Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

Her next target.

Her next target.


As expected, Queen mother Greta called for the meeting of all the ladies and the venue is her own quarters.      

Brina was already for the little drama and she knows that she will be belittled again.      

But who cares?      

If the Queen mother was unbiased and really cared for the Kingdom it is when her words are valued and it is when Brina has to feel sad for not having a good impression.      

As Greta is no such woman, Brina cares least about what that traitor thinks about her.      

To Brina's pleasant surprise, when she arrived, Louis and Eliina were there too.      

The siblings are literally stuck to each other, not letting the third person to mingle in their conversation. However, when they see their favorite person entering the garden, their eyes are filled with warmth.      

But, no one would have expected that Brina is the cause for their gentleness. It is very common for others to think that it is because of their conversation alone.      

"Bro, sis in law is looking very beautiful" Eliina whispered.      

"She looks beautiful and sexy in a jumpsuit," she added.      

Louis chuckled. "She looks beautiful in every dress, Elle. And, I love her in jumpsuits" he told his sister.      

However, he has other opinions in his mind. 'She looks good with nothing on her'      

But Louis would not dare to tell it in front of his little sister.      

In contrast, Eliina knows what is running in her brother's dirty mind. So, she couldn't help but flush.      

She couldn't help but recall the scene from Louis's suite. Her brother and sister in law's intimate positions flashed in her mind, making her blush.      

"Sis, why are you blushing? Don't tell me you are becoming lesbian like Charlotte, after seeing my babygirl" Louis joked.      

As soon as Eliina heard it, she couldn't help but open her eyes wide.      

"How could you!!??" she almost shouted out loud that their grandmother who just entered the garden, coughed loudly.      

But Eliina didn't stop there and she smacked her brother, which Louis of course dodged, laughing happily.      

Even Brina felt her lips curve up, seeing them. However, there was a sense of longing in her eyes.      

Whenever she sees them, she can't help but remember her brother Seth. Louis and Eliina are very much similar to her and her brother Seth.      

It was making her miss Seth more and more. Tears formed at her eye rims but she swiftly wiped them away.      


"Edward, you are Prince of the Kingdom. Maintain your manners" Greta hissed in her low tone.      

This is when she misses Ethan, the filial grandson of hers. However, that traitor married a slut and left the Kingdom.      

Indirectly, adding the burden on her weak and aged shoulders.      

"Grandmother, what have I done? Is talking with my sister and having fun with her also troublesome? If it is like that, me and Eliina will take leave." Louis told, standing up.      

Even Eliina followed her brother's suite, shocking Greta.      

She wanted to show off that her grandson is still in her control, however, to her despair, it just backfired on her.      

"It's not like that, dear. I was telling her that it's time for the meeting. Everyone is already here" Greta said in her soft tone.      

If she extends her show off anymore than this, Olivia and her brother, Owen who are secretly asked by their grandfather will inform him that Greta is helpless with Louis.      

That will cause great problems for her.      

Louis smirked and sat down.      

Meanwhile, everyone is shocked by how the Prince was towards his grandmother. Just in this small span, they have seen his warmth, love, playfulness and also anger.      

However, one could not deny that he was totally charismatic in every angle.      



Brina was silently looking at others. Her moments are so quiet and unnoticed.      

Olivia is looking very happy and her eyes are glued to Louis from the beginning. She is totally smitten to him, absorbing all his fluid emotions.      

Her eyes are even filled with lust.      

Katherine seems calm and tired. She was not rebellious and hyper like previous times.      

'It looks like Katherine is facing some problems. It is no surprise' Brina thought.      

As Olivia's grandfather is very desperate to make her Queen, he must be busy in dealing with Katherine and her House.      

If her guess was right, he would have asked Olivia to take care of the 'commoner' while he will take care of the next powerful family which is Katherine's.      

That is how he works.      

Brina knows how these people work.      

On the other side, Princess Penelope cared least about what's happening. She has a faint smile on her face and she is busy enjoying the evening sun.      

She is one of the people here Brina doesn't understand. Penelope is not at all sad that she is losing and she is also not interested in Louis.      

If she is really desperate to become Louis's wife, it would have been a cakewalk for her to get a private time with Louis. But she never tried to even talk to him.      

