows his wife.  She surely would have asked Rhianna to investigate this matter. That's why she would have approached Ethan for some clarification.      

Meanwhile,  Rhianna looked at Brina and when she got a nod from Brina, she shifted her eyes to Louis and said,      

"I did. Brina sent me a sample of some tonics today morning with Natalie. They are the reason why the shot failed" Rhianna said.      


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