Trapped in Her Heart

Mad or jealous

Mad or jealous


Sitting near the bar counter with a huge frown on his face, Calvin was impatiently tapping his finger on the whiskey glass. He didn't like shouting at Ava but he was super mad at the moment and could barely think straight. He knew whatever had happened wasn't entirely her fault but the fact that she had lied to him made him mad and when he saw Nathan and Ava's pictures together, he became more mad.      

Maybe nothing of this sort would have happened if she had told him that Nathan had invited her over coffee. He would have definitely not let her take such a stupid step if she had told him about it before hand. Even though he knew she did not feel anything for Nathan and had nothing to do with him, how could he be okay with his girlfriend being called someone else's fiancee? How would anyone be okay with such an arrangement?      

"Well look who is here." Helplessly shaking her head, Steffi chuckled, "It's the great Calvin Lewis all heartbroken in the bar again."      

Ignoring her, Clavin asked the bartender to serve him another drink.      

"This is actually so sad, you turned me down in your office that day and made me feel miserable and now here you are." Pausing for a while, she inquired, "So how does it feel being turned down?"      

"What do you want Steffi?"     

Shrugging her shoulder, she sighed, "Nothing, I am just trying to make you feel more miserable." Placing her hand on his, she added, "And maybe planning to make you feel more comfortable."      

Scrunching his brows, he jerked her hand off his and walked away without saying anything.      

"So it's true, you are in love with her." Helplessly shaking her head, Steffi chuckled, "This was seriously the last thing I had expected, you falling in love." Walking towards him, she smiled, "Ava is really a very lucky girl but I wonder what is so great in her that she managed to capture your heart."      

"She is great in all ways, don't compare her with anyone," Calvin stated.      

"Geez man I am not comparing, just saying that she is lucky."      

"Of course she is and you know what? I am more lucky because I found her," he exclaimed.      

Raising her brows, she inquired, "Are you sure? I saw the pictures and—"      

Cutting her off, he snapped, "That was just a misunderstanding and it's nothing like that."      

Crossing her arms in the front, Steffi sighed, "If you know it's nothing like that and it's also a misunderstanding then what on Earth are you doing here? Why aren't you with her?"      

When Calvin scrunched his brows, she added, "What is the point leaving her alone and coming here for a drink? Shouldn't you be telling her that everything is going to be and you are with her instead of telling me about it? Geez Cal, don't be such a baby."      

"I will once I am done being mad," he stated.      

"Mad or jealous?" When he did not say anything, she chuckled, "Anyone can say that you are more jealous than mad."      

"I—" Calvin stopped midway when he saw Ava standing behind Steffi.      

Walking towards him, she held her both her ears with her hand. "I am sorry."      

Looking at Steffi who was standing there with a huge grin on her face, Calvin frowned before looking at Ava. "Did you send her to unmad me?"      

"What? What the hell is unmad? That is not even a word." Without waiting for his reply, Steffi answered, "I met Ava at the entrance, I saw the pictures earlier and I was curious so she told me about it."      

Before Calvin could say anything, Ava grabbed his hand and threw herself at him. "I am sorry I know it's my fault, I should have told you about it beforehand. I promise I won't hide anything from you in the future, I will tell you each and everything."      

Pulling away, she added, "I will also change my relationship status on Facebook and mention your name in my bio, I will also tag you in all my pictures and upload lots of romantic pictures of you. I will do everything to ask me to but please don't be mad anymore, I cannot stand it when you shout at me or worse, you don't talk to me at all."      

She then started crying out loud. "And I freak out and my heart aches when you leave the house in anger and bang the door shut." Throwing her hand in her mouth, she yelped, "You are scary when you are mad."      

Helplessly shaking his head, Calvin sighed, "Come here." Pulling her into his embrace, he kissed the top of her. "Don't cry now, do you wanna go to Hawaii with swollen red eyes?" When Ava started crying harder, he frowned, "Babe, why are you crying again? I am not mad anymore."      

"I thought I have to go to Hawaii on my own, the mere thought was so sad and made me feel miserable," she squeaked.      

"You don't have to go alone, I will be there with you Ava," he assured her before hugging her tighter.      

After a good minute of warm hug, she pulled away and instructed, "You have to tell me sorry too because you said mean things to me and also about my mom before leaving the house."      

"I am sorry, I shouldn't have said. I do give a fuck about what you and your mom or anyone of your other family members say. I just lost my cool after seeing those photographs, I—" Tightening her grip on her waist, he stopped midway and closed his eyes when she pressed her lips against his. The kiss was sudden and out of nowhere but who was he to complain. Though he knew that there were many people around them but he couldn't careless.     

Taking out her phone, Steffi took several pictures of them from every possible angle where their faces would be distinct enough.      


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