However, after observing Penelope for this long, Brina noticed only one useful clue.      

Whenever Owen appears, Penelope's anger skyrockets. However, she controls it with an indifferent smile on her face.      

Others might not have noticed it but for someone like Brina who has been doing the same for a few years, it is not so difficult to recognize that silent anger.      

Even now, Penelope is hiding her anger and frustration by distracting herself in the name of enjoying the weather.      

'What is the relation between Olivia's brother and Penelope? Could it be that she knows how Owen is?' Brina thought.      

After adding it to her mental list, Brina looked at Rebecca and Phoebe who of course didn't give much useful information to Brina.      

As Kiara will be torn away from Olivia's team not so long from now, Brina has to decide who is her next target.      



Princess Penelope?      



Brina is yet to make a decision but she is clueless.      

Only after going to Alpha Academy she might get an idea of what to do.      

Meanwhile, Kiara is glowing with happiness. She has 'that' glow on her face      

"Your actions have embarrassed your House, Lady Kiara. However, you should be grateful that the King has decided to give you a last chance. Don't repeat your mistakes" Old ladies words, brought everyone back from their thoughts.      

Kiara knows that the Old lady is on Olivia's side and she is doing it just for formality.      

"I have learned my lesson, your highness. I will not embarrass my House and will make sure not to let my jealousy and helplessness take over me" Kiara told in front of everyone.      

As it was what her 'boyfriend' Owen asked her to tell, she will do that.      

She is in head over heels in love with Owen. After he started sweet talking and being close to her, Kiara started loving him.      

'The more she gets close to him, the more she hates him after knowing the truth.' Brina thought.      

She knows how it feels.      

She went through the same after Nickolas betrayed her.      

All the positive feelings she has for him bounced back in the form of hatred.      

It might happen the same with Kiara who is naive and lovestruck. Who knows? She might turn into a powerful woman.      

Though Kiara is not close to Owen, the damage he made to her is not small.      

Her House is embarrassed and is now facing the anger of the country's people. She took the blame for which she didn't commit.      

She gave away her virginity to a playboy like Owen, just for nothing but a betrayal.      

All in sudden, Brina started feeling bad for Kiara. She couldn't help but feel guilty as well.      

Brina knows that she has an indirect hand in this. Though she didn't do it, she would have stopped it.      

'It feels frustrating to not have power'      

But, she couldn't help. It was because she had enough pressure and many other problems to take into consideration.      

It can never be fair sometimes. However, Brina decided to make up for it.      

She decided to help Kiara if Kiara needs it.     

"You have to apologise to Lady Brina, Lady Kiara. She got into an accident because of you" Lady Olivia told loudly.      

Brina who heard it didn't know whether to laugh or get angry.      

How cheap!! How despicable!!      

Brina felt her palm itch. But she refrained herself from getting impulsive.      

She knows that it is not the right time yet.      

Meanwhile, Louis is in the same position as hers. But helpless.      

If not because Brina asked him to stay out of this, he would have really shown hell to his siblings.      

'You got lucky now, Brina. However, Alpha Academy is my territory and no one can stop me from embarrassing you to the point you can't even show your face to others.' Olivia smirked.      

Her plan is simple now.      

Katherine will be taken care of by her grandfather.      

Brina will be done for good in Alpha Academy.      

And, it will be just Princess Penelope.      

Owen said he will take care of the Princess on one condition. It is to get Brina on his bed.      

"I am sorry, Lady Brina. I am really sorry but I didn't target you specifically. It is just that it happened like it. I am really sorry and I am ready to take any punishment if you are still angry" Kiara said.      

She is really sorry.      

Lady Brina is innocent, quiet going and hard working.      

It is how Kiara feels about Brina and that was going to change soon enough.      


Brina didn't say anything but just nodded her head.      

'I think we are even, Kiara. But you are the one for whom I am feeling sorry about' she thought.      

"So, we are done here. Let's move to our main topic." Queen mother Greta said, after seeing the interaction.      

"The next phase, the main and important phase of the competition will be taking place in Alpha University. It is where your real potential will be tested" Queen mother Greta announced.      

And, Louis couldn't help but look at his girlfriend.      

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