Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

I will bring justice to you, little brother.

I will bring justice to you, little brother.

0"But I had my first kiss with one of the fans anyway" he teased.      

Well, it's a partial kiss anyway and better not to mention that he ran away cuz he got scared!!      

That woman he kissed was scary!!      

However, that was a top secret and he doesn't want to give it away!!      

Meanwhile, Brina, who heard him, chuckled.      

She of course knows that Louis is trying to make her jealous.      

She is possessive but getting jealous over something that has already happened...nah!!      

If someone will try to kiss him in future, it is when she will get jealous!      

"Lucky girl, isn't she? Hon? I wonder if you are her first or not" Brina provoked Louis as she wriggled out of his embrace after pecking his lips, to finish the final step of her cooking.      

Louis pouted.      

He realised that his plan just got backfired. Any more than this, he will be a laughing stock.     

 His baby girl's words are so acrid sometimes that it's better not to provoke her much.      

"Lemme help you, baby. Why don't you sit? I will finish what you started" Louis said, pretending as if he hadn't heard her mocking words.      

Brina chuckled and she obliged and sat down on the kitchen counter.      

As she is just wearing an oversized T shirt, her slender legs were totally exposed. And, to make it worse, kept swinging them lightly, showcasing her upper thighs whenever her T- shirt moved up a bit.     

Louis gulped his saliva.  It is making him think about many dirty things he badly wanted to do to her…. so many. But, Alas!! He promised himself that he will wait till they get married.      

Reciting the value of pi, to distract himself, he almost burnt the dish.      

"Baby, you are burning away my hard work" Brina said, as she bent herself towards the side, to look at the dish.      

And, Louis right away regretted it. He shouldn't have seen!!     

Now, he is more aroused.      

When she bent, her cleavage, her plumpy swelling of her two peaks…. He couldn't just take his eyes off the beautiful scene.      

His mind is now getting fried with all the hot and erotic things but to his distraught, he couldn't even do a single one of it.      

Be couldn't help but blame himself for being a gentleman who has shown off in front of his girlfriend that he is 'old school'.      

Meanwhile, Brina smirked.      

How dare he try to make her jealous! He is now getting his lesson.      

But little she knew that she is going to pay off for everything she is doing to him now. After their marriage, she is going to pay for all of it as she will not be shown mercy.      

Louis gulped his saliva. Closing his eyes, he tried not to remember any of the delectable scenes he witnessed. 'Just a month, Louis. Just a month' he recited it as a mantra.      

And, to save himself from his vicious girlfriend, he moved away. Not, his back facing her.      

Controlling her laugh, Brina asked him, "So, how was your 'date' with Olivia? Did you enjoy"      

"Yeah, I enjoyed it," Louis said, smirking inside.      

And, it did it.      

Brina scrunched her eyebrows, glaring at his back while he was facing the electric stove. She couldn't help but pout.      

She badly wanted to go on a 'classic' date with him. All they were doing is meeting between the closed walls, all secret as if having an illegal affair.      

Sensing that he shouldn't mess up like this, Louis explained.      

"I enjoyed the food, baby. It's quite delicious. And, I think I felt like that because I couldn't see that bitch's face and I had all my attention on the dishes."      

"I was literally counting every second, waiting for this time to come back to you." saying so, he smiled at her.       

'Hmph! You got saved. Otherwise I would throw you out today' Brina thought as a smile curbed up on her lips.      

"What else did you guys talk about? Did you find anything useful?" Brina questioned him after he came and sat down beside her with sandwiches they made.      

"Nothing much except that she is extremely desperate to become Queen. She was literally licking my shoes to get into my good side. All that arrogance, pride are nowhere to be seen. Surprisingly, she was acting strange" Louis answered Brina as they snuggled close to each other, with her head, leaning on his shoulder.      

"So, she was not like how she was when she was Ethan's fiancée" Brina asked.      

"Hundred percent yes. She was not at all like how she was in the past. She looked exhausted too" Louis answered as he fed her a note from his sandwich.      

'Seems like she is on edge. So, it has to be her last warning from her powermaniac grandfather. Sometimes I couldn't help but pity her' Brina thought inside as they lovingly continued feeding each other.      

No one is born vicious, at least not everyone.  The situations they are in and the environment in which they live, changes them like that.      

For Katherine and Olivia, it is the same case.      

"And, more than Olivia my grandmother was more restless, baby. According to my guards, she has been peeking at the door, anticipating something." Louis said after sometime.      

