Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

How come I have a fiancé??

How come I have a fiancé??

0Sitting in front of her, is her uncle, aunt and their three children.     

Nolen, Nadia and her youngest cousin Neil.     

Even her grandfather and sick grandmother are here, waiting Chris to come.     

They are happy that Brina agreed for marriage and Chris is totally excited after hearing the good news from them.     

But little they know that everything will be totally opposite to what they have thought.     

"For whom are we waiting? Let's start our lunch, I am famished" Brina intentionally said.     

Her uncle Carson glared at her but she didn't flinch. She didn't even bat her eye as she continued holding her strong gaze against him.     

At last, startled with sudden change in his niece , Carson averted his eyes.     

'After getting engaged to an wealthy and powerful person, she is no longer afraid of me. Such a bitch just like her mother' he cursed her inside.     

Meanwhile her aunt, Clara who is kind by nature, looked at Brina and smiled apologetically. She knew Brina doesn't like this marriage.     

But this family is very cunning.     

Brina actually pity her aunt. She is a good woman, innocent in fact.     

But her strong headed uncle and his children from first wife, Nadia and Nolen always suppress her.     

After their mother died, Carson married Clara. As Clara was the only heiress of one of the family, just for money sake he married her and snatched all the wealth from her.     

Left with no option, her aunt Clara is living just for her son. Clara's son is Neil who is youngest of all and dearest to Brina. One of the reason she didn't destroy this family is because it would effect poor Clara and innocent Neil.     

"Dear cousin, we are waiting for your fiancé of course. He must be there while we discuss about the engagement preparations, right" Brina's elder cousin, Nolen said.     

All he want is nothing but money, power and wealth. And, he is the one who is more despicable in this whole family.     

"Excuse me, cousin. Which fiancé are you talking about? So far I don't remember getting engaged to anyone" Brina asked, her voice so innocent.     

Nadia rolled her eyes. "All right cousin. Let me rephrase it for you. Soon to be fiancé…okay" she said, scoffing.     

"Oh!! But I don't remember bringing any person to introduce him as my boyfriend. How come I got a fiancé all in sudden from a thin air" Brina asked.     

Her sick grandmother looked at her husband and son in confusion. "But, honey…your uncle and grandfather told me that you agreed for that young man's proposal." She said to Brina.     

Meanwhile her uncle glared at her. Brina truly knows how to turn the tables using the soft spots of the family.     

"No, grandma. I didn't-" Brina is about to continue when Carson stood up.     

He glared daggers at her and smashed the nearby flower vase. "Shut up Brina! What do you think of yourself huh" he shouted.     

"You will disrespect this family by your disobedience and unruliness. How can I expect a filial daughter from a disgraceful sister. Not to mention your bastard father" Carson scoffed.     

Clara flinched and so did her grandmother. But Brina remained strong and stoic.     

She stood up and walked to her uncle. "All the glitters aren't gold. Do you know that uncle?" Brina asked.     

Turning around, she faced Nadia who is actually smirking. "You might certainly know about that, cousin. By the way, I forgot to congratulate you when we met yesterday in S & S resorts while you were giving party to your friends." Brina said.     

As soon as her grandfather heard that he frowned. 'Where did Nadia get such a hefty amount to give party in such a extravagant restaurant.' He thought.     

As far as he remember, everyone denied to give her the money she needed. He didn't agree to let his spoiler granddaughter get more and more spoilt.     

He is worried that she might be the one to disgrace his family this time.     

Nadia fumed in anger as her little secret got exposed.     

"I heard that you got an offer to 'Sign in'" Brina asked Nadia.     

And as soon as Nadia heard 'Sign in', color drained out of her face.     

'Sign in' is the hotel name in which she and her sugar daddy always meet. When Brina said that, others might not understand the inner meaning of it but Nadia certainly got it.     

It is all written on Brina's face that she knows about her disgusting secret.     

Meanwhile, Carson understood that something is happening between Brina and his daughter. Whatever it is, Elder Russell should not find it out.     

So, he quickly banged his fist on the table.     

"ENOUGH BRINA. This is not about my daughter. It's about you!! Stop your drama and marry Chris Hillary. This is the least thing you can do for your family" he shouted.     

Brina didn't flinch and looked at him with malice. "Least thing I could do for family? Are you serious uncle!! What have you done for me to repay your kindness…huh?? The least thing I can do for you is to give some face…nothing much, nothing less" she scoffed.     

"BRINA!!" Carson shouted.     

"Please uncle, don't try to intimidate me…it will not work. I have tolerated your cheap tricks till now…but it won't work now" Brina said.     

Carson is totally stunned by this sudden outburst. He was not aware that Brina knows about their attempts to snatch away her mother's assets and orphanage.     

He is now left speechless so is his son.     

And, before anyone could talk anything, the doors opened and Chris entered.     

He is holding the bouquet of roses and also a small box with expensive ring. He is also holding a key of new Ferrari.     

And as soon as he saw the shattered glass on the floor he frowned. Later he realized that something is amiss.     

He anxiously looked at Brina whose face is red with anger.     

"Brina" he called her and he is about to approach her when Brina lifted her hand, palm facing him….gesturing him to stop there itself.     

Then she walked to him, her face stoic and her eyes fierce.     

He never saw his beloved this angry. She seemed so different….     

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