Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

Charmastic and devilish!!

Charmastic and devilish!!


Someone as special and beautiful like Brina would never fall in love easily. He knew that he had to wait patiently and adamantly for her.


But, he has no time to do so. However, he has a perfect idea of how to approach her and speed up the process. After all, she doesn't have a boyfriend nor is she in a relationship with someone else to worry about. 

Coming into a decision, Chris 

 smiled at her, whose face is etched with awkwardness.

"It's fine Brina. I understand that you need some time and that, it's a 'no' for the 'time being.' he emphasized the last two words.   

"But it doesn't mean that I won't try to make you fall in love with me. I will try my level best and all you have to do is nothing but allow me to come into your life." he said, cheering up his spirits. 

"I promise that I will not force you into anything and I will never bring this matter ever again till you, yourself, start to have feelings for me." he softly said, his voice brimming with optimism and confidence.

Brina couldn't do anything but look at him. She is not surprised but the sense of approach just took her off guard.

And, she didn't take his words seriously because is confident that she will never fall for him. She is more than aware that they are not practically compatible.

She already had a taste of falling in love with someone with whom the relationship hadn't been compatible and practical. And, she swore not to get into the same mess again. 

However, for now, all she could do is nod her head.

"Thanks for understanding Chris. And, if you don't mind, I need some private space." she apologized, while she started taking off his jacket from her shoulders.

"You don't have to do that you know. I didn't give my jacket to you thinking that no one should see my woman. I just helped a friend to protect herself from the cold. Keep it with you." Chris playfully said. 

After saying that, he turned around and left. He pursed his lips in disappointment and sighed thinking of the long and forceful way he has to take in order to make Brina his.

While all this is happening, Brina and Chris weren't the only people in the premises.

Another man in his middle twenties was there all along, watching the drama that has enfolded in front of him.

He is a handsome man to behold and suave beyond description. His tall, well-toned frame exuded nobility and his bewitching sculptured face made him look so enchanting and at the same time he has a devilish face like a king of the hell.

"Charming." he chuckled to himself as he leisurely sipped his classic wine. 'It's been years I saw an interesting character like her' he thought. 

His eyes trailed over her not even missing any of her slightest movements.

She is elegant, gracious, and astonishingly beautiful. Not only her appearance but everything of her….

Even he couldn't understand why his curiosity was piqued by her.

It is not an exaggeration to state the fact that she is the first woman who made him look at her more than once.

Precisely, he couldn't take his eyes off her. 

Furthermore, her unique and straightforward character made him look at her in a special way.

Meanwhile, Brina, who is not yet aware that she fell in the devil's compelling eyes, continued walking till she reached the bar located on the same floor.

Her eyes swept through the numerous bottles organized on the wooden rack. She randomly selected a bottle and walked to the open lounge before flumping onto one of the couches.

Opening the bottle, she took a sip and heaved a sigh. She couldn't help but feel bad for Chris. However, she is not forgetting her sense of responsibilities aside and selfishly falling in love with someone.

Prior to this, it is a sad truth that she doesn't have any feelings for Chris. Since the beginning she never saw him that way. And, above all, she doesn't want history to repeat itself and plunge her down all again. 

"Mind if I join you miss?" A person's deep and husky voice brought her back from her reverie.

He is the same person who was following her movements like a hawk.

And, as soon as Brina turned around, his devilish aura and charisma captivated her. He is so damned sexy and enticing that she involuntarily nodded her head.

His face… It has some strange charm that captivated her. Dangerously, her mind started letting down its guards….

Meanwhile, he chuckled inside and quietly sat down, taking his own time, but at the same time he was also enjoying the dreamy and struck expression on her face.

But to his distraught, it didn't last long. Within a few seconds, Brina recovered her composure and averted her eyes from his alluring face.

Leaning comfortably onto the couch, she continued sipping from her bottle as she looked at the stars as if he, the charming star, isn't present at all. 

Meanwhile, he was a little shocked because she is one of the very few who were not attracted to him in a crazy way.

He is even getting disregarded by her! But, surprisingly this didn't make him angry, but instead, amplified his interest for her.

"Miss, the drink you are drinking now, it is way more powerful and not suitable for women like you with low alcohol tolerance" he, himself, took the initiative. 

If his friends were to know this, he will be teased for at least a year.

Brina who was busy thinking got startled at first but later she relaxed. His voice is giving her a strange sense of  comfort, which she hasn't experienced for years.

She felt troubled but, ambiguously, it eased her heart and lightened it. She actually felt happy, and she herself is shocked by why! 

"Is that so? I don't know about all these expensive brands and their specialties." she casually said, while placing the drink back onto the table.

Her alcohol tolerance isn't that good for her to take any risk right now. His words started having some effort on her, inadvertently. 

"You can take my drink, miss. I was actually searching for the same bottle you were holding." He chuckled as he said. 

"Unfortunately, that's the last bottle left on the cruise" he added, his voice electrifying and deep. 

Brina couldn't help but gulp. And, miraculously her lips curved up, and, all again she didn't understand why! It's confusing her tremendously.

It's been literally years, she smiled genuinely and this person who is sitting across her seems to be the one who could make her feel like herself before.

Cheery, energetic and joyous…

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