Trapped in Her Heart



0Wrapping her arms around Sebastian's, Ellie whispered, "I'll go help aunt Rosy in the kitchen."      

Letting go off Vincent's hand, he answered, "Okay, I'll join you soon."      

After Ellie left, Ava and Melissa quickly followed her inside the kitchen while Sebastian ignored Vincent's presence and started talking with Noah and Calvin.      

After making sure no one was looking at them, Rebecca dragged Vincent to a corner.      


Cutting him off, Rebecca snapped, "Shut up, did I call you here to create trouble? Why are you trying to mess around with Sebastian and Noah when you know they are the only ones who can help you get a job in the company."      

"I did not do anything, didn't you see how they are treating me? Especially that Melissa and Seb." Looking at his hand, he frowned, "My hand is not even dirty and what does he think? Is that side chick of his made up of diamond or something like that? He insulted me in front of her like I was nothing."      

Placing her hand on his shoulder, she tried to calm him down. "Listen to me Vincent, right now Sebastian is smitten by that woman, I am sure he will be back to normal once he gets bored of her or when this so-called relationship gets old. But right now, she is the most important part of his life so be careful when you deal or behave with her. As Melissa is concerned, there is nothing we can do because she is Noah's fiancée so just endure her and everything else at the moment. After you get a job in the company, everything will be okay."      

"I am trying my best to behave but they are ones who keep provoking me, even Ava keeps taunting me for little things," Vincent complained.      

Patting his head, Rebecca sighed, "Everything is going to be okay, just be patient. I am being patient too."      

"Why don't you just throw her out? Sebastian always listens to you and does what you tell him, why are tolerating all of this?"      

"Because it's not easy, Seb is totally into that woman." Gritting her teeth, she snapped, "I don't know what kind of spell she cast on my son."      

"I am not gonna lie but she is really beautiful, maybe that is why he is head over heels for her." Helplessly shaking his head, he smirked, "I know these kinds of women really well."      

"Anyway, I don't want anyone else to see us. We need to join the other soon and be careful when you talk to everyone. I am telling you one more time Vincent, don't do anything stupid," Rebecca warned.      

Vincent Nylop was Rebecca's younger sister's son. He was of Sebastian's age and was known for his sly ways. His reputation with women was as dull as his future. Vincent was a womanizer who treated women like toys. He was seen entering the hotel rooms with different women every other night.     

Apart from his womanizing ways, Sebastian and the rest hated how arrogant and irritating Vincent was. Even Sebastian who was known for his patients and polite ways couldn't tolerate him let alone Ava and Noah who weren't patient at all.      

After losing his job as a senior department head from a corporate company, Vincent had nothing to do and kept loitering around. He was mercilessly kicked out of the company for trying to sexual assault a young woman of his department. Because of his bad reputation, he did not get a job anywhere so his only last resort was working in Stewart International and Group.      



"Girl that was so D.O.P.E, did you see that look on his face when you slammed him with your words." Groaning in satisfaction, Ava beamed, "I would give up anything to see that look on that bastard's face again."      

"Ava don't say that, he is your cousin," Rosy stated.      

"Aunt Rosy you know how Vincent is, I just can't tolerate him."      

"Who is he exactly?" Ellie curiously asked. She also did not like Vincent even though it was the first time they had met. The vibe around him felt very negative and dark so she decided to keep a safe distance from him.      

"He is mom's sister's only son, he is a spoiled brat," Ava answered.      

"Hmm did not get a good vibe from him so—I don't know," Ellie added.      

"I never got any positive vibe from him either, he is full of negativity. He always tries to mock Noah and my relationship but I shut him up with my words," Melissa explained.      

Shoving a piece of olive inside her mouth, Ava remarked, "He is an ass, don't pay attention to his actions."      


Dining area.      

"So when have you both decided the date?" Arthur inquired.      

Noah shook his head and answered, "No uncle not yet."      

"We will be flying to Seattle after they both come back from their pre-honeymoon trip," Samuel added.      

"You and Rebecca should also join us when we go to Seattle, what do you think?" Rosy suggested.      

"Rosy is right, it will be nice if all of us go there and you haven't met Melissa's parents yet," Samuel explained.      

Arthur nodded his head in agreement. "Yes, I like that idea and while we are at it, I will also get a chance to meet Ellie's parents." Looking at her, he added, "I heard you both are neighbors."      

Giving him a weak smile, Ellie nodded her head.      

"So you are from Seattle, I heard it's a beautiful place." Gently brushing his shoulders against Ellie's, Vincent added, "I would love to see Seattle as well."      

Slowly scrunching her brows, she moved towards Sebastian. The sudden contact with him irked her, she wanted to move as far away from him.      

Sensing her awkwardness, Sebastian wrapped his arms around her shoulder. "Honey, do you mind switching places with me?"      

"Of course not."     

"Great—"Getting up, he helped Ellie stand up before pulling the other chair for her. "I am feeling so uncomfortable here."      

 When he sat down on her chair, Ellie extended her hand to exchange their plates but Sebastian stopped her.      

"It's alright." Pointing towards the plate he was eating from, he instructed, "Finish those vegetables."      

Cupping her cheeks, Ava sighed, "Isn't it just great seeing our Seb like this? I mean just look at him, he is completely drowned in love."      

"I guess we need to send a lifeguard to rescue him, you know drag him out of that love," Vincent chuckled.      

"No thanks, I prefer drowning," Sebastian smiled.      

"So Vincent, how is everything going?" Samuel inquired.      

"Everything is fantastic as always," he stated.      

Taking a sip of the wine, Arthur asked, "How did you get out of the lawsuit that was filed against you?" When Vincent did not say anything, he added, "The one which the company you worked for filed against you for misbehaving with a female employee."      

Awkwardly clearing his throat, he answered, "They did not file any lawsuit against me."      

Raising his brows, Noah scoffed, "What a useless company, if someone would have done something like that in our company, he would have been rotting in jail by now. In fact, Seb and I are planning to revise the clauses and make them even more intense, especially the part which includes the sexual assaultation part."      

"That is right, the legal team is working on that already," Sebastian added.      

Noticing the change in her nephew's expression, Rebecca quickly jumped to his rescue. "The company did not do anything because they found out it wasn't Vincent's fault."      

"Really? Then why was he kicked out?" Samuel inquired.      

"I was given the job back but I rejected it, I didn't want to work in such an atmosphere," Vincent explained.      

"That is true, you shouldn't work in such a place which doesn't value you," Rebecca stated.      

"Yes but now I am looking for a job." Helplessly shaking his head, he sighed, "It's tough getting one."      

"Don't worry honey, you will get one soon." Pausing for a while, Rebecca added, "Maybe Seb and Noah can help you find something in the company."      

"We recruited a bunch of employees last week, so currently we are full." Noah stated.      

"Unless you want to work as an intern." Looking at Noah, Melissa asked, "Babe, aren't we open for interns?"      



As many of you know that Trapped in her heart was a part of THE SPIRITY AWARDS 2020. The results are already out and I am glad to inform everyone that Trapped has been nominated and won the nomination prize. ^_^     

To be honest, I wasn't expecting that it would even get nominated but thanks to all my readers, it wouldn't have been possible without your constant support. You guys are the ones who always keep me motivated.      

We started this journey almost nine months ago and now it's slowly coming to its end. Let's stay together and enjoy the blissful ending of this novel as well :heart_suit:.      

Hope to see each and everyone of you when I start my new books as well :)      

Lots of hugs and kisses,      

Sofia :heart_suit:     


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