Trapped in Her Heart

Master Noah

Master Noah

0"Was it mom?" Melissa inquired before wrapping her arms around his waist.      

"Hmmm, it was mom."      

Scrunching her brows, she inquired, "What happened babe? Is everything okay?"      

"I don't understand one thing, why can't she let Seb be happy and live like he wants to? This is ridiculous," he snapped.      

Rubbing the sides of his arm, she tried to calm him down. "Relax and tell me what happend."      

"It's aunt Rebecca, she is trying to set Seb up with her best friend's daughter. Mom heard about it from aunt Dorathy so she told me." Pinching the bridge of his nose, Noah sighed, "Can't she let my mate live a normal and peaceful life?"      

Cupping his face, Melissa stated, "Hey, don't worry about it okay? I am sure Seb will handle everything, don't stress over it so much."      

"I know he will handle everything Mel but that is not what I am worried about." Pausing for a while, he added, "Aunt Rebecca is not physically present here but still she is trying so hard to make sure that she ruins everything between Seb and El. Now imagine what she will do when she comes back."      

Though what Noah just stated did make sense, there was nothing they could do except to alert Sebastian and Ellie about it. "I know you are worried about them and I am too but I am sure that they will handle everything. Especially Sebastian, there is no way he will let his mom ruin his relationship. We just need to stay by their side and show our support."      

Noah sighed and nodded his head in agreement. "Hmmm, I'll let Seb know about this when Ellie isn't around."      

"Okay, I also think we shouldn't let her know about it now. This news will surely ruin all her vacation mood." Resting her head on his shoulder, Melissa sighed, "Thank God we don't have such problems in our relationship."      

Kissing the back of her hand, he smiled, "Hmmm it's good that we don't but even if we had one, I would never leave your side. Do you know why?"      

Hooking her arms around his neck, she chuckled, "Why do I already feel that I am going to love what you are about to say?"      

"Maybe because you are going to love it." Wrapping her arms around her waist, he added, "Even if the problem was ten times bigger than aunt Rebecca, I would still not leave your side because you are worth the fight."      

"Cheesy but I still love it."      

"And I love you."      

Looking around, she sighed, "This room is so beautiful, I cannot believe people say that this place is haunted."      

Scrunching his brows, he complained, "Honey, I am trying to be romantic here and there you are talking about ghosts."      

"I was just curious."      

Crashing on the bed, he stated, "Let's not talk about ghosts, you know I share a hate relationship with them."      

Rolling her eyes, she scoffed, "Stop being such a pussy and order something, I am starving."      


Next morning.      

"Morning Seb."      

"When did you guys arrive?" he inquired.      

"Yesterday night when you all were sleeping," Brandon answered.      

Noah, who had just stepped out of his room, inquired, "You guys are here, who let you in?"      

Shoving a piece of bread inside his mouth, Owen answered, "The lady who takes care of the house."      

Scrunching his brows, Noah snapped, "What lady?"      

"The one who wears a uniform, white apron and—"      

Gulping in nervousness, Noah stuttered, "T-There is no lady in this house, I never hired one."      

Rubbing his chin, Calvin frowned, "That is strange, that woman even mentioned you."      

Nodding her head in agreement, Ava added, "Uh huh she referred to you as master Noah."      

Looking at Noah whose face had already turned as white as a sheet, Sebastian chuckled, "Come on you guys, stop it. Do you guys want Noah to pee his pants early in the morning."      

Just then everyone started laughing out loud.      

Pointing at Noah, Brandon chortled, "Did you look at his face? Oh God that was so easy and funny."      

"I cannot believe he fell for that," Calvin chuckled.      

Looking at Ava, Owen, Calvin and Brandon, Charlotte scoffed, "You guys know that there is a special place for people like you in hell?"      

Scrunching his brows, Noah fumed, "Seriously that wasn't funny guys."      

"Uncle Sam had given me the spare keys a day before we boarded the plane. It was quite late and we didn't want to disturb you guys," Ava explained.      

Glancing at the watch, Sebastian informed, "I am going for a jog, Ellie is still sleeping upstairs. If she wakes up, let her know that I'll be back soon."      

"Okay, have fun jogging."      

"Geez who jogs on vacations?" Brandon scoffed.      

��Fit and disciplined people honey, not lazy ones like you," Charlotte chuckled.      

After Sebastian was nowhere to be seen, Noah glared at Calvina and Ava. "Dude, when are you planning to tell Seb about it?"      

"We just landed like six hours ago, what is the rush?" Calvin asked.      

Scrunching his brows, Noah snapped, "Of course there is rush, how long do you think we can keep this away from Seb?"      

"Uh huh and with that picture you uploaded on social media, I don't think you people have much time on your hand," June added.      

"Fine, we will tell him as soon as he comes back from the jog," Ava sighed.      



Taking out his phone from his pocket which was continuously buzzing, Sebastian sighed when he saw the caller ID. Contemplating for a while, he received it. "Mom I am busy right now, I'll call you later."      

"I have been trying to call you since yesterday, why aren't you receiving my calls?" Rebecca snapped.      

"Why are you so hyped up early in the morning? Did something happen?" he inquired.      

"After everything that your sister has done, you still have the gall to ask me why I am so hyped up?" she fumed.      

Scrunching his brows, Sebastian asked, "What did Ava do?"      


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