Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

Luring Kiara

Luring Kiara

0Louis called Brina excitedly.      

She used to be in rank four because of her utter failure in the second event, however, it came back to first position because of his father's decision to not take horse riding into account.      

Meanwhile, Brina is sleeping peacefully.      

And, when she got the call from her boyfriend she was not at all surprised. She actually knew very well that she wouldn't lose her position.      

Even Louis knew this would happen, however, he was too happy and he couldn't help but call.       

"I told you, baby" Brina chuckled when she sensed his child like excitement of her dearest boyfriend.      

"And, this has given us a perfect idea of who is helping Olivia. But, I am surprised why my grandmother is supporting someone like her." Louis told her in call       

Why would she be so inclined to help Olivia whose House has faced allegations of having connection with Rebellions?     

Louis couldn't help but feel guilty that his grandmother was the one who was the reason behind all of this. If she wouldn't have helped, She is even fooling her own son, King Edgar.      

Louis couldn't help but get frustrated. Though he knows who that betrayer, the traitor is, he is utterly helpless.      

Moreover, this topic is sensitive. How will people react if they find out that their Queen mother is the one who helped to cause all these troubles.      

How will his father feel?      

And, after thinking for a while, Louis decided to take care of this matter once these competitions get finished.      

After his Brina will get back to his side, he will have nothing to fear. But for now, Brina is most important.      

"Baby, it's time for your second plan" Louis said.      

Brina, who is sleepy, smiled warmly. She is missing him right now, but she knows that he has to be there in his quarters now. So, she just gulped all her love sickness and smiled.      

"I am gonna start planning it tomorrow. I just got a lead from someone" she said.      

"All right. But remember what you promised me" Louis said.      

"Yep. Don't risk myself" Brina said, imitating a kid who would be answering her teacher's question.     

"Good girl" Louis chuckled.      


Next day…     

Kiara was all happy. Owen came yesterday to her suite and praised her.      

He said they can date but asked her to keep it secret till the end of competition.      

And, like a fool, who she already is, Kiara happily nodded her head, all again not knowing what the Olivia siblings have actually planned for her.      

As Olivia needs someone to take all the blames and hide her dirty deeds, she decided to keep Kiara at her side till then.      

Later she can dispose of this foolish and useless woman.      

Meanwhile, Owen is really dying to have someone in his bed. As a sex luster who wants a sensuous pleasures almost everyday is desperate to satiate his hunger.      

He wants Bruna but it became very tough after their plan got retaliated. He has to wait for the next chance and he is not sure when it will come.      

It is only when his eyes fell on Kiara. Moreover, she is easy to get. More obedient and loyal.      

Though he loves someone like Brina who is hard to get and wild like a vixen, for now, he has no choice.      


Brina took a warm, pleasant bath and dressed up in casual clothes.      

After getting her ankle bandaged, she made a satellite call to a certain someone.      

"Boss, you are alive??!!!" A cheerful, happy yet sad and emotional voice made Brina smile.      

"Wh...when I got that message yesterday, I almost fell down from the building. I thought I was dreaming" the same voice excitedly said.      

"What were you doing back then, Rose?" Brina asked the girl.      

"I was trying to fly," she said, making Brina laugh. "You never stop, do you?"      

"Boss, I was trying my new flying suit" Rose pouted.      

"Yeah.. yeah, I know" Brina laughed.      

"But if you were alive, why haven't you made contact with us? Do you know how much we all mourned for you? We even visit your memorial every week, missing our last boss. There was no day we didn't blame ourselves for not being there for you and Sir Seth!!" Rose fired out crying.      

Brina pursed her lips, feeling guilty.      

She wouldn't have contacted Rose if not for an important thing. That bastard Remus didn't agree to help her in finding some info she needed about Owen.      

And, she couldn't ask Harry and Eliina too. She doesn't want to risk them.      

Rose, here is someone capable enough to help her and she is a lot more cooperative than Remus, her ex friend.      

"I am sorry, Rose. I had to disappear like a loser. I was helpless and broken" Brina said, her voice grave.      

She couldn't help but remember those fateful days when she went through that immense pain of losing her loved ones. And, now, she doesn't want to go through the same by losing Louis.      

