Trapped in Her Heart



0Next day.      

Stewart International and Group.      

Sebastian's office.      

With her phone pressed against her ear, Ellie was intently looking for something. "Seb, the file is not here. Where did you keep it?"      

"Babe it's in the right drawer, the file is blue in colour," Sebastian explained.      

Scrunching her brows, she complained, "Of course I know that it's blue in colour, I was the one who gave you that file after evaluation."      

"Seriously honey, if you wait for fifteen minutes, I will be there and then I will take the file out of you."      

"I don't have time, I need to go through it once more before making the report. You will need it during the meeting which is scheduled in the afternoon. Why do you always have to go out when I need you the most?" she snapped.      

"Hey, you are the one who was craving for some bubble tea. I am just being a good boyfriend and getting it for you," he remarked.      

"Well—ahhh found it." Looking through the file, she stated, "Get some cookies as well, I love you bye." After hanging up the call, Ellie was about to rush out when someone entered the office.      

Looking at the man whom she did not remember seeing but he also looked familiar, she frowned.      

"Is Sebastian not here?" the man inquired.      

She shook her head and answered, "He has gone out to do something important but he will be here soon."      

"Okay, I'll wait for him."      

"Excuse me, can I know your name and do you have an appointment?" Ellie inquired before taking out the appointment list.      

"I am Arthur Stewart, Sebastian's father." Raising his brows, he smiled, "Do I still need an appointment to meet my son?"      

Dropping the entire file and the paper she was holding in her hand, Ellie widened her eyes in shock. "I am—" Quickly squatting down, she started picking up the papers which were scattered all over the floor.      

Bending down, Arthur stated, "Here, let me help you."      

Taking the parents from his hand, she awkwardly apologized. "I am sorry I did not recognize you and thank you for helping me pick them up."      

"It's alright, I was away for many months and I think you joined the company when I was away." Looking at her, he smiled, "You must me Ellie."      

"Y-Yes, I am Ellie Miller. It's a pleasure to meet you sir," she politely greeted him in her panic state.      

"It's a pleasure to meet you too." Walking towards the couch, he inquired, "Where did Seb go?"      

"H-He stepped out for a bit to do something important, he will be back soon." Contemplating for a while, she inquired, "Do you want something? Water, tea or coffee?"      

"Coffee, if you make one." Without waiting for her reply, he added,, "I heard you make delicious coffee, I would love to taste it."      

"Sure, I'll quickly get one for you. How many tablespoons of sugar would you like?"      

"Exactly like Sebastian likes it."      

"I'll get one quickly." She then rushed out of the room without waiting for his reply. She met Sebastian's mother out of nowhere and today she met his father all of sudden and that too in Sebastian's absence. How could her luck be so bad?      

Cursing her fate, she quickly rushed towards the pantry to make a cup of coffee for Arthur as per his request.      


Ten minutes later.      

"Dad, when you come here?" Sebastian inquired before placing the things which his girlfriend had instructed him to get.      

"Not too long ago, I was waiting for you and my coffee." Looking at Ellie who had just entered the room, Arthur added, "That was fast."      

Giving him the coffee, Ellie gave him a weak smile. "I hope you like it."      

Placing his hand on her shoulder, Sebastian remarked, "Seems like you both have already met."      

"Hmm we did have an interaction while you were away," Arthur answered.      

Turning towards Sebastain, she whispered, "I'll go complete my work."      

Grabbing the bag from the table, he stated, "Here is your bubble tea and cookies."      

Raising his brows, Arthur inquired, "So you had gone out to bring that?"      

Sebastian nodded his head and answered, "Yes, Ellie wanted some bubble tea so I got it for her."      

"Good, that is also a very important work, right Ms.Miller?" Arthur smiled.      

Lowering her head in embarrassment, she slowly nodded her head and rushed out of the room.      

Taking a sip of the coffee, Arthur stated, "Umm this is a delicious cup of coffee, no wonder you like it so much."      

Sitting beside him, Sebastian sighed, "Dad, what else did Ava tell you?"      

"Not something that I shouldn't know. Anyway, I am here to invite you and Ellie for the dinner party we are hosting for Noah and Melissa," Arthur informed.      

Scrunching his brows, Sebastian remarked, "So you are here to invite me for a dinner party which is happening in my own house?"      

"Uh huh and don't forget you bring Ellie with you." Glancing at his watch, Arthur sighed, "I am getting late but I will leave after finishing this cup of coffee."      

"Your sudden appearance in my absence must have given Ellie a heart attack," he sighed.      

"I don't think so, we had a decent conversation." After finishing his coffee, Arthur got up and patted Sebastian's shoulder. "She is really very beautiful and I am sure she is equally nice as well."      

Sebastian proudly nodded his head and stated, "Yes she is and not just nice and beautiful, she is special too."      

"Look at you talking like a love struck fool. Anyway, I will take my leave now. I'll see you on Friday."      

After Arthur left, Sebastian quickly made his way towards Ellie's office.      


Ellie's office.      

When Sebastian entered the office, Ellie was busy drinking her bubble tea and shoving the cookies inside her mouth. "No one is going to take your cookies away honey, eat slowly."      

When he stretched his hand to pick up a cookie from the box, she slapped his hand away. "Don't touch my cookies."      



As many of you know that Trapped in her heart was a part of THE SPIRITY AWARDS 2020. The results are already out and I am glad to inform everyone that Trapped has been nominated and won the nomination prize. ^_^     

To be honest, I wasn't expecting that it would even get nominated but thanks to all my readers, it wouldn't have been possible without your constant support. You guys are the ones who always keep me motivated.      

We started this journey almost nine months ago and now it's slowly coming to its end. Let's stay together and enjoy the blissful ending of this novel as well :heart_suit:.      

Hope to see each and everyone of you when I start my new books as well :)      

Lots of hugs and kisses,      

Sofia :heart_suit:     


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