Trapped in Her Heart

Ava's instincts

Ava's instincts

0"Exactly, what can she possibly do?" Charlotte remarked.      

"Yeah, let's not fuss about this. I am sure she is just being weird."      

Shoving the weird thoughts aside, the three of them started talking about the party which was scheduled in the evening. But little did they know, things were about to get a little more complicated.      


An hour later.      

"When are they coming?"     

"Seb just called me, he is at your parents place and—"      

Scrunching her brows, Ava inquired, "At this time? Why?"      

"I have no idea, he was telling me your mother called him over," Ellie answered.      

"Oh okay, so are we waiting for him or—"      

"Seb told me he will be sending the car. We can leave first and then he will directly join us there."      

"What about others?" Charlotte inquired.      

"Mel and Noah will meet us at the hotel, what about Calvin and Brandon, are they coming to take you or—"      

"Oh no, I already told Brandon that I will be coming with you," Charlotte answered.      

"Let me call Calvin and tell him the same, let's go together," Ava added.      

Glancing at the watch, Ellie remarked, "I think we should go down already, it's almost time."      

"You guys start going, I'll be there in a minute."      

After Ellie and Charlotte left, Ava quickly called Calvin to inform about the change in plans.     



When Ava reached downstairs, she frowned when she saw a familiar car which definitely did not belong to Sebastian. "What happened?" she asked Charlotte who was standing not too far away.      

"I have no idea, El is talking to Sebastian," she answered.      

"Good evening madam," the chauffeur quickly greeted Ava.      

"Good evening Mr. Bryce, what are you doing here?" Looking at the car simultaneously, she further inquired, "Is mom here too?"      

Mr. Bryce shook his head and answered, "No, madam is at home."      

"Then what are you doing here?" she suspiciously questioned him.     

"I—I am here to fetch Ms. Ellie," he stuttered for a while before answering.      

Raising her brows, she remarked, "You are here to take Ellie in mom's car?" When he slowly nodded his head, she scoffed, "Seriously, am I drunk already? Because I think I am hallucinating things."      

Just then, Ellie arrived and informed, "We should leave."      

"What did Seb tell you?"      

"His car broke down so he sent some other car for us," she answered.      

"Seb sent this car or mom?" Ava inquired before looking at Mr. Bryce.      

Finding her behavior strange, Ellie was about to ask her what was wrong when Ava stepped forward, towards the chauffeur.      

"Tell me Mr. Bryce, who sent you? Sebastian or mom?" Ava questioned him. When he did not say anything, she sighed, "Alright, we should leave."      

Widening his eyes in shock, the chauffeur snapped, "We? Only Ms. Ellie is going in the car, right?" When Ava raised her brows, he quickly added, "I mean, I was instructed to pick up only Ms. Ellie so—"      

Cutting him off, she started questioning him. "Who told you that? My brother?" Without waiting for her reply, she further added, "Did he tell you not to drop me along with Ellie?"      

"N—No, I—" stopping midway, he gave her a weak smile. "Please sit inside the car, I will be back in a minute."      

Before he could step away, Ava stopped him. "Where are you going for a minute? To pee or to call my mother?"      

Flustered by the sudden statement, the chauffeur panicked. Before he could justify himself, Ava took a step towards him.      

"Now why don't you tell me what is going on before I force it out from you," she snapped.      

Mr. Bryce was Rebecca's personal chauffeur for the past fifteen years. Since he was one of the people Rebecca trusted a lot, he was very loyal to her. No one from the main house was allowed to use Rebecca's personal chauffeur apart from her, not even Ava or Sebastian.     

The fact that Rebecca sent her personal chauffeur to pick Ellie in her car was very suspicious and it made Ava wonder what her mother was actually up to. She couldn't wait to find out what kind of scene was Rebecca trying to create this time.      

"I-I—" Mr. Bryce stuttered, no knowing how he was supposed to answer Ava. He was just following Rebecca's instructions and was doing what was told to him.      

"Ava, what is going on?" Ellie curiously inquired who had no idea what was going on.      

"Will you tell me what is going on or should I just call dad and tell him about your suspicious activities? And trust me, if I do that, not even mom can save your ass from getting fried," Ava snapped at him.      

"I—I seriously don't know what you are talking about madam, I—" He widened his eyes in shock when Ava took out her phone.      

"You very well know how mother is, she will definitely not take your side and save your ass if I tell dad about your suspicious behavior. Now why don't you act wisely and tell me what you are up to before I do something that will bring you trouble."      

When he did not say anything, she sighed, "It seems like you will confess everything only in front of dad and Sebastian."      

Before he could say anything, she instructed, "Pass me the car keys."      



Left with no other choice, the chauffeur gave her the keys.      

"I want your cell phone as well, just in case you try to inform my mother about the busted plan." After getting her hands on his cell phone, she turned it off.      

"Will you tell us what is going on?" Charlotte frowned.      

"I will but first, why don't you both get inside the car? We need to go somewhere first before resuming our party plans," she explained before gesturing the chauffeur to step into the car as well.      

When Ava made her way towards the driver's seat, Ellie widened her eyes in shock. "Wait, are you going to drive?" She had heard stories about Ava's atrocious driving skills from Sebastian and Calvin. In fact, Sebastian had warned her not to let Ava drive if they would go somewhere.      




The story has been marked completed.      

The five chapters under privilege will drop at reset (2/day) systematically.      

Please don't forget to read the special note in the finale chapter :)     


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