Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

Louis is angry on her.

Louis is angry on her.

0After her checkup, Brina returned back to the palace with Charlotte and Hailey. And, by the time she reached her suite, Amelia was waiting outside, with a worried expression.      

After the accident took place, not even a single news related to Brina got leaked outside. So, everyone is still not sure of what her condition is.     

And, when Amelia found out that Brina would be back, she couldn't help but wait for her. She is genuinely worried though their friendship is still in the early stage.      

"Brina, you fine?" Amelia asked when she saw Brina and others coming out of the elevator.     

"I am fine." Brina  smiled at Amelia as she replied. After getting that assurance from Brina, Amelia couldn't help but sigh in relief.     

She was worried that Olivia is up to something and might not let Brina go this easily.     

"Thank God! I was worried you know" Amelia sighed and followed Brina inside.     

"I just sprained my leg and I am feeling slightly dizzy because of tablets" Brina chuckled and walked into the living room, slowly. As she sprained her leg, she was walking with difficulty.     

"I couldn't believe Olivia let you go this easily. Is it really an accident or is my guess right?" Amelia asked.     

"You are right. It is done by Olivia" Brina agreed, as she relaxed on the couch.     

"Then, are you letting her go like this? You were to win the competition but that bitch ruined it" Amelia said, anger laced in her sweet voice.     

"I possibly can't go face to face with her and take revenge for this. It will bring nothing but trouble to me" Brina said. "Till I get out of this competition, Olivia will not rest and in addition to this, if I add fuel to her rage by going for revenge, I am afraid I might not be able to refute everything she has for me" Brina told her.     

"Are you going to let her go? Just like this?" Amelia asked, slightly disappointed. She has very high expectations for Brina!     

"It will look like I am letting it go. However, she will be taken care of by some other people" Brina chuckled.     

"Edward?" Amelia asked.     

"No! Her own allies itself" Brina smirked. And, as soon as those words escaped her lips, Amelia was totally stunned to her core. Her allies? How on earth is it possible? Her allies are very loyal one's!!     

"How?" Amelia asked, her voice couldn't hide her excitement and curiosity.     

"You will find it out in the next two days," Brina said. Amelia nodded her head.     

"All right. I was worried about you but it seems like my worry is for nothing. It should be Olivia fir whom I should worry now" Amelia joked as she laughed a bit.     

"I will let you rest for now, Brina. And, add these herbs in your tea. It will help you to recover faster from your concussion" saying so, Amelia handed a glass box.     

Brina examined it and smiled broadly.     

"Thanks, Amelia. These will be really helpful" she thanked her.     

Brina knows these herbs very well. These are only grown in African forests and are really helpful. Her sister in law used to bring all these from her lavatories and store them for emergency times.     

After she died, Brina never cared about all these because she got accustomed to being taken care of by her sister in law and brother to that extent.     

"Don't thank a friend." Amelia winked playfully.     

"I brought them for my father and brother, but I remembered the medics talking about your concussion so, I brought some for you" After Amelia left, Brina dozed off.     

Seeing Brina sleeping so soundly, Charlotte stayed behind and Hailey went to run some errands.     

At night…     

Louis hurried to Brina's suite through the secret passage and by the time he arrived, Brina was still sleeping soundly on the couch.     

Charlotte noticed Louis standing near the corner, almost invisible in the dark shadows of the room. "Louis, hey, what happened? Come here" Charlotte whispered.     

As his best friend she knows him very well. He is guilty…But little he knows his girlfriend knows about this but chose not to stop it.     

Louis pursed his lips and sat on the armrest of the couch. He lightly skimmed his fingers on her swollen ankle and his eyes traced her body from her foot to her head. His eyes speaking all the guilt he us going through.     

"She is fine, Louis. Don't feel guilty all right, she knows this would happen" Charlotte said in the lowly voice.     

"She knows!" Louis repeated. His face blackened.     

"She was not so sure back then but seems like she predicted this" Charlotte said. As she couldn't see Louis getting all guilty,she spilled out the beans.     

"Hmm. Let her sleep. We will meet you for breakfast tomorrow" Louis said after a few seconds of silence.     

Getting her cue, Charlotte bid her goodbye and went back to her suite  which she shares with Hailey.     

After Charlotte went, Louis looked at his girlfriend and sighed. Leaning towards her, he kissed her forehead and lingered there for a few seconds.     

"You are too unpredictable sometimes, hon. At least you should have given me a heads-up right? I almost had a heart attack seeing you fall" Louis whispered.     

Is he angry?     

No, he isn't. Well, not to the extent of not talking to her! A conversation will solve everything!     

For everything there will be reasons and it is always wise to hear them out. If Brina hadn't heard to his reasons when he got caught faking his identity, their love wouldn't have progressed this much.     

"Sorry," Brina said, her voice faint, fragile and a little sleepy.     

That cute and weak voice is enough to melt Louis's heart.     

"You woke up!" Louis said, skillfully avoiding the topic.     

"Are you angry at me, baby? I didn't mean to hide my plans; however, I didn't want to make you worry about me with all my suspicions and presumptions" Brina said, caressing his face with her fingers.     

Seeing Louis's indifferent face, she slowly sat down and held his face, while Louis sat beside her on the couch.      

"I told you I will handle everything, baby, you don't have to worry too much about it. See your face! I am sure you haven't slept, yesterday" Brina said, pouting her lips adorably.     

"I can't stop worrying about you, Brina. Don't forget that you are my life." Louis chided her.     

"If you want to risk your own life to win, I won't accept it! I prefer a 'safe and sound' wife more than a 'victorious' wife, got it?" he angrily said.      

And, before she could tell something, Louis stood up and walked towards the kitchen.     

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