Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

King and Queen enetered the same food stall!!

King and Queen enetered the same food stall!!

0Charlotte froze as she zoomed her eyes on Eliina's waist. The stranger standing beside the princess is intimate enough that she could right away tell that they are already dating deeply.      

'All the three siblings fell in love! And, none of them could reveal their identity to their lover's.' she thought.      

She is sure that Eliina didn't reveal who she is. If she would have really confessed, her lover wouldn't have dared to come here.      

Meanwhile, Eliina was looking at the man, who is actually a woman disguised as a man.      

She couldn't recognize the face of the girl beside Charlotte but she could sense that Charlotte is not yet ready to disclose about her relatives.      

Otherwise, she wouldn't be running away.      

"Babe, do you know them?" Diego asked Eliina, who shook her head horizontally, gesturing that she didn't know who they were.      

And, by this, Charlotte grasped that even Eliina is not really ready to introduce her boyfriend to anyone.      

'They might be still exploring their relationship. She looks like she is not yet sure of what this relationship might lead to' she thought.      

'It's better I talk to her later. For now, it's wise to leave' she thought.      

Looking at her girlfriend, Charlotte smiled at her. "Darling, let's go to another stall. This place is so packed up" she said.      

Charlotte could see Louis, Ethan, Harry, Luke and their respective girlfriend's.      

If Ethan or Louis see her, they will surely recognize her and she is not yet ready to face them.      

As the same goes to Eliina, she as well,  distracted her boyfriend and led him to another place.      

They have been constantly running away and she could only hope that Diego didn't find anything suspicious.      

On the other side, Diego was not oblivious of what's happening. He is as observant and clever as his girlfriend.      

He has spotted out from whom she is running away. It was first a young man and his girlfriend (Louis and Brina). Later it was the couple of her parents' age.       

So, he right away figured out that it is they who are her brother, might be sister in law and parents.      

Now, it was someone sitting in that stall. There are a total of eight people and his girlfriend doesn't want them to see her. And, now it's another couple about whom she just lied that she doesn't know them.      

'Luna has to be someone powerful or special here. Looking at all these people, I am sure they all are no ordinary people. All of them are adequately disguised just like Luna.' he thought as he let her drag him away.      

Diego looked at Eliina who was sweating.      

'Ahh! They all have to be her brother's or someone overly protective of her. She is afraid of what they might do to me' he thought.      

'I think I have to sweat buckets to get their approval. For now, it's better I wait' he thought as he pressed a kiss on her head.      



Brina and Louis were shocked as they continued staring at the couples in front of them.      

"Shocked?" Harry asked as he sat down on the seat beside Brina and wrapped her in his bare hug.      

He took off her hat and ruffled her hair, for which Brina immediately smacked his hand away from her head as she put on her hat again.      

"Louis's parents are here, brother. I better be careful not to get recognized" she said. She didn't risk addressing them as King and Queen as it's better to be careful even if no one is listening to them.      

"What?? Parents are here?" Ethan asked in shock. Meanwhile, Natalie froze too.      

Truth to be told, she is still not ready to face any of her husband's family. She is afraid of the complexity his family holds.      

She knows it will not at all be easy for her. Compared to Ethan's ex fiancée, she knows that she is nothing.      

However, that is what Ethan likes in her. He lives her innocence and sweet nature.      

"Yes, they are here. It is why I and Brina escaped to here" Louis said.      

"So, we are safe here momentarily. We just came here to meet you and Brina" Ethan said.      

Meanwhile, Brina, who was busy getting a group hug from Harry, Rhianna and Natalie, looked at Ethan.      

To meet them?      

But why?      

Though she was angry with him in the past, Brina somehow understood Ethan's position. He didn't have any choice.      

Honestly, after seeing Olivia, she pitied Ethan who shared the same house with that woman for months.      

Moreover, love is something that blossoms irrespective of anything. So, even if Ethan was aware that he had to select his bride by traditional method, he could not control himself from giving his heart to Natalie.      

It's very common and understandable.      

So, she is no longer angry.      

Even, her friend Natalie is looking happy.      

"So, you don't want to meet our parents?" Louis asked Ethan.      

"Not yet, Louis." Ethan said.      

He is equally comfortable with using 'Louis' and 'Edward'. As they used to meet each other often abroad, Ethan got accustomed to addressing his brother as Louis.      

Moreover, it's their standard protocol to use their 'L' names while they are in disguise.      

"Okay. So, what do you want to talk to me and Brina?" he asked.       

Meanwhile, Natalie walked to her husband and sat beside him.      

"We are truly sorry for what we did. We know that this sorry wouldn't change anything, but, we are honestly sorry for bringing this upon you both. I tried to forget him, but..bu.. but, I.. I couldn't" Natalie told. Her voice quivered at her last sentence as she shivered a little, remembering all those days when she was drowned in depression.      

