Trapped in Her Heart

Future planning

Future planning

0Ellie and Sebastian's place.     

Snuggling closer, Ellie placed her chin on his chest and curiously inquired, "Seb, can you tell me what else do you think?"      

Keeping the paper that he was intently reading on the side table, Sebastian pulled her closer. "About what honey?"      

"Hmm about what you think about us and the future."      

"Well, it's nothing so extravagant."      

"It doesn't matter, tell me everything," she beamed.      

Sensing her enthusiasm, he chuckled, "You seem so excited." Without waiting for her reply, he started explaining, "As soon as we get married, we will switch places, somewhere more spacious where Bojo, Boji and our kids can run around and play without any kind of interruption."      


"Yes, a boy and a girl," he answered.      

Smiling at him, she asked him to continue. She had no idea whether these plans would ever turn out to be true but she didn't wish to think that it won't. Though she wanted Sebastian to be a part of her life in the future but she had never thought about it so far and now she couldn't wait to hear everything that they had planned for their future.      

"We will let the kids do whatever they want, no routines or any kind of schedule but they will have to complete their homework in time because education is important too. We won't pressure them for anything and they are not allowed to study during weekends because we will take them out to have fun." Thinking for a while, he added, "We will also take them for yearly trips without fail and maybe a few more short trips all through the year. After they become adults, we will shift to the countryside and enjoy the rest of our lives in peace."      

Without saying anything, she cradled on top of him and pressed her lips against his. Pulling away after a few seconds, she smiled, "I love you even more now."      

Caressing her back, he inquired, "Do you like it?"      

"I love it, it's so perfect but you do know that things can turn out to be different."      

"Hmm I know." Caressing her cheeks, he stated, "I am not sure if things will go according to my plan but I do know that you are the one I wanna spend the rest of my life with. We might face difficulties in the future and convincing your dad to trust me with his daughter is not going to be easy—"      

"And convincing your mom is not that easy too," she chuckled.      

"Right but despite all the difficulties, I know that we will overcome everything and live a happy life together." Kissing her forehead, he smiled, "With you by my side, I can face any kind of problems and bummers that will come in my way."      

Burying her face on his chest, she whimpered, "Now you are making me cry."      

Caressing her back, he chuckled, "Why are you crying now? I wanted to make you happy and feel loved honey, you are supposed to kiss and hug me not wet my t-shirt."      

"This is happy tears," she stated.      



Stewart International Group.      

Ellie's office.      

"So how is it going with the big boss?"      

"Who bigg boss?" Ellie inquired.     

Shrugging her shoulders, Melissa chuckled, "Well, there are only two big bosses in this office and I am dating one."      

"It's going great and before I forget, we are throwing a dinner party this Sunday so don't forget to come."      

"Dinner party and all huh, that is amazing. Now you both are giving out real couple vibes." Without waiting for her reply, Melissa grabbed her arm and excited;y inquired, "So did anything happen?"      

"What happened?"      

Rolling her eyes, Melissa slumped up in her chair, "You both are unbelievable."      

Shrugging her shoulder, Ellie inquired, "What are you talking about?"      

"I cannot believe that you both haven't banged each other yet, I should seriously salute your will power and gut."      

Knocking her best friend's shoulder, Ellie sighed, "Language Mel, don't forget that we are still in the office."      

"I think that my kid who is not even born yet will end up losing his or her virginity before you both do," she snapped.      

Helplessly shaking her head, Ellie chuckled, "You and your silly examples, you are seriously unbelievable Mel."      

Placing her hand on her waist, Melissa scoffed, "Don't laugh, in fact, you should be ashamed. I mean even Calvin and Ava are—" Stopping midway, she threw her hand on her mouth and gasped.      

Widening her eyes in shock, Ellie exclaimed, "You know."      

'What do you mean by you know?" Gasping louder, Melissa screamed, "You know too."      

"Of course I do, oh my God Mel I had been wanting to talk to someone else for a long time," Ellie stated.      

"Me too, in fact, I didn't even want to keep this away from you but I had no other choice, they asked me not to tell anyone," Melissa explained.      

"Me too, they told me the same and it's killing me that I cannot tell Seb about it," Ellie added.      

Grunting in frustration, she sighed, "Ah Noah keeps fussing about it too, he doesn't want to hide this from Seb anymore but we don't have a choice because we promised Ava and Cal that we will not tell anyone about it until they do. This is such a torture and—"      

"I literally saw them making out on the couch and you have no idea how awkward it was." Helplessly shaking her head, Ellie sighed, "It was so embarrassing too."      

"What? You saw them making out on the couch too?"      

"What do you mean?"      

"We saw them doing the exact same thing and Noah was so mad, you have no idea how difficult it was to calm him down," Melissa stated.      

Pinching the bridge of her nose, Ellie explained, "I am sure that Sebastian will react in the same way too but I think he will also understand later. I mean, if that is what Ava wants and if she is happy then Seb will support them no matter what happens."      

"That is true, Seb is really supportive," Melissa added.      

"Did you hear about Brandon and Charlotte?" Ellie inquired.     

Clapping her hand, Melissa squealed, "Ahh I did, I saw them in the park the other day and they were all over each other."      

"Well then I guess you and Noah have competition," she chuckled.      

"Are you kidding me? Brandon and Char are a whole new level, there is no way we can match their level of intimacy and craziness," Melissa explained.      

When Ellie did not say anything, she continued, "Maybe you and Seb can match their level and—"      

Widening her eyes in shock, Ellie snapped, "What? That is never going to happen?"      

"Why not? I mean you people haven't started it yet so it's easy to deny but once you get started, there is no way to stop." When she did not say anything, Melissa continued, "So tell me something."      


"You and Seb have been staying together for a long time now, right?" When Ellie nodded her head, she added, "So are you telling me that during this whole time, you both have never…..I mean not even close to or maybe half way?"      

Awkwardly clearing her throat, Ellie quickly opened the file. "I need to finish reviewing this before Seb comes back."      

"Where did he go?"      

"He wanted to meet Calvin and discuss something."      


Inside Calvin's office.      

A soft moaning sound lingered throughout the office making the atmosphere all hot and steamy.      

Sliding her hand from his chest to his belt, Ava quickly unbuckled it his belt in a haste.      

Pulling away, she complained, "Why is your belt always so tight?"      

Helplessly shaking his head, Calvin chuckled, "Why do you always try to open it in the wrong way?"      

Running her finger through his chest, she inquired, "Don't you have a meeting?"      

Unbuckling his belt, he sighed, "What makes you think I even care about that damned meeting?" Slowly unzipping her dress, he smiled, "I know my priorities and right now my top priority is to satisfy my girlfriend."      

Just then someone knocked at the door.      

"Someone is here."      

Trailing kisses down her neck, he grunted, "Don't bother."      

After a few minutes, Calvin's phone started ringing and he reluctantly picked it up from the table, ready to bash the person for disturbing him but he ended up widening his eyes in shock.      

"I-It's Seb," he exclaimed before passing the phone to Ava.      

"Seb? Then why are you giving it to me? Answer it," she instructed.      

After taking a few deep breaths, he quickly received the call. "Hello, Seb?"      

"Dude, I am standing outside your office, open the door," Sebastian informed.      

"What? I-I mean, what are you doing outside?" Calvin stuttered.      

Slapping her forehead, Ava quickly grabbed her purse, shoes and cell phone before rushing towards Calvin's desk.      

"I want to talk to you about something," Sebastian answered.      

Hesitating for a while, Calvin said, "O-Okay, wait for a sec."      

"Hmmm, I am waiting."      

After hanging up the call, Calvin rushed towards Ava.      


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