The Rebirth Of A White Robe Man: I'll Follow You This Time (BL)

Surprise, Enlightenment And Revelation

Surprise, Enlightenment And Revelation

0Shao Cheng coldly watches the young man leave, and after making sure no one is around, he went to another room to change clothes, putting his hair up with the familiar red ribbon before picking up the silver mask the man had also given him.     

He wasn't even trying to stop the small smile from gracing his lips hidden underneath the silver mask as he left to find a certain person with his heart beating a bit faster after remembering the reason why the man didn't stay in the Sacred Mountain.     

I'll see for myself how Ren Yuan is really feeling about it…     

And yet, Shao Cheng finds himself hiding in the corner of an alley with absolute control of his presence, preventing him from being detected as his sapphire eyes slowly blinked at the scene he is seeing.     

There, the familiar slender figure as always dressed in splendid crimson robes is standing in front of the open door of an elegant carriage with a warm smile that honestly looks so genuine in Shao Cheng's eyes.     

And when a delicate pale white hand that came from a woman appeared from inside the carriage as a sign of invitation to come inside, Shao Cheng watched with cold sapphire eyes as Ren Yuan gently held said hand and didn't even hesitate to enter the carriage.     

Unbothered of how it looks to other people's eyes, and as usual uncaring about the opinion of others, nor the reputation it will definitely spread around because of his brazen actions of going alone inside a carriage that obviously belongs to a noble young lady.     


The sound of the door closing was low and yet it felt so loud in Shao Cheng's ears, and then the carriage started moving ahead, soon about to bypass where he was hiding.     

And the entire time, he remained quiet and silent with his entire figure seeming to blend in the dark despite the color of his robe. Never taking a step forward, nor planning to make his presence known.     


And when the carriage that Ren Yuan and the other woman was riding was about to bypass the alley Shao Cheng was standing in, there was a contemplative look that appeared in his sapphire eyes despite the discomfort his heart seemed to be having.     

It also didn't help when some of the common people who saw the same scene as him started to voice out their thoughts and ideas, easily reaching his ears.     

"You know… that famous rascal always behaves well whenever he is in that person's presence."     


"Well, from what I know, that woman is a relative on his mother's side. They also grew up together, and that woman is also among the noble ladies who is able to handle that rascal's troublesome personality."     

Shao Cheng didn't need to take long in order to figure out who the woman was and needed to learn from the people around him. Because aside from Ren Yuan's mother and father, there is also another person that he is genuinely close with.     

It was supposed to be the cousin who had ended up dying because Ren Yuan failed to hunt down the needed medicine to prevent her illness from acting out on the supposed ambush on his life in Snowy Mountains.     

But because of Shao Cheng's help, while getting in the way of a certain trash vile wish, the woman was saved from dying because the medicinal ingredients for her illness arrived just in time.     

"Based on the woman's status and identity, those two match quite well. You know, how noble it is when it comes to their marriage. It shouldn't be surprising if those two ended up marrying each other, especially when that rascal is going to be of marriageable age soon."     

Shao Cheng raised his head to look at the sky, in which the orangish to the reddish color of the sun settling down for the day suddenly looked like blood in his eyes as the thought of his decision of letting the man get together with someone else emerged in his mind once again.     

It was a decision he made and continued to follow despite being aware of his growing feelings toward the man.     

The woman's appearance had suddenly reminded Shao Cheng of what he had done, of what he had changed and how it will affect the future in some ways more than he thought it would.      

Because there is honestly a high chance that Ren Yuan could end up together with that woman. After all, just considering their close relationship alone, there is also the fact that Ren Yuan doesn't love him.     

He wasn't the same person Shao Cheng knew in his previous life. Ren Yuan isn't the same person who refused to marry another person because he couldn't forget him.     

It wasn't the same Ren Yuan who refused to marry the Imperial Princess of another Empire, even to the point of going to war because his passion and love for him burned so fiercely.     

And with Shao Cheng's ability, there is also a high chance he could use all the skill and knowledge he learned to completely treat the woman's illness, or allow her to live long enough to be happy with Ren Yuan.     

The possibility of Shao Cheng's decision of letting Ren Yuan get together with someone else had shown right before his eyes after witnessing such a scene.     

And yet, why does my heart feel like it is breaking apart?     

Compared to the bubbling happiness and excitement Shao Cheng felt at the mere thought of seeing Ren Yuan, he turned away while feeling the complete opposite after witnessing such a scene and being reminded of a highly possible future.     

Only to suddenly bump into the person he had been putting the hold of seeing, only leaving it to his people to look out for.     

"... Great Advisor…"     

And yet, the soft whisper of the ten-year-old girl mumbling unconsciously along with the wide knowing eyes shocked Shao Cheng to the core. He was already moving before his mind could process the disturbing but suddenly making sense words from a young Huang Ya as various thoughts flash in his mind.     

He rarely sweats, even in the face of losing his life, and yet, after knocking out and tightly gripping the unconscious Huang Ya in his arms, causes him to break out. There is even an ominous chill running down his spine.     

"Leave no evidence behind and make sure another person takes her place."     

After making sure that the hidden person he personally chose to watch over Huang Ya is around, he didn't hesitate to give an order before swiftly taking the young child to one of his secret places.     

It's finally time to deal with one of the people who betrayed him and figure out what made her special in the previous life as the previous Jiayi once mentioned.     

Fortunately, the preparation to kidnap Huang Ya if needed can now be used.     

Shao Cheng didn't even plan to do it before, but it's time to face the problem that affected his fate in the previous life. Along with why there was something different in the way he had been saved by almost drowning after the first time he transmigrated.     

And no…     

Shao Cheng wasn't doing it in order to have a reason to suppress the uncomfortable feeling in his heart. Along with the image of Ren Yuan standing by the side of a woman.     

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