Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

First Mission

First Mission

0On the ship, Ye Jiao used her time to train practicing her moves when she was standing on unstable footing. This time the number of children has reduced, so the training room was free to use. She didn't have to deal with troublesome children anymore.     

'It's amazing.'     

Ye Jiao was glad that she could start fighting on top of a ship. Although it was only basic moves, she has learned how to make sure that her footing was stable. Since she had reached the first rank, her control over her body has gotten far better than before.     

"We'll be reaching the third dock. Ai Jiao, this is your destination."     

"Yes," Ye Jiao replied as she ran to the deck. Her eyes were fixated on the familiar land before her. Finally, she returned back to Chen Kingdom.     

"You'll be given a mission by the old man and you have to finish it within a month's time."     

"I understand. Thank you very much."     

After receiving the instruction, Ye Jiao disembarked from the ship. This time, she was the only one to get out in this place as the other children came from different docks. There were numerous docks around the lake, so she didn't find it weird.     

"Oh, someone finally returns."     

The voice startled Ye Jiao as she bowed down immediately. "Ai Jiao is here to receive her mission."     

A familiar old man looked at Ye Jiao with arched eyebrows. He scrutinized the girl up and down before sighing to himself. With just one look, he could guess that Ye Jiao had stabilized herself in rank 1, which meant that she didn't reach this rank just yesterday but already pretty long.     

'That Zhan Jing really had such good luck.'     

Whenever he thought about this, the old man felt that it was such a pity that Zhan Jing found this girl first. If any of the other two masters found her, they would surely fight over her. After all, finding one at her talent was extremely hard.     

The old man lamented for several minutes before taking out a piece of paper and handed it to Ye Jiao.     

"This is your mission. You have one month to bring his head to me."     

His head?     

Ye Jiao's heart jumped as she took the paper and read the content inside. Even though she could guess that her mission would be to kill a person, her heart was not ready yet. She had killed numerous beasts, but they were all animals and not a person. Asking a young girl like her to kill someone was a bit…     

Pushing the thought to the back of her head, Ye Jiao continued to read the content. This was the path she had chosen, so she would tread upon it no matter what. Besides, she didn't want to let the Chen and Wei Family unscathed after killing her mother and father. There was blood debt she had to settle with them.     

Sooner or later, she would surely kill her enemy. This was only the first path.     

Ye Jiao read the description of the man that she had to kill. It was a middle-aged man with an unclear picture. He was only Eon Energy Master rank 1, but he has been stealing from the village not far from here for a long time. The villagers grew restless because recently, the man attacked one villager in their place.     

"You can depart anytime you want," the old man interrupted Ye Jiao. "I'll be waiting here."     

Ye Jiao nodded her head. "I understand, thank you very much."     

She put the paper into her spatial bracelet before departing into the forest. Based on the map on the mission's paper, she knew that the location was not far. She should be able to arrive in that place in around a day's time.     

The old man watched as Ye Jiao rushed into the forest. His eyes were focused on her steps as he nodded his head in satisfaction. Even though Ye Jiao was still young at age, she had learned the importance of masking her run to make sure that they wouldn't be able to catch up to her.     

She was pretty good for a kid her age.     

As Ye Jiao dashed in the forest, she made sure that she didn't make any unnecessary movements because it would slow her down. In addition, she tried to erase her presence as much as possible.     

In this forest, there was not only rank 1 beast, but also rank 2 and rank 3.     

If she met with rank 2 beast, she still has the chance to run away. But facing against rank 3 beast would spell her death. Her small body and capabilities wouldn't allow her to do anything against them. Their absolute advantage was too much for her.     

Time passed slowly.     

Ye Jiao was pushing her concentration to the limit as she watched the surroundings while running at high speed. By circulating her Eon Energy, she would be able to converse much of her energy, but it was still taxing to run for hours with maintaining her stamina.     

Back then, she never lasted long because of the high pressure they gave.     

This time there was no pressure, so she just made use of the circulation technique to stabilize her condition. Using this method, she managed to reach the village right before it turned dark.     

'I've arrived.'     

Ye Jiao's eyes lit up when she read the board at the front. It was telling her that this place was the right one. There were a lot of people walking here and there. From their clothes, it was easy to guess that they were mostly farmers with some guards here and there.     

'It seems that in the village, the most important occupation is farmer.'     

Because of the limitation in their talent, not everyone could become Eon Energy Master. Some of them would just train their body to reach the first rank to help in their daily work and all. Only those who had good talent would surely train to reach the third rank or even above.     

"Hey kid, what are you doing there?"     

The sudden voice startled Ye Jiao. She could see a middle-aged man looking at her with inquiry. He was dressed in coarse clothes and the short sleeve allowed them to see his well-toned muscle.     

Ye Jiao opened her mouth. "I…I got lost."     

Honestly, she was never good at talking with other people. Her previous experience of them evading her and talking bad at her emerged in her mind. Only a few of them would treat her well.     

The middle-aged man frowned. He looked at the forest with confusion. Where did this brat come from?     

This village was far from other villages, so it would be hard for this girl to travel in the forest alone. After all, there were a lot of beasts roaming around in the area.     

Ye Jiao continued to stare at the middle-aged man. She was unsure what she had to do in this situation, so all she could do was look back.     


It was at this moment Ye Jiao's stomach made a voice. Her face turned red in embarrassment. She could not believe that her stomach betrayed her in this crucial moment.     

It was so embarrassing!     

The middle-aged man chuckled when he heard it. "Come with me, brat. I can't possibly let a stranded kid starve to death."     

"AH, thank you!" Ye Jiao exclaimed happily, showing a wide smile.     

The middle-aged man's body stiffened for a moment. He had just realized that the dirty stranded kid looked cute too.     


"Follow me," the middle-aged man turned around while beckoned for Ye Jiao to follow after him.     

Ye Jiao smiled happily and ran to the man's side.     

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