Trapped in Her Heart



0"It's apparently because I refused to do any kind of business with him and insisted on waiting for his father." When Ellie gave him a confused look, he continued, "After I asked you to leave that day, I called Mr Hudson and told him that I don't want to deal with Danny so he asked me to wait until he is back. Later, Mr Hudson threatened to kick Danny out and decided to give the company to his younger son which angered him even more."      

"So he directed all his hate towards you and tried to kill you?" Scrunching her brows, Ellie scoffed, "That doesn't even make any sense, shouldn't he attack his brother or father? Why you?" When he chuckled, she frowned deeper, "What are you so happy about? This isn't funny Sebastian."      

Helplessly shaking his head, he chimed, "No, I mean yes I am serious but the way you said it—" Stopping midway he inquired, "So he should have asked someone to hit his brother or his father with a car and not me?"      

Realizing that he was actually making fun of her, she pouted her lips, "I was just trying to make sense because you're not the one who actually wronged him. He is clearly targeting and attacking the wrong man."      

Pausing for a while, she sighed, "I am just worried that—"      

Cutting her off, he stated, "There is nothing to be worried about, everything is under control and after tomorrow, Danny is going to receive the punishment that he deserves."      

Keeping quiet for quite some time, she requested, "Can I attend the trial with you?"      


"Please, I want to because I will only feel at peace after making sure that he will not hurt you in the future," Ellie added.      

Though he didn't want to take her, he couldn't say no to her and make her upset. "Alright, I'll take you there but you are not allowed to leave my side even for a single second."      

Burying her face on his neck, she nodded her head, "I promise."      


Hawick mansion.     

Brandon's room     

Throwing his blazer on the bed, Brandon gritted his teeth and started pacing back and forth in anger, mumbling to himself, "What does she think of herself? How can she do this to me?"     

Just then, his phone beeped and he angrily took it out from his pocket but he immediately tossed it aside when he saw who it was.      

Sitting on the edge of the bed, he contemplated for a while before grabbing his phone and opening the message that Charlotte had sent him.      

[Charlotte: Wanna go for a long drive tomorrow?"]     

Thinking for a while, he quickly replied:     

[Brandon: Why?]     

[Charlotte: Don't we do it everyday?]     

[Brandon: Whatever we did till date was to get into your pants right? So why bother going for a drive with a jerk like me?]     

[Charlotte: I don't remember calling you a jerk :O]     

As he was busy typing another sarcastic message for her, another message popped up.      

[Charlotte: Please, take me for a drive. How can you say no to me? :( ]     

Helplessly shaking his head, he chuckled. She was voluntarily inviting him for a drive, how could he say no to that?      

[Brandon: Though I am still upset, I will still go on a drive with you but I will not talk to you]     

[Charlotte: We will see (wink) (wink) ]     


Calvin's place     

Charlotte's room.     

Rolling on the bed in excitement, Charlotte chuckled and slapped her forehead for behaving like a teenage girl who was falling in love for the first time. But the weird sensation and giddiness made her feel very different.      

Just then her phone started ringing. Thinking that it is Brandon, she quickly grabbed her phone only to realize that it was someone else.      

Reluctantly receiving the call, she faked a smile, "Hey Jimmy."      

Jimmy, the guy from whom she had taken a favor to help Sebastian, asked, "Charlotte, you have my number?"      

"Uh huh, I had it saved."      

"T-That is nice, I don't expect you to save my number," he beamed.      

Helplessly shaking her head, Charlotte sighed, "Why did you call Jimmy?"      

Hesitating for a while, he answered, "Remember you told me that you would go out for a cup of coffee with me in return to the favor I did for you?"      

"Yes, I do remember it but—"     

"Can we go tomorrow? There is this nice cafe where you get the best scones, I think you will love it."      

"I am not free tomorrow, can we reschedule?" she asked.      

"Hmm I am going out of the country the day after tomorrow and I won't be back anytime soon but it's okay if you don't have time, we can meet later."      

Noticing the tinge of sadness in his voice, Charlotte felt bad. If not for Jimmy's favour, she would've never managed to arrange everything to Sebastian's perfect proposal. Keeping in mind everything he had done for her and everyone else, she decided to give in. "Ah nevermind, let's meet tomorrow. Just message me the address and time, I'll be there."      

"Really?" he beamed.      

"Yes Jimmy and don't forget to text me," she added before hanging up the call.     

Thinking for quite some time, she messaged Brandon again.      

[Charlotte: Can we reschedule and go for a drive day after tomorrow?]     

As she was impatiently waiting for his text, she received a call from him. After calming himself down, she quickly attended the call without wasting anytime.     

"Why did you reschedule?" he inquired.      

"I-I have something to do tomorrow," she answered.      

"Okay, what?"      

Not wanting to tell him about Jimmy and the coffee because she didn't want him to freak out or get any wrong idea, she lied, "I have a very important appointment with my dermatologist tomorrow and I can't miss that."      

"Alright, that is important so we should go the day after tomorrow. Do you want me to go with you?" he asked.      

"No, there is no need for that. I can manage on my own, you don't have to take all the trouble."      


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