Trapped in Her Heart



0"We promise, you don't have to hide this for a long time." Giving Ellie a hug, Ava sighed, "Thank you so much El, you have no idea how much this means to us."      

Patting her back, Ellie answered, "It's no biggie but please don't make me do this for a long time guys."      

"No we won't, you can trust us on this one," Calvin stated in a very promising tone.     

Pulling away, she whispered to Ava, "I want each and every detail girl."      

"Will tell you everything when we meet again," Ava chuckled.      

After Ellie left, Calvin breathed a sigh of relief, "That was close."      

Smacking his arm, Ava glared at him, "Next time, I am going to kill you if you even think about making out in the living room."      

Shrugging his shoulders, he defended himself, "What? I seriously had no idea that Ellie was inside, I swear."      

Without saying anything, Ava stormed towards her room.      

"Babe, wait for me,�� he called her out before following her.      


Inside Seb's car.      

"Sorry for the delay, I got busy talking to Ava about something which is not very important," Ellie informed before nervously cleared her throat.      

Tapping his finger on the steering wheel nervously, Sebastian answered, "It's alright, I haven't been waiting for long." Without waiting for her reply, he inquired, "Can we just go home and order something instead of going out somewhere for dinner?"      

"Yes sure—" Looking at him, she scrunched her brows, "Seb, is everything alright? You seem a bit upset."      

"Let's talk after we reach home, okay?" When she nodded her head, he started the car and drove away.     


Sebastian and Ellie's apartment.      

As soon as they stepped out of the elevator, the two fluffy little ones came running towards them and started snuggling against their legs.      

Bending down, Ellie gave them belly rubs simultaneously. "Ahh they are growing so fast." Looking at Seb, she chuckled, "I think they will become adults really soon."      

"Yes, they are healthy and growing up fast," Sebastan smiled.     

Turning towards him, she inquired, "You wanted to talk about something."      

"Yeah right, we should sit down first." Grabbing her hand, he guided her towards the couch. After thinking about the whole hiding the truth from Ellie thing, Sebastian decided not to do it and tell her everything without keeping anything away from her. He still remembered what had happened last time he had kept things away from her and he knew that she hated it when he lied to her no matter what the reason is.      

For the past two and a half months, they were having a really awesome time together and the bond that they share was growing stronger day by day, he didn't want to wreck everything by doing something that he knows can cause serious damage to their relationship.      

Letting out a nervous chuckle, Ellie stated, "Okay, you are scaring me now."     

Tightening his grip around her hand, he sighed, "There is nothing to be scared of, it's just something that is not very important but I think you should know because I don't want that thing to cause misunderstandings between us."      

Scrunching her brows, she snapped, "Don't tell me that you are going on another date with some woman, I am telling you Seb—"      

Cutting her off, he vigorously shook his head, "Of course not honey, why would I go on dates?"      

Breathing a sigh of relief, she inquired, "Alright then what is it?"     

Keeping quiet for quite some time, he explained, "Remember that accident?"      

Pursing her lips, she nodded her head. How could she not forget the most traumatic incident that had ever happened in her life? In fact, she still got goosebumps when she thought what would have happened if she wasn't with Sebastian at that time. The mere thought of him getting hurt sent chills down her spine.     

"That wasn't an accident."      

"What do you mean?" she frowned.     

Kissing the back of her hand, he quickly snapped, "Now don't freak out, okay? It's nothing to worry about."      

"Nothing to worry about? Are you kidding me? You are saying that it wasn't an accident then what was it? How am I supposed to not freak out when you are telling me that someone is trying to hurt you?" she lashed out.      

After taking a deep, Sebastian pulled her towards him and settled her in his lap. "I know that you are worried about me but the person who hired that driver is already in police custody." Rubbing her back to calm her down, he added, "Everything is okay, in fact we are going to attend the last court tomorrow."     

"So you already knew about this?" When he nodded his head, she sighed, "Why didn't you tell me about it before?"      

"I didn't want you to freak out or worry about anything and the man is already in the police custody so it didn't matter anymore—"     

Cutting him off, she retorted, "Of course it matters Sebastain, someone is after your life, do you even realize how dangerous this is? How can you take this so casually?"      

"Yes, I know but everything is fine now," he added.      

Keeping quiet for quite some time, she inquired, "Who is it?" When she hesitated for a while, she frowned, "You have to tell me Seb, this is not something that you should hide from anyone."      

Left with no other choice, he answered, "It's Danny Hudson."      

Thinking for a while, Ellie pursed her lips, "Is this the guy whom we had met in a hotel for a meeting?" When he nodded her head, she pinched the bridge of her nose. "Oh God but why would he do that? I thought you were on good terms with his father."      

Sebastian nodded his head and answered, "Yes I am, in fact, he was the one who cooperated with the police to get Danny caught. Mr Hudson was equally shocked as we were but he is a nice man who follows the law."      

"But why would he do that? Did he tell the police?"      


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