Trapped in Her Heart



0[WARNING: Mature content ahead...I know you will shamelessly read it despite the warning]     

Completely taken aback by her sudden paint attack, he quickly dipped his four fingers on the paint. "You are so dead."      

Ellie squealed in surprise and tried to escape from his clutches but before she could take more than a couple of steps, he grabbed her waist and pinned her against the nearby wall. Their laughter was soon replaced with heavy breathing. She was trapped in between his arms, her chest pressed against his.      

Placing one of his hands on the back of her neck, Sebastian slowly brushed the tip of his nose against her right cheek before brushing it against the tip of her nose.      

Gulping in nervousness, she softly called his name. "Seb."      

"Hmmm," he let out a low affirmative sound while his hand gently rubbed the back of her neck.      

With his lips just an inch away from his, she resisted the strong urge to ravish them and closed her eyes. "The painting, we—"      

"Forget it, you suck at it anyway." Without wasting anymore time talking or thinking, he did what he was supposed to. He pressed his lips against her slightly parted ones and started sucking her lower lips before pushing his tongue inside her mouth. His tongue wandered around her mouth until it met hers.      

The intertwining of his warm tongue against hers made her moan in satisfaction. Her heart sank in pleasure and anticipation, her legs started turning wobbly making it very difficult for her to stand still.      

With one of his hands holding the back of her neck, he gently caressed her bare waist with the other. He then slowly started sliding his hands further upwards, stopping right below her breast. Pulling away, he buried his face on her neck before slowly cupping her breast.      

Pressing the back of her head against the wall, she closed her eyes and let out a seductive moan when he started fondling her breast gently.      

He then caught the hem of her t-shirt and swiftly took it off before tossing it on the ground. With both his hands placed on either side of waist, he started leaving soft kisses all the way down her neck up to her cleavage. Kneeling on the ground, he brushed his lips all the way down, stopping right below her lower abdomen.      

When he looked at her with his misty and loving eyes, she gently clutched onto his hair, giving him the permission he was seeking.      

After receiving the green light, he slowly unbuttoned her shorts before pulling it down, making it easier for her to kick it off.      

Curling up her toes, Ellie lowered her head trying very hard to avoid his gaze. She was standing in front of him in the most vulnerable state which made her feel embarrassed.      

Without saying anything, he lifted her chin up and kissed her in the most gentle way which immediately helped in calming her tensed nerves down. He then scooped her into his arms and walked out of the room.     


Inside the bedroom.      

Kicking the door open, he gently placed her on the bed before taking off his t-shirt and tossing it aside.      

Ellie drooled at the sight of his toned body, she would never get over it no matter how many times she had seen or touched it. Supporting her body with the back of her hand, she watched him unbuckle his belt while walking towards the window. He then drew the curtains together before walking towards her.      

Hovering his tall body over hers, he gently kissed her forehead before moving towards her shoulder. He then removed the strap of her bra before doing the same with the other side.      

She curled her toes in anticipation when he unhooked her bra. She wanted it but at the time, she was scared but unlike the other time, she wouldn't let her unreasonable fear come in between them.      

Sebastian stopped midway when he felt her body turning stiff. He gently held her without doing anything and waited for her to calm down.      

His gentle actions made her feel butterflies in her stomach. She knew he wanted her to take the time she needed and was willing to wait for her no matter how long it took. Sebastian was like that, he always placed Ellie's needs above his and never allowed his desires to take an upper hand over their relationship. This was one of the many qualities she loved and adored about him.      

Holding the strip of her bra, she slowly took off and tossed it on the floor. Her cheeks started burning red at the realization that she was naked in front of him.      

His eyes darted at her erect nipples which were inviting him, yearning for his attention. Gently cupping one of her breasts, he took the other one in his mouth, earning a loud moan from her.      

He was sucking, bitting, nibbling her erect nipples making her go frenzy. She could feel adrenaline rush into her brain making her moan louder. She squeezed her thighs shut when she felt dampness in between her legs.      

Webbing her fingers in the back of his hair, she pushed him forward, demanding for more. She didn't want him to stop, the feeling of his wet tongue against her erect nipples was sending waves of pleasure throughout her body, something that she had never felt before.      

Sebastian groaned in pleasure when she gently pushed his head forward. Her seductive moans were making his member grow harder than it already was. He slowly swirled his wet tongue around her erect nipples while he fondled the other one. The feeling of her bare breast around his palm felt so right, no words could justify the pleasurous jolts he was feeling all over his body.      

Pulling away, he captured her other breast which was also yearning for his attention. He swirled his tongue around it before sucking on it.      

Letting go off her breast, he slowly kissed his way down to her lower abdomen and...….     


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