Trapped in Her Heart

Company Gala (VI)

Company Gala (VI)

0Looking at the couple who were lost in their own sweet world, Rebecca narrowed her eyes. She still couldn't be okay with the fact that her son was dating his assistant. When she got the wind of their love affair, she thought it was nothing but a rumour but later when she started hearing more things about them, it started scaring her. She didn't want her only son to be with someone who would bring him no good.      

Rebecca thought she would manage to lure Sebastian to leave Ellie and be with someone who could boost his potential but to her surprise, her son was no more the old Sebastian who could be easily manipulated. And now when Arthur has also given his consent over the relationship which according to her is inappropriate, there was nothing she could do.      

"They look lovely together, don't they?"      

Looking at Markus, Rebecca forced a smile and nodded her head.      

Standing right beside her, he looked at Ellie and Sebastian and smiled. "You know if Sebastian wouldn't have pursued Ellie, I would have definitely grabbed her for my grandson."      

"Sebastian never pursued her, she works for him so—"      

Cutting her off, he chuckled, "Well, I guess you don't know anything about their relationship." Without waiting for her reply, he explained, "Sebastian pursed Ellie and he was the one who proposed. In fact, he even used to go to Ellie's place and help her out with cleaning and other things. He was totally into her from the very beginning."      

Pausing for a while, Markus smiled, "I know you don't like her and maybe you think she is not good enough for your son. I am not saying that Sebastian is not talented, in fact I often tell Brandon to learn something from him. He has achieved so many things at such a young age which is incredible and something I really appreciate. But don't think Ellie isn't at par with your son."      

"She is a young, strong, independent woman who is incredibly talented as well. Not only is she an expert handling professional matters but is also an expert in handling household matters. Sebastian is very lucky to be with someone like her and Stewart Group is fortunate to have an employee like her," he proudly exclaimed.      

When Rebecca did not say anything, Markus stated, "You might be thinking Sebastian is making a wrong choice but that is not true, Ellie is his best decision ever."      

"You seem to be very fond of her. I mean, you are even trying very hard to interfere in someone else's family matter for her," she snapped.      

Helplessly shaking his head, he chuckled, "Well, I don't mind interfering in anything if it's for her. And I am not just interfering but warning you."      

Pausing for a while, he warned, "Don't think you can bully her just because you think she doesn't have a strong family background. I will forever be right beside her and I know how exactly one should deal with narrow minded people."      

Without waiting for her reply, he walked away leaving Rebecca fuming in anger. She couldn't understand how a girl like Ellie managed to win so many hearts. Her close relationship with Markus and the way Arthur defended her in front of other guests was already a very hot topic that was being discussed in the Gala and Rebecca wasn't liking it.      


Dance floor.      

When Ellie saw Markus talking to Rebecca, she started freaking out. She had told him everything that had happened in the past few weeks and how Rebecca hated her. She didn't want him to pick up a fight with Sebastian's mother because that would make things even more complicated.      

Sensing her distraction, he inquired, "What happened El? Is something wrong?"      

When she saw Markus walking away, Ellie breathed a sigh of relief,      

"Honey, is everything okay?"      

She nodded her head and smiled at him. "Yes, everything is fine." Placing her head on his chest, she sighed, "I am just tired."      

Kissing the top of her head, he remarked, "Hmm let's go home after sometime."      

"How can we go home? There are so many guests, you should go around and greet them."      

Helplessly shaking his head, he sighed in dejection, "That is one of the most boring things ever."      

Just then Noah approached him with a huge scowl in his face.      

"Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you? Do you want me to die? I have been greeting all the guests all by myself and here you are enjoying a romantic dance," he whispered.      

Before Sebastian could say anything, Noah snapped again. "The guest keeps asking for you."      

"Why? Aren't you enough for them?" he chuckled.      

"I don't know, for some odd reason they want to see us together," Noah gritted his teeth in annoyance.      

Looking around, Ellie inquired, "Where is Mel?"      

"She is with Ava and others, she doesn't like going around greeting annoying people," he answered.      

Placing her hand on Sebastian's arm, she said, "I'll accompany them, you go with Noah."      

"Alright, eat something okay? Don't wait for me."      

"We can eat together later, I'll just grab some starters."      

Kissing her forehead, he smiled, "Okay, I'll join you soon."      

After Noah and Sebastian left, Ellie started looking for Melissa and others but ended up bumping against someone.      

"I am so sorry, I—"      

"It's alright, I didn't mind." Looking at Ellie from top to bottom, Nathane smirked, "Mr. Stewart sure has a really good taste."      

No liking the tone of the man, she gave him a weak smile and was about to walk away when he stopped her.      

"Ms. Miller." When she stopped midway, he approached her and smiled, "You seem to be in a hurry."      

"I have to look for my friends, please excuse me."      

"Please pass my humble regards to your friend Ava," he remarked.      

Looking at the man carefully, Ellie finally realized who it was and that made her wonder who invited him to the party because Ava was incharge of the invitation and there was no way she would invite him here.      

Without saying anything, she walked away.      


Special Author's note.      

Sorry for the unexpected long hiatus. Things were really tough recently but everything is back on track. Updates will resume from today :)     

Webnovel is rolling out a new feature in which the readers can choose the books they want the authors to continue writing by adding then in their library (Just like how readers pick up books in the trial read section)      

I submitted a short story of mine for the test trial which Webnovel will be running soon.     

The name of the novel is 'The Strings of Love' you can add it in the library. More chapters will be added only after I finish the existing ones.      

Don't forget to add it in your library, drop a comment and a review :)      

Happy reading :)     

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