Trapped in Her Heart

The next step....?

The next step....?

0"I am sure you don't have to take such dangerous steps," Ellie remarked.      

"Hmm but you never know, men are weird." Without waiting for her reply, Melissa grabbed Ellie's hand and curiously inquired, "Forget about us, let's talk about you and Seb."      

"What about us?"      

"Tell me what is going on. I mean, you and Seb are having a good time but what now?"      

"What do you mean?" Helplessly shaking her head, Ellie sighed, "Be more specific."      

"When are you both planning to take the next step? Like getting engaged or married?"      

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Ellie answered, "I think we are not there yet."      

"You mean you are not there or you think Seb is not there?"      

Shrugging her shoulder, she sighed, "I don't know Mel, I mean I am there but—"      

Cutting her off, Melissa remarked, "Girl, I am very sure that Seb is one hundred percent already there."      

"Look, with everything that happened recently, I just don't want to think about such things. You know what is the exact thing going on with Seb's mother. Everything is still complicated, we need some time to fix it." Though she knew there was a slim chance of Rebecca liking her after everything that had happened, she still didn't wanna lose hope. She wanted to share a decent relationship with her before they took their relationship to the next level.      

"Hmm, well you are right to but I don't think Seb sees it that way." When Ellie gave her a weird look, Melissa quickly explained, "I mean, you know he doesn't care about whether his mother accepts this relationship or not."      

Before Ellie could say anything, she quickly added, "Okay, let's not talk about this for now. My wedding is in two weeks' time, we have a lot of shopping to do before that."      


Two days later.     


"You gotta be kidding me," Calvin snapped.      


"Seriously, when did we start trusting Seb for such romantically important things?" When Sebastian frowned, Owen quickly added, "No offense dude but it's you."      

"Exactly, though you have a girlfriend, we still have trust issues with you regarding things like this because of the past experiences," Calvin explained.      

After finalizing the wedding date, the entire group flew back to L.A to prepare for the wedding.      

When Calvin and Owen learned that Sebastian was the one who suggested the place Noah was buying the wedding ring from, the duo started raising their doubts. They didn't want to trust Sebastian's choice even though they believed his choice had improved after meeting Ellie.      

Glancing at his watch, Noah sighed, "Where is Brandon?"      

"He is stuck in traffic, he should be here any minute now," Sebastian answered before glaring at the two men who were doubting his ability.      

"What are you staring at? We are just being good friends," Owen defended themselves.      

"You guys talk too much, don't force me to be rude or mean to you people again," he snapped before turning towards Noah. "And you—"      

"Hey, don't yell at me. What did I do?" Noah frowned.      

"Do you trust me or not? If not then there is no point going in and checking this place out. You should ask these idiots to take you to a better place," Sebastian stated.      

Shrugging his shoulders, Noah quickly said, "Of course I trust you Seb, why wouldn't I? You are my best friend and my brother."      

Satisfied with Noah's answer, Sebastian smiled, "Good, now let's go in."      

Leaning towards Owen, Calvin whispered, "He is still the same."      

"I heard that," Sebastian snapped before entering the store along Noah.      


Inside the store.      

Looking around, Owen inquired, "So they really make customized wedding rings?" When Sebastian nodded his head, he added, "How did you find a place like this?"     

Awkwardly clearing his throat, Sebastian answered, "Well, I just happened to find it and—"      

"Mr.Stewart, welcome back," One of the employees greeted him. Without waiting for Sebastian's reply, the employee panic strickenly inquired, "Is something wrong with the ring? Did madam not like it?"      

"What the—" Scrunching his brows, Noah yelled, "Dude, you bought a wedding ring?"      

"Exactly, why would you buy a wedding ring?" Owen frowned.      

Widening his eyes in shock, Calvin gasped, "Unless you have plans of proposing Ellie."      

Helplessly shaking his head after seeing the dramatic reactions, Sebastian excused himself from the employee. "Can you please give us a moment?"      

"Sure sir, take your time."      

After the employee left, he frowned at his friends. "Can you guys be a little less embarrassing?"      

"Embarrassing? Dude, you are the one who is embarrassing our friendship and brotherhood," Noah snapped.      

"Woah, why do you guys look so hyped up?" Brandon, who had just arrived, inquired.      

"Sebastian is buying wedding rings without telling us," Owen complained.      

"Hold on, Sebastian is buying wedding rings without telling you people, I already knew about it."      

"What? You knew about it?" Jerking his head towards Sebastian, Noah started whining. "So you told Brandon and not me? How can you do this to me Seb? I thought we were best buds."      

"Of course we are best buds—"      

"Your actions do not justify your words," Noah scoffed.      

Helplessly shaking his head, Sebastian sighed, "Can we please not talk about this now/ We are here to pick up a wedding ring for Melissa and Noah so lets focus on that." When the three men gave him a threatening look, he quickly added, "I swear on God, I will tell you guys each and everything later."      

"Okay, after doing this, we are going to an expensive restaurant and you are paying the bill," Clavin stated.      



Sebastian and Ellie's place.      

When Sebastian arrived home, Ellie was busy petting Bojo and Boji who were snuggling on their mommy's lap.      

Leaning against the couch, he smiled at them. "They really missed you a lot when you were gone."      

"I was just gone for two days." Walking towards him, she wrapped her arms around his waist. "You were the only one who made a big fuss about it."      


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