Trapped in Her Heart




After getting down from the cab, Ellie grabbed Melissa's arm and started panicking, "Why do I feel like I am not supposed to be here?"      

"Stop worrying so much El, it's not like we are one being convicted." Taking out her phone from her bag, she muttered, "Let me call No—ahhh…"      

Placing her hand on Melissa's mouth, she dragged her behind a pillar.     

Removing Elllie's hand from her mouth, she snapped, "Girl, what are you trying to do?"      

"Sshhh don't shout, I think I just saw Noah and Sebastian," Ellie muttered before peeking through the pillar.      

Following her suit when Melissa did the same, she pursed her lips."We need to follow them."     

Widening her eyes in shock, Ellie hissed, "Are you crazy? How can we just follow them?"      

"El, if we don't follow them how do you expect us to join the trial? We have no other choice." Without waiting for her reply, Melissa dragged her along with her.      

"Mel, I think Seb saw us."      

"Why are you being so pessimistic? You are seriously going to jinx our mission even before we get started for real," Melissa snapped.     

Suppressing the bad jined thought about getting caught and scolded, Ellie had no other choice but to follow her best friend. She didn't want to go to the trial when Sebastian had asked her not to but she also couldn't stop herself from attending it, she had to attend it to ease herself and make her heart feel at peace.      

After crossing the security check, both of them frowned when they saw only Noah entering the room.      

"Girl, where is Seb?" Melissa inquired.      

Ellie frowned and shook her head, "I have no idea, wasn't he with him?"      

"What are you both doing here?"      

Jumping at their toes, Melissa and Ellie squealed and leaped forward in shock.      

Placing her hand on her chest, Melissa gasped, "Oh God you scared me."      

Raising his eyebrows at Ellie, Sebastian inquired, "What are you doing here?"      

Awkwardly clearing her throat, she answered, "W-We are actually lost."      

Vigorously nodding her head, Melissa let out a nervous laugh, "Yes, it's funny but we are."      

"Lost? What are you both doing here in the first place?"      

Hesitating for a while and left with no other choice, Ellie pounced into his embrace and nervoulsy smiled, "I-I was actually going to the mall to buy something for you but that stupid cab drive brought us here by mistake."      

Playing along with her best friends stupid resoning, Melissa nodded her head, "Yes, we told him that we wanted to go the mall but he heard court so he brought us here."     

Pulling away, Sebastian looked at Ellie and sighed, "El, do I look stupid?" When she shook her head, he continued, "Do you think that I will believe what you just said?"      

"No," she answered.      

Helplessly shaking his head, he stated, "Didn't I ask you to stay at home?"      

Fidgeting with his tie, she pouted her lips and complained, "I couldn't stay at home, I was feeling very restless so I decided to go to work but then I wanted to attend it so Mel and decided to come here."      

Tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, he informed, "You both know that trial is a closed one, right?" When both of them gave them a weird look, he explained, "It means that it is not open to the public, you both would have never made it inside without our approval."      

Lowering her head, Ellie sighed and apologized, "I am sorry, I shouldn't have acted recklessly and just rush here like this. We will just go back and—"      

Cutting her off, he asserted, "No need to go back now, just promise me that you'll stay close to me and not panic or worry about anything." Sebastian knew that if he sent her away, she would spend her entire time overthinking about the whole thing and end up having a headache and feeling miserable. So he decided to let her attend it along with him.     

"I promise, I won't." After assuring him, she quickly grabbed his hand and added, "I'll hold you hand this way."      

Tapping the tip of her nose, he chuckled, "Silly."      

"Hmm I think we should go in quickly, it's almost eleven and the trial is about to start," Melissa informed.      


Inside the Courtroom.      

As soon as they entered the room, Noah frowned when he saw Melissa. "Babe, what are you doing here?"      

"I came with Ellie," she quickly answered before standing right beside him.     

Grabbing her hand, he inquired, "Why didn't you tell me that you were coming?"      

"Well, you both were not supposed to know but that plan did not work," she explained.      

"Mr Stewart, you are here," a man politely greeted Sebastian.      

Looking at the man who was neatly dressed in a dark blue suit, Ellie assumed that he was Mr Hudson, Danny's father.      

Without saying anything, Sebastian nodded his head and guided Ellie towards their seat.      

After a few minutes, the trial summoned and the defendant was guided inside the courtroom along with the police officers.      

Ellie tightened her grip around Sebastian's hand when she saw Danny. The first time she had seen him, she didn't get a very nice vibe from him and his presence made her feel uncomfortable. This time, she felt even more uneasy and uncomfortable around him and the negative vibe he was emitting was very hard to ignore.      

Inching closer, he slowly brushed his shoulder against hers and intertwined their hands together. It was a silent gesture from his side asking him not to worry about anything.      

After some time the main witness of the case, the driver of the car which had almost hit Sebastian was brought forward to confess everything.      

The driver told everyone that he was hired by Danny to hit Sebastian with the car and he was also given a lump on amount of money to do so, the judge sentenced Danny with a life imprisonment while the driver was sentenced with ten years imprisonment and a fine.     


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