Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

Dinner in her house

Dinner in her house


She actually owes him not only once but twice. So, treating him to dinner at a good restaurant will not do any harm!


"Sure, Mr. Cruz. Where to?" Brina asked, smiling a little devilishly. 

She actually enjoyed flirting with him. In his presence, she felt the sense of familiarity which compelled her to be herself…. 

"Your choice, Ms. Parker. I am a picky eater; you might not be able to fulfill my wish." Louis played along. 

"Oh, really? I am ready to pay regardless of the cost. Come on, be a gentleman, and stop eating my brain." Brina asked, enjoying the banter.

It is quite fun.

"Sorry, Ms. Parker, I am a pure vegetarian and I don't eat brains." He joked but Brina didn't laugh.

"Lame joke, Huh?" He asked, running his hand over his hair, a little cute and adorable.

Brina laughed and nodded her head.

"You must tell me where you want to go to eat," she said and then looked at him.

He is in the driver's seat right!

So, technically it is he who should take her.

"It is you who are driving anyway. So, why don't you just drive to the place where you want to eat?"

"That would be good," Louis agreed and started driving.


Chris was sitting in the monitoring room, glaring at the screen that showed the front view of Louis's car.

That face felt familiar but he couldn't come to the conclusion who that person could be. 

As of now, it didn't matter much because his prime attention is on what he just witnessed now.

Brina was laughing, kissing, and joking with that man.

Though he couldn't hear a thing, it is obvious that she is enjoying that so-called boyfriend of hers.

Although the image is blurry, with his monitor, he could zoom into the car and manage to see what they were doing…

And, what he witnessed now, made him even more agitated. To be precise, he is walking on barrels on vinegar now. 

Brina was even flirting with that man. She just pulled his necktie closer to her and whispered something to him.

That was so intimate that his eyes darkened with anger.

How can he let a mere employee win!

How can he let a man with no background and power take away his girl?


Not even in his dreams.

"Tell Ben that I am going out on something personal. Tell him that I can't come to his place to drink." Chris informed his assistant and stood up.

He swaggered arrogantly across the room, took his Audi limited version keys, and stormed out.

Soon, he reached the parking lot and it was fortunately not too late for him to follow Louis's car. 

Meanwhile, Louis whose eyes are like a hawk, obviously noticed Chris following him. 

Their car is just a few metres away… and Chris is following them meticulously.

Louis smirked as a wonderful idea struck his mind. 

"Brina, I wanted to do a quick grocery shopping. You up?" he casually asked. 

As Brina badly needed to do the grocery shopping, she nodded her head. As Tanya shifted, there was no one to fill their refrigerator with ice-cream and chocolates. 

"Sure. But only if you drop me off at my apartment. I can't carry all the stuff."

"Take a taxi." Louis grinned.

"I prefer a free ride," Brina answered, making him laugh. 

Soon, they reached the parking lot of the grocery store and parked the car. 

Meanwhile, Louis, abruptly, extended his hand close to her face taking Brina off guard, but instead of touching her, he touched the headrest and wiped it with his hand.

Brina didn't understand his abrupt action. More or less, she didn't care much about it. 

This guy here is weird and sometimes too cute.

Brina in fact loves it.

However, on the other side, when Chris saw it from behind, it felt as if Louis caressed Brina's cheek and she leaned into his palm.

That was enough for Chris to burst out with anger.

'Hah... I am far better than him. He might be handsome and sexy… but I am wealthy and powerful. How can Brina accept him but not me?' Chris comforted himself and as he got out of his car and followed them.

He could see them talking and laughing as they walked inside. Although they were not holding hands, Louis was looking at Brina with full of love and affection.

Even Brina is acting very differently. She is not in her polite and formal attitude like how she is, when she is with the other people.

She seems comfortable and very far from being formal with Louis. 

'Why Brina, why not me? I will show you that I am better than him.' Chris thought.

"Your favorite wine, Brina. You wanna drink again." Louis joked as he pointed to the bottle of the same type which he gave to her on the cruise ship a few nights back.

"Yeah… yeah. So that you can kiss me again, Huh?" Brina asked as she took some mild wine.

"Not if you don't want to." Louis winked, making her laugh.

With their little banter, they completed their shopping. They really looked like a sweet and lovely couple who were shopping together.  

Shopping was fun…. But, Louis has barely been to any grocery shopping before. The last time he went was when he was forced by his best friend Layla to bring some diapers for her daughter.

Otherwise, everything was taken care of by his assistants and house staff. Even when he was in the States, he barely did all this simple work. 

He never thought shopping with Brina could be this fun. 

'I wouldn't regret having this simple life with the woman I love. If this is the thing she wants, I am ready to give this to her.' Louis thought as they got back into the car and drove.


Meanwhile, Chris is fuming in rage.

Seeing all this dog food and sweet side of Brina, he couldn't help but be jealous of Louis. What made him more agitated is that he couldn't win over a lowly employee for a girl he loved! 

He couldn't help but call his assistant and bark some orders at him. He needs to vent out his anger on someone right??

"I want to know everything about a person named Louis Cruz. I am sending you a photo as well and I need the information on my table by tomorrow morning." Chris ordered.

"And, look into Brina's employment contract and find loopholes to bring her back to the company." saying so he continued following them only to get astonished.

They are driving towards Brina's home!

So, are they living together?

Or, were they having a night together…

Meanwhile, even Brina is surprised that Louis stopped right in front of her house.

Why did he stop here? Aren't they supposed to go for dinner to some restaurant? 

Is he asking her to cook him dinner in her home?

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