Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

Regret and Guilt

Regret and Guilt

0"It has been around 7 months more or less," Ye Jiao thought to herself. The Spring Hunt ended when it was already the beginning of Summer and now it was already the middle of winter, nearing the end. Calculating the time, Wei Liao would have been staying in that position for a long time already.     

The change that occurred to Wei Liao was very drastic that Ye Jiao could not see any trace of the previous Wei Liao in that boy anymore. He was acting submissive, not daring to look up to the young girl who beat him up at all. His head hung low while his hands were protecting his head with all he could.     

"If it's not because of you and your b*tch mother, my mother will never be in this situation. You should just die, you #$%^&*(*&^%$#$%^&*(."     

Hearing the line of cursing words coming out from Wei Mi's mouth, Ye Jiao was stunned speechless. The girl has a fair appearance and looked beautiful, but the words that came out from her words were only vulgarities.     

It seemed one shouldn't judge a book by its cover.     


The sound of the bell stopped Wei Mi's movements. Her eyes were filled with ruthless glint as she looked at Wei Liao as if he was worse than trash. "You're lucky because of the bell again. Remember, this is not over!"     

Wei Liao didn't answer and stayed in the same position for the next several seconds. It was only after Wei Mi left did he raised his head and stood up slowly. His body was aching all over. Since Wei Mi would soon form her core, her overall strength had increased. Compared to him, he was extremely weak.     

Slowly, he dragged his body to the nearby tree and sat down. Leaning on the tree, he sighed to himself.     

"I never know that being bullied is this horrible. How ridiculous," Wei Liao laughed to himself as his eyes turned wet.     

He was always the one who bullied others by relying on his position in Wei Family. Never even once he thought about himself being the one receiving the other end. It was so painful. His heart was filled with desperation as he was unable to fight back. The weakness in his body and the pain they gave, everything was so painful.     

On the side, Ye Jiao was observing Wei Liao. There was a strange light in the boy's eyes when he looked up. It was a gaze filled with hatred and at the same time despondence. That kind of gaze was something that couldn't be found on normal children.     

But they were never normal children, weren't they?     

Wei Liao was unable to sense Ye Jiao as he just stayed in his place. His body was hurting and he knew that if he went to class, Wei Mi would just make trouble for him. Even in the residence, that girl would never leave him alone unless he was unable to move out of his bed just like a dead person.     

"It's not my fault, but why do they always blame me and never leave me alone?"     

Hearing the young girl's voice, Wei Liao was alarmed. He looked around him and saw a young girl standing not far from him. She has long black hair that flowed freely on her back. Her clothes were similar to boys but it was made to be slightly feminine. Her green pupil looked straight to the boy.     

"Isn't that what you think right now?"     

"Who are you?" Wei Liao asked. He couldn't move from his position without his body hurting, so he could only try to be a little cautious.     

"How rude. Am I really someone you can easily forget?" Ye Jiao chuckled. "But I guess, the situation is completely different as you have never tried to take a good look at the person you bullied before, have you?"     

Wei Liao's eyes narrowed when he heard the word 'bullied.' There were a lot of people that Wei Mi oppressed because of that girl's arrogance, but he didn't know there was anyone who looked like this person. However, that black hair and green pupil made him remember one person.     

A person who should have been dead.     

"Ye Jiao."     

Ye Jiao smiled. "I see that you still remember me. I thought that you have completely forgotten about me."     

Hearing that Ye Jiao directly admitted that, Wei Liao's body shook. He thought that this person had died from a long time ago because there was not even a single news about her circulated anymore. It has been more than two years, but the girl in front of him had changed so much.     

She was no longer the small fragile girl who could only run as they chased after her. Her gaze was no longer filled with fear and worry, but it was clear as if she could see pass through him. She looked healthy with simple clothes, yet it was clear that she must have lived a good life so far.     

For the two years, she managed to live while he was treated like dirt over here.     

Wei Liao laughed, a type of laugh that didn't have any hint of happiness but only remorse. "It's truly a karma isn't it? The one who used to bully other people now fall so low that he could only try to live by scraping for things while the one who was bullied now lives well. Truly…"     

Tears streamed out of Wei Liao's eyes. He had been so foolish to follow after Wei Mi's demand all this time. He had hurt other people numerous times unaware that his action inflicted deep sadness and pain in them. Now that it was his turn, he finally understood what they had experienced.     

It was truly an unbearable pain.     

"Why are you crying?"     

"Why do you come here, Ye Jiao? If they know that you're still alive, they won't leave you and hunt you to death," Wei Liao wiped his tears. His eyes were red yet they were filled with hopeless determination. "Do you want to kill me because of what I did before? If you do, then you are free to do so. I can't fight back and if you have a weapon with you, it'll be easy to kill me."     

He knew how foolish his action back then was, but he did that because he wanted to have a good use. Now that he had reflected and experienced the harsh treatment, he knew that it was foolish. Those action would only give birth to hate and the satisfaction he felt was just a fake one. Feeling happy on top of someone else's pain was not something worthy of praise.      

He only understood them after experiencing it himself. Being the one to bully them was fun because he was the one who had the power. But becoming the one getting bullied? That was the complete opposite. If those people wished to fight him back because of what he did, he would accept them.     

It was his punishment for hurting them before. He wouldn't say anything and accepted it because he deserved it.     

He might just be a kid back then, but these people were also children. Some children could be ignorant of their words and actions. But it didn't mean they shouldn't be responsible for what they had done. He understood that, and he readily accepted it. He didn't want to run away from what he had done.      

"I didn't come here to kill you," Ye Jiao said calmly. If she wanted to, she could kill him even without showing herself. It was extremely easy for her to do so with her current strength.     

"Then, why?"     

"I want to use you."     

Wei Liao's eyes widened. He looked at Ye Jiao with disbelief. Did he hear it right? She wanted to use him, but he already had nothing. His core was taken away from him and his strength was nothing much that he could be defeated by someone two years younger than him. How could someone that was nothing more than a trash be of use again?     

This made him genuinely perplexed for he couldn't understand Ye Jiao's train of thoughts.     


"Why you ask? Because you also bore hatred to the Wei Family, specifically Wei Mi," Ye Jiao replied. Her green irises were looking straight to Wei Liao as if she was seeing right through him. "Am I right?"     

Wei Liao looked at Ye Jiao with fear. It felt as if Ye Jiao had managed to see through to his deepest secret. He always tried to hide it because he didn't want them to know that he hated them for what they did. If they knew, they would surely kill him without hesitation because they didn't want to keep a threat living.      

But Ye Jiao just uttered it out after meeting him for a few seconds.     


"You want to ask how do I know, right?" Ye Jiao smiled. Her eyes flashed momentarily with sadness and grief. "It's because I have seen the same gaze on myself over and over again in the past."     

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