Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

Second Path of the Lilies: Martial Heart (3)

Second Path of the Lilies: Martial Heart (3)

0The distance to Ye Jiao's mother's grave was not that far. With their ability, they only needed an hour to arrive at the location.     

"It feels great to be able to use Eon Energy freely again," Lu Wan extended his arms happily. He had longed to use it freely again because it was so tiring to not use them. Resting and resting again were boring.     

Qi Huan chuckled. Even though he didn't want to admit it, he agreed with what Lu Wan said. After getting used to having a lot of Eon Energy in one's body, it felt painful to not have any at all. There was this empty feeling as if there was something important he had lost.     

"I won't take long," Ye Jiao slowed down her pace as she walked into the tranquil forest. There was not even a single trace of beast in that place as if the entire place was protected by a spell.     

Lu Wan looked around in amazement. "This place is truly beautiful."     

"And there's no beast at all," Qi Huan looked towards the grave not far from Ye Jiao's position. "I wonder if one's Eon Energy can truly last this long to protect his place."     

"Is it that weird? When you die, there'll be an Eon Energy mark."     

"I know."     

"Then why do you think it's weird?" Lu Wan asked with confusion.     

Qi Huan no longer replied. He just looked in Ye Jiao's direction as numerous questions were formed inside his mind. Right now, he truly wanted to know what kind of parent that Ye Jiao used to have.     

By this time, Ye Jiao had arrived in front of her mother's grave. She noticed a lot of lilies flowers have grown around her mother's grave. A small smile appeared on the corner of her lips.     

"Mother, I have returned safe and sound," Ye Jiao started. "There are a lot of things that happen in the past two to three years, but I'm still in one piece. I meet a lot of incredible people, Mother. I also have sworn sisters and senior brothers who are kind to me.     

And… I used to have a master, but he left me too, Mother. Just like you."     

For the next few seconds, Ye Jiao stayed quiet. She looked at her mother's name engraving as her mind thought of the woman's beautiful figure. Forever and ever, she would miss her mother.     

"Mother, I… decide to take revenge against the Wei Family and also the Imperial Family. I didn't completely destroy them because of my incapability, but I make sure that they pay back for what they have done in the past," for a moment, Ye Jiao's eyes flashed with ruthlessness.     

"I think, it's already enough, Mother. I always thought that I take revenge for you, but I think it's also for myself because of what they have done. Mother, you won't admonish me because of that, right?"     

Ye Jiao didn't receive a reply, but she could feel a cool gust of wind coming from behind her. It was soothing and giving her comfort at the same time. She truly wished that she would be able to meet her parents again, but she knew that it was just an impossible dream. She had moved on.     

"After this, I'll completely pursue my dream, Mother. I will no longer chase after those people to take revenge anymore, but I want to completely focus my path to become stronger. I… I don't want to lose anyone important to me anymore."     

She had had enough of having herself unable to do anything when someone important to her was in danger. Rather than staying at the back, she wished to be the one standing at the front, protecting everyone dear to her.     

Never ever letting anyone die to protect her anymore.     

"This is my path, Mother," Ye Jiao raised her head, her eyes were filled with determination. "I'll surely reach the peak and become strong, strong enough so that I'll be able to protect everyone dear to me. Because of that, I might never return back here anymore, Mother.     

I will still remember you, Mother and I know that you'll always accompany me."     

Looking at the sky, Ye Jiao felt her heart was much calmer and peaceful. Her path looked so clear to her now. She knew what she wanted to do and what she wanted was to grow stronger and even stronger.     

After a few more seconds, Ye Jiao turned her body around and walked away from the place. She would surely miss this place, but if she wanted to achieve her dream, she had to leave. This place was unsuitable for her to grow again.     

"Have you finished?" Qi Huan asked when he saw Ye Jiao approach them.     

Ye Jiao nodded. "Yes. Do you also want to say your farewell to your family members?"     

Lu Wan shook his head. "Nah, you know how my relationship with my family has always been. I'm not going to return back to the capital city just to give my farewell to them."     

"There's no need. I already said that before I depart to Chen Kingdom," Qi Huan smiled. "Besides, I'm sure that there will be Chi Kingdom's representatives too at the north. I'll surely meet with them when I go there."     

"I see."     

Lu Wan noticed that the atmosphere around Ye Jiao seemed to change significantly. He had seen a bit of them around a month ago, but it seemed even clearer now. It looked as if she had completely changed.     

"You seem different, Jiao'er."     

"Am I?"     

"Yes," Qi Huan also nodded his head. "You must have come into terms with your path and decide to continue pursuing it."     

"I have," Ye Jiao nodded strongly. She no longer has any trouble with her path. Even though the process to reach this point was not easy, and she got swayed easily because of her immature mind, she had made up her mind.     

Lu Wan looked at Ye Jiao and moved his line of sight to the side. He noticed a white lily flower not far from them and plucked it before showing it to Ye Jiao.     

"Do you like flowers too, Lu Wan?" Qi Huan arched his eyebrows.     

"Of course not!" Lu Wan rolled his eyes. "I just think that this flower suits you very well, Jiao'er. Right now, you look clear and pure in your path of martial art. That's why this color seems to suit you very well."     

Ye Jiao blinked a bit. She knew that white lily was the symbol of purity and modesty, but she couldn't see herself as someone pure. She had allowed herself to think of many other things in the process.     

Lu Wan noticed Ye Jiao's hesitation and scratched his head using his other hand. "I know that you're confused because you're not always following after your path, but it's inevitable, right? Life is not just about one thing. You surely have one guide that will allow you to move forward until the end, but in the process, there will be a lot of things that happen.     

You would encounter things that you have to prioritize, meeting other people that might offer you a different path, or even facing a choice. But after all of that, you'll return back to your path and continue on this way until the very end. That's why, you're 'pure' to your path."     

"I don't think the word pure truly means that way, Lu Wan."     

"Oh, shut up!" Lu Wan felt his face burning in embarrassment. "That's just how I see it, okay?"     

"But I have to agree that it's suitable for her. After all, white lily is the symbol of modesty," Qi Huan added.     

Lu Wan tilted his head. "Right, you're not one to flaunt your strength and always keep it under wrap. See, this flower suits you very much, Jiao'er."     

Seeing the young man forced her to accept his way of thinking truly felt funny. The definition of pure might not entirely suit her, but in this world, who could possibly be completely pure and untainted? She was not sure such a person existed in this world, so the way Lu Wan described it truly suited her. As for modesty, wasn't that because of her condition that forced her to stay low?     

However, Ye Jiao still accepted the flower that Lu Wan offered to her.     

"Thank you, Senior Brother Lu."     

Lu Wan grinned. "I just think that it suits you."     

"If one didn't know better, one might think that you're confessing your love, Lu Wan," Qi Huan said playfully.     

Lu Wan's face turned dark. "She's not my type, ok! Also, isn't that supposed to be a red rose?"     

"Oh? You also know the language of flowers. I didn't know that you're that knowledgeable, Lu Wan."     

"Oh shut up, you walking textbook. I'm not like you who even memorized the design of dresses from all eras."     

"… Who would want to study them?"     

Hearing the two of them bantered, Ye Jiao resisted her urge to laugh. Her hand held the white lily as she smiled brightly. She might not be perfect, but she would continue to pursue her path to become stronger.     

That way, she would stay true to her heart.     

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