Trapped in Her Heart



0Widening her eyes in shock, Ellie gasped, "What? Did she really do that?" Taking the phone from Noah's hand when she saw the original picture Ava had uploaded in all her social media platforms with a caption 'Give us your blessings', she couldn't help but chuckle, "This is not something I was expecting her to do."      

"Ava has always been like this, bold and unpredictable," Melissa chuckled.      

Shrugging his shoulders, Noah sighed, "Ava is one of my close cousins and I always knew she is unpredictable with her actions, but this thing is DOPE."      

"Isn't it nice? She is declaring her claim on Cal and also telling her mother that she has already found someone capable for herself," Ellie added.      

"Uh huh, I think it's cool," Melissa stated.      

"Not gonna lie, this is cool but no matter how cool this is, we don't want Seb to see this before they themselves tell him about them," Noah remarked.      

Ellie sighed and nodded her head, "Not letting him touch his phone so I guess we are safe but I don't know if I can keep things away from him any longer. It's very tough especially when he tells me every single thing these days."      

"You don't have to do it for a long time, just hold on for a bit," Noah suggested.      

Just then Sebastian came back with their order. "Here, I bought everything that each one of you wanted." Giving Ellie her loaded fries, he added, "Here are your fries with extra cheese."      

"Thank you." Looking at the burger, Ellie inquired, "I can take a bite from your burger, right?"      

"Yes you can," he chuckled.      

"Welp, seems like Seb is going to stay hungry once again," Melissa chuckled.      

"Hey, don't say that and it's not like I am going to eat the entire thing, just a bite," she retorted.      

Rolling her eyes, Melissa scoffed, "Oh come on El, you always steal Seb's food."      

Faking a gasp, Ellie placed her hand on her chest, "Stealing is such a disgraceful word, I would rather say borrow his food because I know he cannot finish the entire thing."      

Splitting the burger into two equal halves, Sebastian smiled, "Here, if this is not enough then I'll get a new one for you."      

Shoving some fries on his mouth, she grinned, "Sharing my fries with you too, now we are even."      



Harry and Judith's place.      

When Sebastian entered the house, Judith and Harry were sitting on the couch. He did not fail to notice the tension between the couple. Thinking it was something serious, he inquired, "Everything alright? The door was open so I got in."      

When Judith saw Sebastian, she quickly got up and approached him. "You kids are back, where is Ellie?"      

"She is at Melissa's place taking some things from her." Looking at Harry who was still sitting grumpily on the couch, he inquired, "Is everything okay? Should I come back after some time?"      

"Oh no, we were actually waiting for you and Ellie." Glaring at Harry, Judith gritted her teeth, "Harry wants to tell you something."      

Left with no other choice, Harry reluctantly got up and approached them. "I want to apologize for the coffee today, I accidently added more—" he stopped midway when Judith cleared her throat. Helplessly shaking his head, he continued, "I purposely added more sugar because I wanted to see if you start yelling and throwing tantrums at us."      

"He told you about it?" Sebastian asked Judith.      

"Of course not, I saw the mountain of sugar at the bottom of the cup." Placing her hand on her chest, Judith sighed, "I am so sorry for Harry's childish behaviour, I don't know what came into him and he did such a silly thing. I—"      

Cutting her off, Sebastian assured her, "It's alright, you don't have to apologize for anything. It wasn���t a big deal."      

Scrunching his brows, Harry snapped, "What do you mean by not a big deal? Of course it is a big deal."      

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Sebastian explained, "The sole reason for coming here was because El wanted you guys to meet me and accept me for her. I know you guys already know this but you two mean the world to her and she would do anything for your happiness. I know you weren't ready for me and this whole boyfriend thing but it is how it is. I also understand why it is so difficult for you to be okay with the fact that I am dating your daughter and you have all the right to be all judgmental with me, I don't really mind at all. If giving me sugar syrup in the name of coffee early in the morning gives you happiness then I am ready to happily drink it because your happiness is everything for Ellie and I can do anything for her happiness."      

"Ah you are such a sweet boy." Giving Sebastian a hug, Judith snapped at Harry, "Learn something for him."      

Glancing at the door, Sebastian requested, "El will here any minute, can we please not tell her about this like ever?" When Harry frowned, he explained, "Since you made coffee for me, she thinks you have started liking me and she was really very happy about it for the whole day. I dont wanna ruin her mood because of all of this."      

"Don't worry about that dear, we won't say a word. Right Harry?" When Harry nodded his head, Judith added, "You should freshen up first, I'll make coffee for you."      

After he left, Harry scoffed, "Such a manipulative bastard, he almost got me with that speech of his."      

Helplessly shaking her head, she sighed, "You are unbelievable, I don't know what to do with you Harry."      


Melissa's place.     

"Salon? But why?" Ellie inquired.     

Rolling her eyes at her stupid best friend, Melissa couldn't help but knock her. "Wake up Ellie Miller."      

"Hey ouch." Rubbing the sore spot, she frowned, "Why would you do that?"      

"We are going to Hawaii girl, do you have any idea how romantic that place is?"      


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