Ethan immediately wrapped his arms around her and patted her head. "Sshh.., don't get emotional. You remember your doctor's words right? Don't exert your emotions" he whispered.      

Meanwhile, Brina's eyes stung with tears. Well, she was able to see a part of herself in Natalie. She has gone through the same when she lost her family...her everything.       

Even Harry was thinking the same , and their eyes met.      

Natalie is lucky she had Ethan as her emotional harbour. Brina had no one of such sort. Though she was very close to Harry, he couldn't take that place. It was Will. But, unfortunately, he was in the worst situation to support his aunt at that time.      

Meanwhile, Louis seems to have sensed the gloomy aura that is engulfing all of them.      

"No, sister in law. Please don't apologise. There is nothing to apologise and you have never wished any of this. So, please don't think I and Brina are angry at you. In fact, we are happy you recuperated." Louis immediately said.      

Yes, he used to get angry a few times. But, he was not angry at his innocent and fragile sister in law who just went till the death door because of her immense love for Ethan.      

He pitied her for going through all that. She went through that pain for months and Ethan had never shared any of this with him.      

It is for what Louis is angry at Ethan. It would be a lie to say Louis forgave Ethan but he was eventually forgiving him. He started accepting his fate because he knows that nothing is going to change even if he continues being angry at his brother.      

Moreover, what wrong did Ethan do?      

Is loving a person, wrong?      

Louis understood it. It was the same as what Louis went through. Though he knows that Brina might not accept him, he still pushed himself to make her love him.      

Likewise, Ethan couldn't help but love Natalie though he knows their marriage might be impossible.      

However, he was angry because Ethan selfishly pushed his own brother into something he doesn't want to happen.      

And, he had never shared anything with him even though Louis never kept a secret from him.      

But, at the end of the day, they are brothers and Natalie is totally innocent in this.      

Meanwhile, Natalie cards down a bit after hearing what Louis said. She felt like a heavy weight was lifted from her shoulders.      

She felt her heart lighten a bit after the hat guilt feeling vanished a bit.      

Brina smiled and hugged Natalie. "Sis, were you troubling yourself because of this? Seriously?" she asked.      

"It's not like that Brina. You never called, so, I thought...I thought.." Natalie pursed her lips.      

"It's because your doctor, who was my friend, told me not to bring up anything that would make you overwhelmed. So, I didn't dare to call you, thinking it might trigger you again. However, I have been constantly asking about you whenever I called Harry. Didn't that idiot tell you?" Brina asked, glaring at Harry.      

Even Natalie angrily looked at Harry.      

He never told!!      

Instantly, Harry felt he was wronged. He pouted and hid himself from his sister's by burying his face in his girlfriend's neck.      

However, Rhianna smacked his head. "You deserve it," he said.      

While they were busy in making Natalie feel better, Ethan looked at his brother who was adoringly looking at his own girlfriend.      

"So, you are not angry at Natalie. What about me? Are you angry?" Ethan asked his brother.      

Louis looked at him. "You know my answer" he simply answered.      

Ethan pursed his lips. "I know I don't deserve your forgiveness. So, what can I do to make it right?" he asked.      

"To make it right? Can you take over your rightful position back and free me from this?" Louis asked, his voice low.      

"No right?" Louis asked back.      

"Brother, you know there is nothing you could do then. You technically left everything and flew from the Kingdom. Leaning this on me and Brina."      

"However, it is not me who could forgive you. It's Brina. She is the suffering most" Louis said, as he averted his eyes to Brain, before looking away.      

Ethan shifted his eyes to Brina who was looking back at Louis. She was looking at the hurt expression in Louis's eyes.      

He might never forgive himself for bringing this on Brina. Not even after she made herself sure to him that she is no longer hurt.      

He might only forgive him after realizing this as their destiny.      

"Sabrina, will you-" he is about to ask her but Brina interjected.      

"I am not angry," she said.      

But she never said, 'she forgave'.      

It's because Ethan is not innocent. He was selfish, self centred who only thought about himself.      

Meanwhile, Ethan pursed his lips. He got her message.      

"Is there anything I can help you with competitions, at least? Believe me I know many things about all the people here and how to control them. I can help you with it. At least.. accept this." Ethan asked, for which Natalie nodded her head.      

"Please, Brina. Otherwise, we can't forgive ourselves" she said, taking Brina's hand into hers as she pleaded.      

Meanwhile, Louis froze.      

"Uhmm..guys..bad news. We are going to get caught" Louis said as he pointed his finger at his parents, who unfortunately entered the same stall.      

They are talking to the shopkeeper, perhaps, about what has to be not added into food because of Elora's food allergy.      

"Damn!! What should we do? They are standing at the entrance and it is the only way to go out. Louis, we are stuck!!" Brina said, her face pale.      

Because of the intense discussion they are having, they failed to notice this. In the first place, they never thought the Queen and King would come to the food section and that too to this stall.      

They are doomed!      

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