Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

For our happy life

For our happy life

0It has recently been a big problem for newly married couples of both the Royal families and noble families. They try to show that he or she is no less than their spouse and that they make a perfect pair.      

At last, after the court session ended, the respect towards Brina increased by a drastic level. She impressed all the leaders of the noble houses again.       

'Thank God, we didn't make a wrong choice by selecting Sabrina. If it would have been Olivia here, things would have been at its worst brink'      

This is the thought that has crossed everyone's mind.       

"It's time to celebrate, Wifey. Did you see everyone's reaction while they walked out? I am sure they are mesmerized and highly impressed by you."     

"You were actually awesome during the meeting. We indeed make a good pair.." Louis whispered to Brina as they walked into their quarters.       

It is already past eight when everything is finished. So, it is already dinner time.      

And, like usual, Brina wanted to have family dinner.       

"What is there in this to celebrate, honey? Just like what you said during our honeymoon, I concentrated on my positive points and tried to change my negative"     

"I listened to everyone and tried my best not to be stubborn with the decisions taken.  Actually, the credit goes to you, husband" Brina said, hugging him.      

"You can give me a wonderful night again" Louis huskily whispered making Brina roll her eyes      

"Let's have dinner in our suite itself. A romantic dinner with benefits added" Brina winked.       



Brina took a quick shower and wore an alluring and seductive dress.      

It is a lilac satin lace fabric.      

It was very short and hugged her body tightly. The back of her gown is very deep, it is like her whole back could be seen. As for the front, it has a very thin strap that could break away just with a tug.      

However, all again, Brina wants to tease Louis. So she wore a long satin coat and tied the sash so loosely.      

And, there is something different in her today.       

Her hair..       

Instead of the jet black color, it is platinum blonde.     

It reached her waist and she looked like an angel.  A sexy, alluring angel…      

She is back to her purple eyes and for a change, she did a mild make up and wore a simple pendant chain and earrings.      

By the time she came out, she couldn't help but smile incredulously.      

Their bedroom is lit up with candles all over and it looked like their first night. A faint melodious music filled the room, as it came from their balcony garden.       

"He is really something," Brins thought when she stepped outside.      

The garden is lit up as well.  Lights, candles, lanterns, flowers…      

By the time she entered, Louis was hanging the last lantern.      

"Should you do all this? Aren't you tired because of today's hectic schedule?" Brina asked, hugging him from behind.       

Louis held his breath when he felt her hot body touching his cold ones. As she just took a bath and he was out, in the cool breeze, he was feeling cold.       

But now, her hot body comforted him.      

"Why not, love? I am trying to make as many as memories we can. Today was your first court meeting and you rocked it.  At the same time you have almost exposed Greta's vicious nature. Today is to celebrate your success" Louis said, ruffling her hair.      

At the same time, his eyes darkened as they explored Brina's back which was covered with a net. Involuntarily, his hand reached for her back and started caressing it.       

His other hand played with her hair as she continued to stay in his embrace.      

His lips latched on her sensitive neck as he ferociously kissed and bit it. Sweeping her hair to one Direction, he continued tracing them on her shoulders.      

Meanwhile, his hands reached for her sash but Brina stopped him.       

"No, not till we have our dinner" she whispered seductively before parting from his embrace.      

Kissing his lips lightly, she walked to the sweethearts sofa and sat down. "I am hungry. Let's have dinner" she said, patting the place beside her.       

 "You love to torture me, don't you? I still don't understand your obsession with coats" Louis said as he scornfully looked at the coat that was covering his feast.      

Brina chuckled. "Open it at your own risk" she said as soon as she finished saying it, Louis opened the sash and his mouth dried up.       

"Fuck!" he hissed as his eyes darkened by several degrees. Her gown is lilac satin but it also has net. Down the chest to the hem, it is full of transparent net.      

"I told you" Brina chuckled as she leisurely sat down. But snacked his hand which was about to touch her.      

"Dinner first. I said, "I am hungry," she said, rubbing her stomach.      

"I am hungry too," Louis grumbled.       

But he is hungry for her.       

Louis sighed and asked, "At least tie the sash back" he said for which Brina shook her head horizontally.     

"What's undid remains undid" she said, making him narrow his eyes. How is she expecting him to eat dinner when an even more tasty food is sitting beside him?      

His eyes don't want to leave her body.       

"Hubby, I am hungry. Will you starve your wife?" Brina asked.       

Louis grumbled again but filled the wine glasses first.       

"For our happy life" Brina said and she clinked her glass with his as a toast.      

"For our happy life" Louis repeated and gulped the wine down.       

However, when Brina brough the glass to her mouth, she felt her stomach churn. She doesn't like to drink much, so it is common for her to drink.       

So, she just took a sip and placed it back on the table.      

"You good?" Louis asked when he noticed her uncomfortable face.       

"Yepp… just hungry," Brina said.       

"Come on, let's dig up then" Louis said as he served the food.      


"Oops!" Brina mischievously said as she poured all the wine on her dress. Her dress is already transparent. Now, it has become totally transparent.      

As soon as Louis saw her, his eyes darkened.      

That's it…     

He just stood up and strode to her before lifting her up and placing her on his shoulders.       

"Here or inside?" Louis asked.      

There is an outdoor recliner bed in their balcony garden, however, Brina and Louis never used it.       

"Of course, inside" Brina dead panned.  Who will do it outdoors? Though no one can see, she is just shy.      

"Got it," Louis said, but instead he placed her on the outdoor recliner bed. "I understood from the coat episode that we should take the opposite meanings to whatever the wife says" he added, grinning.       

Saying so, he hovered over her and soon her moans and gasps filled the air.      

In the early morning...     

Brina and Louis are now sleeping in their bed room.  After their heated rounds, outdoors, they moved inside.       

Their passion continued for a few more rounds and Brina slept only when Louis caved in to her request.      

He is having his face buried into her neck as he tightly holds her in his arms. Brina's face is pressed to his chest as her hands are snaked around his waist. Their legs are tangled up and their bodies entwined.      

Their bed is messy but they cared least about it.       

Meanwhile, interrupting their peaceful sleep, Brina's phone started vibrating on the bed side table.       

Though a heavy body is pressing down on her, she managed to lift her hand and take the phone. Her whole body has lost its energy.  There isn't an ounce of energy left in her to even move her little finger.      

Like always, she regretted teasing her insatiable husband. But at the same time, she couldn't control herself but teased him more and more.      

However at the end of the day, she is totally satisfied and all smiles.       

'Rhianna?? Why is she calling me this early? Could something have happened there?' she anxiously thought.      

She was about to answer her phone and talk to her, but, seeing her husband's exhausted face she felt bad.       

He never shows it out, but he is always exhausted and tired. However, just to fulfil her dreams of having 'memories' he would do one or other special things for her everyday.  Unlike her who sleeps through the late morning, he wakes up and prepares a brunch for her before going.      

She insisted he leave the cooking to her, but he didn't agree to it. 'I tire you so much. So, as a little compensation let me serve my wife with my handmade food' he said when she asked him once.       

'You are the luckiest thing that ever happened to me' Brina emotionally thought. Kissing him on his forehead, she slowly yet with very difficulty, she stood up. Her legs buckled but she held onto the railing and donned a night robe.       

However, as soon as she went into the balcony, her cheeks flushed as she recalled what all she and Louis did here.       

She often loses herself while making love. He makes her mind go haywire and she loses all her rationality.      

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