Trapped in Her Heart

Panic attack

Panic attack

0"Trouble? Nothing related to you is trouble."      

Wrapping a curl around her finger, Charlotte smiled, "I know." Pausing for a while, she added, "But you really don't have to, I'll manage."      

"Alright then, I'll see you later then."      

After hanging up the call, Charlotte buried her head on the pillow and cursed herself for being such an ass and lying to him. She didn't want to go out with Jimmy, in fact, she didn't want to go out with any other man other than Brandon but she had no other choice. Jimmy had helped her alot and in return she had promised to have coffee with him, how could she say no? And she also didn't want to tell Brandon about it because she knew he would freak out and overthink about the entire situation so she decided to keep only the meeting to herself and tell him about it later.     


Ellie and Sebastian's place.     

Caressing her back, Sebastian sighed, "El, will you stop worrying? I am completely alright."      

Tightening her grip around his waist, she snuggled closer without saying a word. She had been feeling restless since he told her about Danny and the whole trial thing. Though he had assured her nothing would go wrong and no one would harm him, she couldn't calm herself down. How could she feel relaxed knowing that there was someone who was after his life?      

Sitting up straight, he pulled her up. "This is why I didn't want to tell you about it beforehand. I was planning to tell you after the trial but I didn't want to hide anything from you." Pausing for a while, he continued, "Now you are making me regret that decision, I should have kept this away from you and never told you about it."      

Scrunching her brows, she complained, "You are being mean now."      

"Because you are making me feel awful honey, you know that I hate it when you are all sad and not chirpy. You have to understand that your mood is directly proportional to my mood."      

Burying her head on his chest, she whined, "I don't even know what that means but I am just scared."      

Wrapping his arms around her, he sighed, "That is a mathematical term."      

Pouting her lips, she circled her finger on his shirt button. "I never liked maths, it irritated me and made me feel dumb."      

Helplessly shaking his head, he explained, "It means that when you are happy, I am happy and when you are sad, I am sad. In short, your mood affects mine."      

"Maybe I will feel better after the trial—wait, he won't be released right?" The thought of Danny getting released again made her panic.     

Running her fingers through her hair, he shook his head, "No he won't be released." Without waiting for her reply, further explained, "It's a first-degree attempt to murder case, he will be at least convicted with a life imprisionmnet."      

"How can you be so sure?"      

Shrugging his shoulders, he answered, "I am not but my lawyer is."      

Without saying anything, she sighed, "I just don't want you to get hurt again, What will I do if something happens to you?"      

"Nothing will happen." Pilling away, he assured her, "I promise."      


Next day.      

Pinching the bridge of her nose, Ellie sighed, "Yes I know Mel but I am still scared."      

"Then don't go, the boys will handle everything," Melissa suggested.      

"But how can I leave Sebastian alone? Though he is saying that everything is under control, I still cannot be at peace, I need to be with him until I make sure that man cannot harm him anymore."      

"Hmm, I can understand. When Noah told me about it yesterday, I was worried too and I wanted to accompany you all but someone needs to stay in the office as well. Though Patricia will be there but we can't pressure her with everything," Melissa explained.      

Ellie nodded her head and agreed, "Yes you should stay in the office, Seb told me that the trial won't take time so we will be back soon."      

"Alright, take care and don't worry about it too much ,okay?"      

Letting out an affirmative sound, Ellie hung up the call and tossed her phone aside.      

Waving the two bottles, Sebastian inquired, "Honey, do you want maple syrup or honey?"     

"Anything will do," she answered before slumping on the couch.      

Taking his apron off, he chuckled, "Are you still worried about the trial?"      

"How can you not be worried?" she frowned.      

Shrugging his shoulders, he sat down beside her and answered, "Nope, maybe because you are worrying for both of us."      

"This isn't funny Sebastian—"      

"And it isn't so serious Ellie, you are worrying too much." Without waiting for her reply, he pulled her in his embrace. "Don't think about it for now, just eat the delicious pancakes that I made and take a nap."      

Pulling away, she frowned, "Nap? Why would I take a nap?"      

"Oh because I am taking you with me," he answered before giving her a peck on her lips.      

"Why not? I think that we already had this discussion earlier."      

Nodding his head, he agreed, "Yes but I decided not to take you with me because I am afraid that you will have a panic attack or something."      

When she glared at him, he sighed, "Come on El, you couldn't sleep properly for the whole night. You also woke up at 5:00 am and took Boji and Bojo for a walk—"      

Cutting him off, she snapped, "Hey, I do that….some times."      

Raising his eyebrows at her, he inquired, "When was the last time you woke up before 8:00 am latest?" When she did not say anything, he continued, "Let me tell you, never."      

Shrugging her shoulders, she answered, "I was just not feeling very sleepy, that's it."      

Cupping her face, Sebastian sighed, "Honey listen to me for once, okay? Just stay at home and I'll be back soon, I promise."      

"Are you sure you don't want me to come for moral support?"      

Tapping the tip of her nose, he chuckled, "Stay at home and relax, that is the kind of support I need from you right now and—" Pulling her closer, he smiled, "Maybe you can shower me with a different kind of support too."      

"I don't mind giving you that kind of support but now I am hungry." Rubbing her stomach, she added, "I can't wait to taste your delicious pancakes."      

Kissing her forehead, he smiled, "Let's have breakfast."      

"Yeah but before that, I need to confess something too." Fidgeting with his collar, she hesitated for a while before explaining, "Like you said before, we shouldn't keep anything away from each other right?"      

"Yes and for the record, you were the one who started it and not me," he answered.      

"Yeah so….there is something that I am not telling you butI cannot tell you about it yet," she explained.      

"Okay, so what is it?" he inquired.      

She shook her head and answered, "I cannot tell you though I want to but I can't."      

"Seriously? You are going to hide things from me now?"      

"Ah don't make this difficult for me, it's tough already," she grunted.      

Helplessly shaking his head, he chuckled, "Alright, you can tell me about it anytime you want."     

"You don't wanna ask me any other questions?" When he shook his head, she added, "What if it's something not appropriate?"      

"Is it something not appropriate?" When she shook her head, he answered, "Then there is nothing to worry about, I trust you honey and I know that you would never support or do anything that is wrong."      

Giving him a long kiss on his right cheek, she chuckled, "I love you."      


Calvin's place.      

"So now Ellie knows?" Charlotte inquired.      

Ava sighed and nodded her head, "Yeah, she saw us making out on the couch."      

"Pfft didn't Mel and Noah catch you both making out on their couch?" When she nodded her head, Charlotte chuckled, "Girl, you both need to be careful. What do you run into Sebastian while you both have your tongues inside each other's mouth?"      

"That will be like the biggest nightmare," Ava answwered.      

"So What kind of a brother is Seb? Possessive?"      

Shrugging her shoulder, she shook her head, "Well, a little bit but he can be super overbearing at times and it's hard to handle his anger at such times. I just don't want to trigger that dangerous side of him."      

"Well, you have a button now."      

"What do you mean?"      

Rolling her eyes at her, Charlotte stated, "Ellie, the button. I am sure she can switch on and off any side of him now."      

Thinking about it for quite some time, Ava beamed, "You are right, I think I know what to do now."      

"Good, I think you should tell your brother about it too. It's not like you are doing drugs or something like that, you don't have a solid reason to hide it," Charlotte explained.      

Ava nodded her head in agreement and inquired, "What about you? I mean, you are Brandon.     


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