Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

Array and Formation Master

Array and Formation Master

0"I'll take it."     


They were stunned when they heard Ye Jiao said that she would buy it. From the looks of it, it was just a normal headpiece, right? They could buy a lot of cheaper ones from other stores outside.     

The shopkeeper was also surprised by Ye Jiao's decision, at the same time, excited as well. "You have great eyes, Miss!"     

"What great eyes, this must be…mph!"     

Qi Huan stopped Lu Wan before the brat could continue his words. No matter what, this store belonged to the Hua Shan Academy, so they better not try to offend its owner. "Jiao'er, are you sure?"     


Qin Zheng looked at Ye Jiao deeply. "If you like it that much, you should buy it."     

"Ok." Ye Jiao took out 10000 low grade Eon Energy Stones from her Storage Bracelet. She grinned at the shopkeeper. "You're not going to raise the price, right?"     

"I won't." he laughed.     

Ye Jiao picked up the headpiece and inserted her Eon Energy inside as she walked towards the door's direction. Her brows creased when she saw the numerous strange words that appeared inside the diamond. Slowly, she started to trace them with her Eon Energy.     

"Ye Jiao?" Lu Wan was confused.     

Qin Zheng raised his index finger to his mouth. "Ssh, she's concentrating."     

As they were focused on Ye Jiao, they faintly heard sounds of footsteps coming from behind them. And from the second floor of the store, a middle-aged man came down. His eyes were fixated on Ye Jiao and immediately recognized the Elite Disciple's costume. After all, that purple collar was fairly rare.     

"It seems that my store is pretty popular today."     

The three of them quickly turned around. Only Ye Jiao was still busy with the headpiece on her hand as her Eon Energy entered the diamond shape.     

"Elder Qian!"     


Qin Zheng didn't forget to hit Lu Wan's head before he bowed down in courtesy.     

"Elite Disciple Qin Zheng (Qi Huan) greets Elder Qian."     

"Oouch, Core Disciple Lu Wan greets Elder Qian," Lu Wan followed suit. Internally, he was sulking because he understood that his habit of acting all he wanted has backfired today. He was actually acting insolent in front of a leader without any fear whatsoever.     

Elder Qian waved his hand. His eyes were fixated on Ye Jiao.     

"Elder Qian, is this headpiece an Eon Energy Treasure?" Qin Zheng asked as he straightened his position.     

His question caused both Qi Huan and Lu Wan to be astonished. They thought that this place was only filled with antiques that were beautiful but without any real value behind them except beauty.     

Elder Qian nodded his head. "I inserted some of them in the store. I didn't expect you to recognize it so soon, Qin Zheng."     

"I just thought that it's weird she's so interested in it," Qin Zheng pointed at Ye Jiao with his thumb. "She's not that dumb to waste a lot of money, so I know that this headpiece must be worth a lot."     

"You should know that a normal Eon Energy Treasure is worth 100 middle grade Eon Energy Stones, right?"     

100 middle grade Eon Energy Stones!     

Lu Wan's jaw practically dropped when he heard it. Ye Jiao bought it for only 10 middle grade Eon Energy Stones, so it meant that she was only paying 10% of it. Damn! If he knew it was an Eon Energy Treasure, he would just buy it before her.     

Oh wait, he didn't have money….     

On the other hand, the shopkeeper felt like banging his head on the wall. He was here for years, yet he never realized that there was an Eon Energy Treasure near him. With his savings, he still could buy it because the price was fixed by Elder Qian.     

Ahh, he regretted it so much.     

By this time, Ye Jiao had finished tracing the words and reached the core of the diamond. As she had to control her Eon Energy extremely slowly and carefully, it took her some time. In addition, she had to make them as thin as possible, or it wouldn't fit correctly.     

The blood diamond lit up as blood colored words appeared around her body. Ye Jiao was astonished and looked at the words with confusion. She might need to study them when she returns.     


"Don't touch her," Elder Qian warned. "That's a blood killing array, and if you get close to her, you'll be killed instantly."     

Lu Wan's hand froze in the air. Did he say array? Looking at the words around Ye Jiao's body, his lips twitched. This girl activated an array just like that.     

"Uhm, Elite Disciple Ye Jiao greets Elder Qian," Ye Jiao greeted while her eyes still followed after the blood colored words around her carefully. She had not expected that this headpiece would be this powerful.     

Elder Qian shook his head. "You can retract your Eon Energy, and it'll stop."     

"Ah," Ye Jiao did as he told her and pulled her Eon Energy back. The words around her took a few seconds before it disappeared. All along, she was still curious what those strange words could possibly mean,     

"Is that really an array?" Qi Huan asked. His tone was doubtful.     

Before this, they have only seen a large array that was either built with pillars or with some strange drawing and runes on the ground in a circle. Even though the words that appeared around Ye Jiao must be something similar to that, they couldn't connect it to the arrays that they knew.     

"Yes, it's an array," Qin Zheng was the one to reply. "You haven't learned in detail, but arrays are formations that can react to a situation. It might look strange, but it's genuinely an array that can activate itself if you get too close to Jiao'er."     

"Interesting," Qi Huan commented.     

Elder Qian looked at Ye Jiao with curiosity. "Why are you interested in this headpiece in the first place, Little Lass?"     

"Oh?" Ye Jiao looked at the headpiece in her hand. She smiled sheepishly. "That's because I can sense Eon Energy movements from inside the blood diamond. When there's Eon Energy passed by the small holes inside, it's not just passing, but also affecting the movements. So, I'm guessing that this must be something special. Other antiques in this place have Eon Energy inside, but neither one of them could influence the movements."     

"Your sensitivity is rather high," Elder Qian commented. He knew that Qin Zheng was also sensitive, but Ye Jiao brought that sensitivity to another level.     

Qin Zheng frowned. "You always say that to everyone with S talent."     

"Not all S talent has high sensitivity," Elder Qian shook his head. "Also, you're correct. Eon Energy Treasures need Eon Energy to activate, but they can also be activated at will. That's why they'll influence the movements of Eon Energy around them."     

"Activate at will?"     

"By dropping your blood on it, you're binding that Eon Energy Treasure with you," Elder Qian explained. He recalled that Ye Jiao is a new student, so he was patient in giving the explanation.     

"I see," Ye Jiao bit her finger and let a drop of blood drip on the headpiece. Instantly, she could feel a connection into the headpiece. It was as if the headpiece could activate at her will without the need for her to worry at all.     

"Now that I have finished my explanation," Elder Qian looked at Ye Jiao eagerly. "Are you willing to be my disciple?"     

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