Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings



0"I'm really glad that the beasts were unable to pass thought the river," Lu Wan remarked after several days crossing the grassland. They didn't encounter even a single beast, so their speed increased a lot.     

Qi Huan nodded. "The river is too deep for them to pass."     

"I see."     

"By the way, did you reach rank 2, Senior Brother Qi?" Ye Jiao noticed that Qi Huan's speed seemed to increase a lot. Even though they were in a grassland that people from Chi Kingdom were familiar with, there shouldn't be any way for Qi Huan's speed to increase this much.     

Qi Huan nodded. "I think I reach it when we're in the middle of the beast's horde before because I have to use my Eon Energy to the fullest.     

"That's great!"     

"Tch, if you're able to reach rank 2 because of that, you shouldn't have hit me," Lu Wan murmured in annoyance. He was happy that Qi Huan reached rank 2, but recalling his punishment by the two of them only made his mood soured.     

"You deserve it."     


"…" you two are heartless.     

The three of them spent their days by either bantering around or just stayed quiet. Running for hours every single day was proven to be very difficult, so they used this chance to also talk with one another and learned many other things.     

"We have encountered each kingdom's specialty except Cao Kingdom. What do you think they have in store?"     

"Swamp," both Qi Huan and Ye Jiao replied at the same time.     

Lu Wan was stunned. "Are you serious?"     

QI Huan nodded. He started to tell the terrain of Cao Kingdom in detail. "Most of the south area of Cao Kingdom that borders the Barbarian kingdom is filled with nothing but swamp. They're known to be toxic and hard to pass because of the mud there. They're hindering you from moving around and if you don't know it better, there might be a large lake just right below it."     

"Is there any bottomless swamp there?" Ye Jiao asked.     

"There are some of them in Cao Kingdom, but I doubt they will prepare any for the challenge," Qi Huan replied. They would never try to replicate the dangerous swamp too much because it might take the children's life if they were not careful enough. At most, it must be only made similar to the terrain in that kingdom.     

"It's still hard to pass, right?"     


Ye Jiao looked to the front. A few hours afterwards, the three of them could see the row of trees that came to their view. As they came closer, the stinky smell from the swamp assaulted their nose, causing them to cringe.     

"We should have prepared someone from Cao Kingdom if this is the case," Lu Wan muttered.     

Qi Huan rolled his eyes. "Do you think everyone will want to follow Master? With his method of training, I doubt that anyone could stand having him as their master."     

The other two couldn't agree more to the statement. Soon, they reached the edge of the swamp as Lu Wan frowned. His frown just got deeper when they came even closer to the swamp.     

"There's poison."     


Lu Wan pointed to the swamp. "The smell that we have sensed since before is the poison. It's the type that can cause you dizziness if you inhale a large amount of the poison for a long period of time."     

"Do you have the antidote?"     

"I don't," Lu Wan's face was grim. "I don't know their composition, so I can't make the antidote. All of us already have a considerable amount of tolerance for this type of poison, but it's not known whether it's possible if we have to cross this swamp for hours."     

If they stayed inside for too long, the poison would surely seep into their body and harmed them. They wouldn't want to pass out in the middle of the swamp as it was not known whether there would be any dangerous beast around or not. They could only survive if they managed to get out of the swamp before it got too bad for them.     

"There's only one way to find out whether our resistance is enough or not."     


"Let's run," Lu Wan pointed to the swamp.     


The three of them entered the swamp. It took less than one minute for Lu Wan to fall into a pond of mud.     


"This is hard," Lu Wan pulled his legs up. He cringed when he sensed the smell from his legs. "We can't possibly go forward too fast if we're falling like this every single time."     

Qi Huan nodded. "We need to study the terrain as we walk. This is the only way for us to travel faster."     


"By the way, isn't this supposed to be a race?"     

Lu Wan turned his head around as if he didn't understand what Qi Huan meant. He already knew from the beginning that this was a race. Was there any need to repeat it once more?     

"I can follow after you before because I'm still rank 1, but now that I'm rank 2, I have to travel by myself," Qi Huan explained. "Besides, isn't it more interesting if we compete on who can reach the finish line first."     

"Hoo, indeed," Lu Wan smirked. "Don't cry if I'm the first one to arrive then."     

"Hey, what about me?" Ye Jiao raised her hand. The two of them could come out of the forest quickly after they reached the end, but it was not the same for her. She was not a registered participant and could only be said as a 'servant' that followed after her master.     

However, it would be impossible for her to show herself because of her age and real identity. If they found out that there was Eon Energy Master rank 1 at the age of 10 over here, they would surely turn crazy in their hunt of pulling her over. The attention she could gathered was something she needed to avoid no matter what.     

"You can stay in the forest as we take their attention and then you head into the city," Qi Huan responded. "This might be dangerous if we can't hold on too long, but this is safer than having your identity known."     

"Wait, city?" Lu Wan was confused.     

"The designation for this race is the grand arena, known as Arena City. There are a lot of lodgings there and the people who wanted to watch were transferred here through the transportation array. You can just blend in with them when we catch the attention of the teachers," Qi Huan explained once again.     

Ye Jiao nodded. "It doesn't sound like a bad idea."     

"Then it's settled. See you all on the finish line!"     

Qi Huan sighed when he saw how impatient Lu Wan was. "Take care of yourself, Ye Jiao. This swamp might not be too big, but it's still dangerous inside."     

"I understand. Many thanks for your concern, Senior Brother Qi."     

The two of them smiled and headed separate ways.     

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