Trapped in Her Heart

Dinner party

Dinner party

0"Babe what are you doing?" Calvin snapped before pulling her away from the desk.      

"What do you mean? I am hiding," Ava muttered.      

Looking at the tiny enclosed space under his desk, he frowned, "In here? Are you sure?"      

"I squeezed myself in here last time too and I was just fine, don't worry about me and just open the door," she instructed before squeezing herself under the desk.      

Without wasting any more time, Calvin rushed towards the door and opened it.      

With his hands crossed in the front, Sebastian frowned, "Seriously, what took you so long?"      

Awkwardly scratching his forehead, Calvin stammered for a while before answering, "I was just doing a thing."     

"What thing?"      

"J-Just a normal thing." Without waiting for Sebastian's reply and escaping from any further questioning, he quickly asked him to come in.      

As soon as he entered the office, Calvin quickly closed the door.      

Looking at him, Sebastian raised his brows, "What were you actually doing?" Looking at Calvin's half unbuttoned shirt and unzipped pants, he scoffed, "At least wear your pants properly Cal."      

Realizing that he forgot to buckle his pants, Calvin quickly turned around and fixed his pants and shirt.     

Looking around, Sebastian inquired, "You are alone?"     

"Yes, why do you ask?" Calvin nervously inquired.      

Keeping quiet for quite some time, he answered, "If you are alone then—"      

Understanding what he meant, Calvin shrugged his shoulders, "Well, since I stopped seeing other women and I also stopped flinging, I had to do something. Self love is important, right?"     

"In here? This is your office and it's working hours," Sebastian frowned.      

"Self love has no time and no fixed place, you gotta start whenever you feel like." Ignoring the weird expression in his face, Calvin added, "Sit down first."      

Looking at the couch, Sebastian inquired, "Were you sitting on the couch earlier?" When Calvin nodded his head, he answered, "I am good."      

"Okay so what brings you here?"      

"Yes before I forget, we are throwing a dinner party this Sunday so don't forget to come," Sebastian informed.      

"Sure, I'll be there." without waiting for his reply, Calvin continued, "You could have told me about it over the phone."      

"I know but I wanted to talk about something else too."      

Gulping in nervousness, Calvin inquired, "What do you wanna talk about?"     

"Remember that collaboration we talked about last year?" When he nodded his head, Sebastian continued, "Noah had planned out the entire thing and we are ready to discuss."     

"That is great, let's fix the deal then—"      

"Just like that? We first need to discuss everything and plan it out properly," Sebastian stated.      

"Hmm okay, we can discuss this later. I will drop by your office tomorrow morning and then let's talk about it."      

"Alright, I'll let Noah know." Glancing at his watch, Sebastian sighed, "I need to go now, El is waiting for me. I'll see you tomorrow in the morning then."      

After Sebastian left, Calvin quickly locked the door and rushed towards his desk.      

"Babe, are you alright?" he inquired before helping her out.      

Slumping on the chair, Ava started fanning herself. "It's so hot down there, I couldn't even breathe properly."      

Taking out his handkerchief, he started wiping the beads of sweat from her forehead, "I told you hiding there is a really bad idea."      

"I know but we couldn't let Seb see me, you have no idea how sharp that man's mind is and I am very sure that he would have figured out something is wrong if he had seen us together," Ava explained.      

Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, he stated, "He was here to invite me for the dinner party."      

Scrunching her brows, she pouted her lips, "They haven't invited me yet."      

"You are his sister, why do you even need an invitation?"      

"Well that is true, I'll just show up and start eating," Ava chuckled.      


Stewart International Group.      

"Today?" When Noah nodded his head, Melissa instructed, "Don't forget to buy mom's favourite donuts then."      

"Do you wanna go? Mom told me to ask you to ask you first."      

"Of course I wanna go honey, it's been so many days since we had dinner with your parents," Melissa smiled.      

Looking at Ellie, Noah added, "Mom invited Seb over too and he told me that he will take you with him."      

Dropping the file on the floor, Ellie widened her eyes in shock, "What? Me? But why?"      

"Girl, are you freaking out?" Melissa chuckled.      

"Duh huh, of course I am. What else do you expect me to do and how am I supposed to react?" Ellie snapped.      

"El don't worry, mom and dad are pretty easy going," Noah explained.      

"Yes and they are really very nice and super sweet." Placing her hand on Ellie's shoulder, Melissa whispered, "A hundred times better than your future mother-in-law."      

Pinching the bridge of her nose, Ellie sighed, "I don't know guys, I don't think I am ready to meet Sebastian's parents or his aunt and uncle."      

"Oh come on, you are worrying for nothing, it's not gonna be tough at all."      

"What is not gonna be tough?" Sebastian inquired before walking inside the room.      

"I just told Ellie that you are taking her for dinner at my parents' place tonight and she is freaking out," Noah chuckled.      

Wrapping his arms on her shoulder, he stated, "What is there to freak out? It's just a normal dinner invitation." Looking at Ellie who was glaring at him, he added, "But if she is really not comfortable then we don't have to go."      

Scrunching her brows, Ellie snapped, "We? What do you mean by we?" Without waiting for his reply, she inquired, "So if I won't go, you won't go either?"      

Nodding his head, Sebastian answered, "Yes, I am not going without you."      

"What? Why would you do that?" she frowned.      

Shrugging his shoulders, he explained, "Either we are going together or we are not going at all."      

Placing her finger on his chest, Ellie frowned, "I know what you are trying to do Sebastian Stewart."     


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