So, after giving it a thorough thought, she at last decided to use the power she has in her hands, which she hasn't used till now.      

"Ma'am, leave about those bad days. Let bygones be bygones. Tell me when we will get our lady boss back? We miss her so much" Rose said. Though she was sad, thinking of those bad days, for sake of their ma'am, she put on her happy face.      

"I can't come back. Not till Will will recuperate" Brina told.      

As soon as Brina spoke, Rose almost shrieked in happiness. "What??!! My handsome baby is alive?" she asked.      

Rose is exceptionally close to Will because she worked as his nanny, 'the secret bodyguard' of him in his babyhood.      

"Uh-huh, he is! But don't tell anyone all right. He is on Remus's private island and I will ask him to take you with him. But for now, I want your help in something else, Rose. And, I want you to keep it a secret from Remus" Brina said.      

She trusts Remus. Sometimes, he is so fishy that she sometimes can't trust him.      

"As you ask, boss. Agent Rose is on duty!!" Rose said, more like a shout.      

Brina laughed. "It's not a big one, Rose. I want you to…." She gave some explanation and pointers.      

"It's a piece of cake, boss." Rose told.      

"I will do it right away and send you the report on it," she added.      

"But boss, why him? Why do you want to know about Owen's recent activities? Did you cross paths with him?" Rose asked.      

"Unfortunately I did. It's a long story but in short, I am in Kingdom Aletros" Brina told.      

"No wonder, Sir Remus was making more business trips to Kingdom Aletros." Rose muttered.      

"Is he? That idiot!" Brina rolled her eyes in exasperation.      

"Boss, I want to see you. I miss you" Rose suddenly said.      

Brina chukled. "If things go smooth and with God's grace, if Will recover, we will meet soon." She told her.      

"Really?? Then, I will work harder to help you, boss!!" Rose said.      

"No need for it, Rose. I might need your help to dig some dark, hideous secrets of some people" Brina told her.      

"Like old times?" Rose asked, her voice so exultant. "I am thrilled" she chuckled.      

"Yeah.. yeah, like old times." Brina laughed.      


In the evening…     

Brina got the reports and video clip.      

At the same time, Eliina and Hailey are with her as well.      

Charlotte, who got summoned to her House, House Landon, went to meet them.      

"Wanna see how we are gonna trap Kiara?" Brina asked the girls.      

They were playing video games till now to pass the time. Eliina felt bored and lonely so she came to spend some time with her sister in law.      

"Yepppp" Eliina said, jumping in excitement.      

Hailey chuckled and followed them inside Brina's bedroom.      

Meanwhile, Brina made sure her tracs can't be identified and once she got a signal from Rose that it was safe and secured, it was only Brina who opened the video clip.      

"What the fuck!!!" Eliina cursed with her eyes wide.      

Though Hailey was surprised, Brina already told her what might be the content of the clip.      

Instead, Hailey watched Brina's face. When she saw the video, especially the girl's face in that video, her face darkened and some unfathomable emotions crossed her eyes.      

"I swear, Kiara is going to get a heart attack for sure," Eliina said, so shocked but excited.      

And, that was only when Brina snapped back into reality.     

"Didn't expect it, right?" She asked.      

It was a video of Owen with another girl.      

They are sitting in a private room and we're very intimate. Besides, this video is dated just a day back.      


In video…     

"Babe, I heard you agreed to date Kiara? Is it true?" that girl asked, pouting.      

She is rubbing all her body against him, making it look disgusting.      

"I did, babe. But it's just for Olivia's profit. We need someone to take all the misdeeds done by Olivia, right? As Kiara is foolish, and loves sick puppies, we decided to use her. Nothing much" Owen said, kissing her neck.      

"Are you sure, babe" she asked, pressing his face more into her skin.      

"Babe, we are engaged. How can you think I will deceive you? I am doing this for our sake" Owen told as he laced his fingers with hers, showcasing their engagement rings, as he kissed it.      

"I made sure Kiara won't tell anyone about it. After competitions are done, we are gonna dump her. Later, we can get married happily" Owen told his fiancee.      

"Grandfather told me that it's an important mission for you. So, I will let it go for once. But, don't get too close,okay? I don't like Kiara! She is so disgusting" she said.     

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