Trapped in Her Heart



0"Well, you never know what she might have said to the boss that he directly transferred him to that gruesome branch, better to be safe than sorry."      

"Who would've thought that even the men at our office would have such juicy gossip to discuss," Patricia butted in between the two male gossipers.      

Patricia's sudden unexpected presence made them sweat and very nervous. "Hey Pat, when did you come?"     

"Right when you were bitching about boss's assistant," she bluntly answered.     

"But we were not—"     

Cutting him off, Patricia chuckled, "Bitching? Yes I know but the boss doesn't know, does he? So what if I go and tell him about the nasty conversation you were having?"      

Not wanting to get their ass busted, the two male employees started requesting Patricia not to tell Sebastian anything.     

"Do you people even know why Morris got transferred?" Without waiting for their reply, she continued, "It's because he left his department in the middle of working hours and was loitering around outside the boss's office. Well, also because he was trying to flirt with Ellie."      

Inching closer, Patricia whispered, "He tried to flirt and got transferred, now imagine what will happen to you if I tell him about the bitching thing you men were doing?"      

Seeing the horrified expression on their faces, Patricia smirked in satisfaction. "Now have some balls and stop gossiping like women. Next time I hear anyone talking shit about Ellie and the boss, I'll grab your necks."     

"Hey Pat, you are here too. Do you want me to make you some coffee too?" Ellie smiled.     

"Of course honey, I am sure that my dear colleagues will not mind." Looking around, she inquired, "Right guys?"     

Awkwardly clearing his throat, the same employee who had asked Ellie to go first answered, "Of course not Pat, you can take one first too."     

Without saying anything, Patricia made her way towards the coffee machine and stood beside Ellie.     

"I did not know that they all were so nice," Ellie smiled completely unaware of what was exactly going on.     

"Yup, you have no idea how nice they are."     


Calvin and Ava's place.     

"Morning love birds," Charlotte greeted them with smiles all over her face.     

"Good morning Char, when did you come back and you're up early too," Ava smiled.      

Placing her cup on the table, she answered, "I came back late and I am up early because I went for a run." Looking at the two of them, she added, "Look at the two of you all happy together so I guess you don't want to hear what I know."     

"You found out?" When she nodded her head, Ava excitedly sat down and inquired, "So tell me, who is it? Is it my mom? Or that bitch Britney was just talking garbage?"     

"Though Britney talks garbage all the time, this time she wasn't. There is indeed a rumour going on about you being engaged with that Nathan guy, who by the way is a cheapskate. Do you have any idea how many times he has tried to hit on me? Pfft like as if I am interested in his lazy ass." Helplessly shaking her head, she sighed, "Anyway, let's come to the main point, it's Nathan's family who started the rumour."     

Ava frowned and pursed her lips before gritting her teeth, "What? Why would they do that?"     

Shrugging her shoulders, Charlotte gave her a very easy answer, "Well it isn't that hard to guess." Pausing for a while, she added, "You leech off your family."      

"How does that even make sense?"      

"Stewart Group is a really big company Ava and any kind of connection with it can benefit other struggling companies a lot," Calvin explained who was even more mad now.      

Thinking for quite some time, she curiously inquired, "But isn't Nathan's family already rich?'     

"If you marry Nathan then both your families will benefit from it which will bring in more money, what kind of an idiot will say no to some extra cash flowing into their accounts?" When she saw a huge frown in Calvin's face, she quickly added, "Well of course, both your brothers will obviously say no to such lecherous collaborations. I mean why do they need any kind of extra support?"     

Pinching the bridge of her nose, Ava sighed, "I'll ask Seb to take care of it then."     

"Uh huh, that is a very wise choice, you can ask him to sue that creepy guy for falsely spreading rumour and gaining profits," Charlotte added.     

Nodding her head in agreement, Ava sighed, "Hmm anyway, Calvin and I want to take you out for dinner today as a thankyou for everything that you have done for us."      

"Tonight?" When they nodded their heads, Charlotte hesitated for a while before suggesting, "Why don't we go tomorrow and not tonight?"      

"Okay, no problem but why not today? You are going somewhere?"      

Taking a bite of the bread, Charlotte nodded her head, "Yeah, going out with a friend."      

"Ooh a date? Who is it?" she excitedly inquired.     

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Charlotte reluctantly answered, "Hmm I don't think so you know him."     


Stewart International Group.     

"What are you smiling at?" Ellie chuckled.     

"I am still waiting for the details babe, tell me everything," Melissa beamed, she was asking Ellie each and every detail about her romantic moments with Sebastian.     

"There is nothing to say Mel, I have already told you everything that has happened."     

Rolling her eyes, Melissa puffed her cheeks and started whining, "Am I your best friends and I deserve details El. I mean, yes Ava, June and now Charlotte are close to us too but we share a different equation. Remember how we used to share everything with each other in high school but now, you are hiding things from me." Looking at her with a cute pout on her lips, she complained, "I feel so wronged and my rights as a best friend is being violated."      

Helplessly shaking her head, Ellie chuckled, "You are so dramatic."     


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