"I don't know what's happening with them, Brina baby. Even if I want to find out, I feel like I was getting watched every second. And, before doing something I had to think of many useless aspects, and this is getting on my nerves recently. I never felt this helpless anytime. It was as if I was prisoned by invisible shackles, not letting me do what I had to do." Louis said, leaning his head against hers, which was leaning on his shoulder.      

It's just been a few weeks he got crowned as crown Prince and he is already getting vexed by all these things that are happening in his daily life. His whole day is almost similar to hell with those diplomatic meetings, grudgeful arguments between the House leaders…     

The only time he looks forward is for the night time when he can meet his babygirl. But by then, he will be very exhausted and all he could do is sleep!      

Now, after going to Alpha Academy, even that will be impossible.      

And, when he thought about it, he couldn't help but sigh and hug Brina dearly. Nuzzling up against her, he kissed the middle of her throat.      

"I miss our peaceful and ordinary days, baby. I really miss them, you know? Our simple dinner dates, our double dates with Harry and Rhianna, our vacation times and our weekend trips.  Those days were really peaceful compared to all these. All of this feels so exhausting and now, I understand why you were so adamant to have a simple life." Louis suddenly said, making Brina look at him with amusement.      

"I really want my brother Ethan to come back. Unfortunately, that can't happen and we are stuck here. I am sorry, baby."      

Louis always wanted to apologise to Brina. But he never got the right time to do so.      

Meanwhile, Brina smiled and kissed him on his chin.      

"That's fine. I think we are destined and all this was meant to happen. Moreover, I am not hating any of this, Louis. You are beyond worthy all these " Brina comforted Louis as she winked at him.      

Getting on his lap, she straddled him. "You can pay me back for all this, later." she playfully said, playing with his shirt buttons.      

Louis chuckled, his deep voice resonating. "Yes, I will pay it back on our bed, after we get married. I will not let your feet touch the floor for at least four days" he said, his magnetic, husky voice sending shivers down her spine.      

Brina couldn't help but flush. Her face immediately turned hot as she imagined it.      

"Baby, why are you getting hot? Are you aroused? Are you thinking of some kinky, dirty things?" Louis asked, as his rough, hand caressed her bare legs.      

Brina almost grasped when she felt his fingers tease her inner thigh and in that heat of the moment, she couldn't help but clutch his shirt tightly.      

"It seems like you are indeed thinking of those things. My baby girl is getting more naughty day by day, however, don't worry dear girlfriend, your handsome husband will satisfy your expectations" Louis said, this time this other hand tracing down her spine.      

This is the reverse side effect of her own teasing. Only his eyes suffered when she teased him. But, all his body is suffering because of his playback.      

"I.. wa..was not thinking of it. Who told you I am thinking dirty?" Brina asked, avoiding his eyes.      

She is actually looking forward to those four days, he mentioned.      

"Really? Then, what do you think I mean by it?" He asked, making her look into his eyes, as he tilted her chin.      

"Hmph! You just implied that you will be my slave for four days. Carrying me everywhere I want to go and doing all the work I order you to do. In short, you said you will be my personal maid, butler, driver, worker and everything of such sort." Brina refuted, making Louis speechless.      

All right! His girl really knows how to manipulate the words.      

But, why we're all the roles included in it except the main one 'the husband'!!!      

He said he is going to be a very ideal husband (in his ideology, ideal husband means a beasty husband!)      

Meanwhile, Brina smirked inside.      

She will never get bored of having this funny banter with him. Never in her life!      

"Baby, was I wrong? Do you mean anything else by it? Tell your innocent baby girl if she missed anything" Brina asked, as he pushed herself totally on him, making him crave more.      

Now, it's not only his eyes which suffered but all his body, including his precious little brother.      

"No, no. You are right, baby. And...yeah! I forgot to take a bath. Uhhmm… I have to go." Louis hurriedly told, as he lifted her up from his lap and deposited her on the couch. Before hurrying away to take a cold shower.      

'Every cold shower will get justice. Dear little brother, I promise you the justice' he promised to himself as he turned the moderator to 'icely cold' before suffering.     



When Brina woke up, Louis had already gone back.      

However, he left a note on the bed side table.      

'Baby, it's been a while we went out and had fun like a normal couple. I am missing it and I know that you miss it as well. So, get ready by four in the evening. Let's go out and have fun.     

Your 'not so romantic' future husband :heart_suit:'      

When Brina read it, she couldn't help but chuckle.      

Cheeky but heartful.      

Moreover, it's been years, she roamed in this city anyway.      

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