Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

The roads were blocked and the traffic was stopped.

The roads were blocked and the traffic was stopped.

0"Hey, what's wrong, why are you crying?" Ethan asked, alarmed.      

And, before he could speak more, Brina fainted.      

Ethan reacted quickly and immediately caught her in his arms before she landed on the floor.     

"Why did she faint? I never thought she was emotionally fragile" she said to himself, worried.      

He gently lifted her and made her lie down on the couch in his study room.       

"Brina, wake up" he gently patted her wet cheek but Brina didn't move.     

She just whimpered faintly, making Ethan even more worried. Her face is pale and she seems like she is about to get fever.       

'She seems to be in pain. I better call Louis' Ethan worriedly thought as he looked at the fragile woman who was unconscious and crying.      

 Noticing that she is shivering a little as well, he called for a maid immediately. He made her place a pillow under Brina's head and cover her legs with a blanket.       

After the maid finished it, he ordered his guards to get his mother immediately.     

After that he called his brother.      

Tensed and worried.      

He knows that his brother would freak out now and might lash at him as well. When he told Louis that Greta's story is inhumane and disturbing, especially related to unborn babies, his brother, Louis warned not to tell this to Brina.      

It was his fault for thinking of her as a strong woman and telling her this. Why would have thought that it would impact her this much? Brina is really confusing to understand!!      

Meanwhile, his eyes darted from Brina's face to his mobile screen, hoping that his brother would pick up soon.       

However, Louis rejected the call and sent him a message instead.     

[Bro, I will call you later. I am out]     

[Come fast!! Your wife fainted in my study room" Ethan texted back.]     

And, as soon as Louis saw that message, he felt his heart almost stop. His fingers trembled and he immediately made a call to his brother.       

His eyes are filled with worry and his heart beat increases erratically. He was in a meeting with officials in the military base, but, as soon as he got the message he excused himself and abruptly left the room.       

"How? When did it happen? Did you call for the doctor? Did the doctor come?" Louis fired his questions as soon as the call got connected.      

With the intensity of his voice, Ethan felt a chill down his spine.      

His brother is so protective of his wife and he takes everything related to her very seriously.      

"She just fainted while we were talking. And, you are the first person I called" Ethan answered, gulping down.      

Even with the miles apart, Ethan could feel the overbearing aura of his brother now.  Sometimes, he feels like his brother is too much, but he himself is like this when it comes to his wife, Natalie.       

"Call the doctor," Louis worriedly said.      

But after a second of thinking, "No..not the doctor from our palace. I have my friend, a  doctor from the US working just ten minutes away from the palace.  Call him" he said, suddenly remembering that Royal medics have once worked for his grandmother during competitions.       

"In the meantime, call mom or our sister or Katherine. I am heading back immediately and yeah, take good care of her, please" Louis said, his last sentence so pleading.       

"I already did. Mom will be here soon and, don't worry, we will take care of her. Just hurry back, okay? It will be good if you will be there when she wakes up" Ethan said, comforting his brother who seems scared, even though it's just a fainting.       

Ethan understood his brother.  They are over protective of their wife's. It is because they lost their mother and that was a horrible time for both of them. They are afraid to face that pain again.  That's why they are like this and it couldn't be helped.       

"I will be there in half an hour" Louis answered and ended the call before ordering his people hurriedly.       

Nothing is more important to him than his wife.       

The roads were blocked and the traffic was stopped.       

An hour of journey was halved to half an hour with all the roads and everything blocked.      

Instead of using the highway, they used shortcuts.      



"Good lord, what happened to Brina?" Elora asked as she hurriedly walked inside. She was in a council meeting but as soon as she got the message, she rushed as well.       

Katherine and Eliina followed her, not so worried but concerned.      

"Did you try to wake her up?" Elora asked her elder son as she sat beside Brina and placed her hand on her forehead.       

Her face was hot but when she held her hand, it was normal. Sensing no fever she sighed in relief.      

"Yeah, no fever mom. But she seems so shaken by something. I could see her eyes moving and she was worried about something. But she didn't wake up when I tried to wake her up"Ethan answered equally worried.       

"Ethan, did you call the doctor?" Katherine asked, worriedly peeking at Brina. Her heart started to ache for her friend.       

She looked so pale and fragile. What made her so shaken?      

"Louis didn't want the Royal doctor to check her. After the Royal medics helped Olivia in the second event, Louis started not to trust anyone in place other than us" Ethan answered Katherine.  .       

"It's a good thing.  But why did she faint?" Katherine asked.       

"What were you guys talking about then?" Elora asked.       

Ethan scratched his hair, not knowing how to answer that.       

And, at the same time, the doctor rushed inside.       

After finding out that Royal medics are not at all reliable in loyalty matters, Louis specially requested one of the best doctors to work in Kingdom Aletros.  He was a friend and one of the loyal friends to Louis.      

So, he immediately agreed to help Louis till these trust issues are resolved in Kingdom     

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