Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

Who’s the Genius? (4)

Who’s the Genius? (4)

0Lu Wan smiled happily as the people looked at him with gazes filled with disbelief. He laughed loudly internally as he mocked them.     

They couldn't believe he was here?     

Let them be. He had proven to them that the Imperial Family is not invisible. Even someone like him could still stand proudly after crossing his blades against them. He was not afraid of their retaliation.     

In this place, they wouldn't be able to make their move.     

"Lu Wan, right?" Cao Ren also recognized that green hair. In the entire Four Kingdoms, there was only one person with green hair. "I didn't expect that the Chen Kingdom would still have someone even more talented. I thought that he wouldn't come when I didn't see him in your group, Prince Chen Zi Quan."     

Chen Zi Quan's brows creased. In truth, Lu Wan could be said to no longer be part of Chen Kingdom. They had failed to bring that young man to pledge his loyalty. In addition, it was clear that he had a bad relationship with his family, so there was no card that he could play to tie Lu Wan into Chen Kingdom.     

"He's not someone from Chen Kingdom anymore," Chen Zi Quan finally replied through gritted teeth. Right now, he wished that he could tear Lu Wan into pieces. This young man's appearance just put him in a bad mood.     

Cao Ren arched his eyebrows. "It seems I missed something."     

"It's nothing important."     

Qi Huan's lips curled up, but he didn't reply any further. He knew what had happened, but it would be better for him to act as if he didn't know. After all, the Chen Kingdom hid the incident to make sure that no one knew what had happened in the capital city at all.     

 Lu Wan walked towards their direction with a smile on his lips. "You never thought that I could get away, did you?"     

"Congratulations, Lu Wan," Chen Zi Quan restrained his feelings and gave his congratulations. Despite his stern expression, he still didn't lash out in anger.     

On the other hand, Wei Cheng's expression has turned extremely sour. He had just felt down when he heard those cheers. Now, he met with Lu Wan, who apparently also one of the rare geniuses in this world. Hearing how those people cheered and praised Lu Wan to no end made his expression grim.     

How he wished that those cheers would be directed at him!     

"Congratulations, Lu Wan. I didn't expect you to advance so quickly," Cao Ren expressed his thoughts.     

Looking at the smiling prince, Lu Wan was unable to guess what was inside this young man's mind. He might not be proficient in guessing other people's thoughts, but this prince looked so nonchalant that it was weird. In any case, it wouldn't be good if he tried to pry too deep.     

"Thank you, Prince Cao Ren."     

Qi Huan noticed that Lu Wan had turned to look at him. He smiled with his usual smile. "Congratulations, Lu Wan. You're not bad."     

"I can say the same to you, Prince Qi Huan," Lu Wan replied back with a smug expression.     

Seeing that smile, Qi Huan secretly noted to himself to challenge Lu Wan into a duel later on. That way, he could freely beat up this arrogant brat. The two of them were still in Eon Energy Master Rank 3 and with him being younger than this brat, there wouldn't be anything wrong with issuing a challenge.     

As they talked, more and more people also stepped forward to get their examination token. However, there was not much upset anymore in the crowd. Everything seemed to go peacefully.     

Lu Wan moved to the side as he noticed Mu Xin staring at him. He smiled. "Congratulations for breaking into rank 3, Mu Xin."     

"I can say the same to you," Mu Xin replied placidly. Her expression was still as cold as ever, showing no trace of her real emotion on the surface. "Have you seen Jiao'er?"     

"She's over there," Lu Wan pointed to the crowd.     

Mu Xin's eyes flashed with surprise when Lu Wan said that. From what she knew, Ye Jiao should still be 11 years old. In a few more months, she would be 12, but that was not the case.     

"Is she not going with you?"     

"Nah, I'm not that close with her," Lu Wan said a white lie. He smirked. "She can take care of herself, so you don't have to worry too much about her."     

Mu Xin looked at Lu Wan with a slight frown. She couldn't help but feel worry since she knew that the Wei Family would surely try to take Ye Jiao and harm that girl if they knew that she was still alive. Even though there haven't been any movements from them towards the Ye Family because the news has long died down, it was a fact that they wouldn't let Ye Jiao off if they knew.     

"I'll go…."     

Before she could finish her words, she could see a small figure walking towards the first counter, the counter with the word 15 and below one. Her small figure made it easy for them to guess that she must be still a young kid. If one didn't try to pay attention, one wouldn't be able to distinguish that young lass from other ordinary youngsters that have just begun their path as Eon Energy Master.     

"What's that kid doing?"     

"Is she looking for a beating?"     

"She must be an idiot."     

Everyone knew that in order to participate in the examination, they have to be at least Eon Energy Master Rank 3. Based on Ye Jiao's figure, she should be only 11 to 12 years old at best. At that age, most of them would have just started their path as Eon Energy Master. At best, they would have formed their core and reached rank 1.     

To reach rank 3 at that age would simply be a dream.     

While the crowd was filled with disbelief, Wei Cheng and the others were also looking at the young girl. Seeing that fair countenance and youthful face, they had the feeling that they have seen her before in the past.     

"Is she someone we know?" Wei Cheng frowned.     

Wei Yin's eyes flashed as a small figure appeared in her mind. She had only met with Ye Jiao a few times in the past and never actively conversed with the young girl. However, that green pupils would always remind her of one single person.     

Right now, Ye Jiao has returned back to her appearance. Her green pupils were quite eye-catching, but she usually wouldn't look at other people directly. As a servant, it was easy for her to look down most of the time, so no one felt suspicious. But now, she was no longer a lowly servant.     

She is a proud Eon Energy Master.     

"Please give me your name, exact age in years and months, and rank."     

The man's tone was filled with doubts, but he still did his job. Seeing how young the girl in front of him was, it was not weird for him to be filled with doubts. After all, it was hard to believe that someone as young as her could be Eon Energy Master Rank 3.     

"Ye Jiao, 11 years 8 months, Eon Energy Master Rank 3 Early stage."     

Ye Jiao?     

A lot of people found this name to be highly unfamiliar. Not many people knew about her as her existence was something that only people from the Chen Kingdom Capital City would know.     

However, Wei Shang nearly jumped up when he heard that name. His eyes were locked firmly in Ye Jiao's face as his mind was comparing her to her mother. They have similar beautiful features, the face that he would never forget in his entire life. Green eyes that seemed to glitter under the light and beautiful feature that was enough to bring down the entire kingdom. She might be still young, but he could see the familiar features clearly.     

On the other hand, Wei Mi's eyes widened in shock. Her body shuddered in anger and displeasure.     

'Ye Jiao? No… that can't be. She, she, she had died, right?"     

Chen Zi Quan's eyes flashed for a moment when he heard that name. He had heard a lot about Ye Jiao, but from what he knew, that girl was simply a trash. How come that little trash came here and proclaimed that she's Eon Energy Master Rank 3?     

That's impossible.     

The people only found her name weird, but when they heard her claim of her age, their body already stiffened.     

11 years old?     

You're telling me that you become Eon Energy Master Rank 3 at 11 years old?     

Many people were floored. Please tell them that it was not true! They have spent years since they were only 6 years old to train and only managed to form their core by the time they were 11 or 12 years old.     

And this little lass proclaimed that she has become Eon Energy Master Rank 3 at that age?     

I don't believe it!     

I can't believe it!     

A lot of people fixated their gazes on the first counter. Their fiery gazes seemed to be filled with determination to prove that it must be a false claim.     

No one wanted to believe it!     

I-it's impossible!     

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