Trapped in Her Heart

"I love you...."

"I love you...."

0Despite all the heart touching and honest words which made Ellie's eyes water, his last sentence made her chuckle. Each and every word he said was like a sweet stab in her heart which made her feel even more giddy. Though she had never told anyone, she was already head over heels for him too and she loved everything about him and everything related to him. She wanted to tell him so many things but she could barely utter a word. She was desperately waiting for this day to come and now when it was finally happening, she was dumbfounded.      

Not wanting him to overthink or take her silence in the wrong away, she wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly.      

Wrapping his arms around him, he returned her hug. He had no idea whether this was a yes or a no but it felt so right and he didn't want to miss it.     

Pulling away, she placed her hand on his cheek. "There is so much I want to tell you but I—"      

Wiping her tears away, he smiled, "You don't have to."      

Pressing her forehead against his, she nervously breathed out, "I love you Sebastian, more than anything in this world. You too make me feel complete and you are my Olaf."      

Closing his eyes, he breathed a sigh of relief and chuckled, "You scared me for a moment."      

Looking at him, she chuckled, "Is your ass more sweaty now?"      


Behind the bush      

While the two love birds were living one of the most important moments of their lives, the spectators were shedding tears at the side too.     

Looking at Ava, Melissa Charlotte and June who were busy sobbing looking at Sebastian and Ellie, Brandon leaned towards Calvin and whispered, "Dude, do you hear anything that they said?"      

"No man, I did not hear a word," Calvin replied.     

"Then why are they crying? I understand why Ellie is crying but they—"     

"It's a girl thing so I don't think so we will ever understand."     

Shrugging his shoulders, Brandon sighed, "I guess."      

Taking a tissue from Charlotte, Melissa said, "I am so glad that you brought you tissues Char."      

Dabbing the tissue in the corner of her eyes, Charlotte sniffed, "I had a feeling that we will need them."      

"Okay I think we all should go and give them some privacy," Noah exclaimed.     

"If you wanna leave without seeing the best part then go ahead." Throwing the tissue away, Charlotte took a deep breath to calm herself down before taking out her phone.     

"What is the best part?" Ava curiously inquired.     

Calling someone, Charlotte peeped at the couple before informing the other person about the situation. "Any minute now, everything is ready?"      


Wooden Walkway.     

"I got you a small proposal gift." Taking out a velvet box from his pocket which and a cute red ribbon tied over it, he gave it to her. "I hope you'll like it."      

Taking the box from his hand, she sighed, "You had it all planned already? I could've at least given me a hint Seb, I would've got something for you as well."      

Caressing her cheeks with his thumb, he smiled, "You have already given me the greatest gift and I don't wish for anything else."      

Taking off the ribbon, she slowly opened the box and gasped. Brushing her fingers against it, she exclaimed, "This is so beautiful Seb."      

Taking out his pendant out of the box, he kept the box aside. "Here let me help you wear it."      

Shifting her hair to the other side, she slightly turned her upper body to give him easy access.      

As soon as he hooked the chain around her neck, the sky slowly lit up with tiny flames of yellow light.      

Looking at the sky which was almost covered with sky lanterns, Ellie gasped, "This—"     

Wrapping his arms around her waist, he tapped the tip of her nose. "I love you Ellie and I promise that I will never let you down."      

Getting up, she looked at the sky and turned around. "This is beautiful, when did you arrange all of this?"      

"I used a little help from potential people to make things perfect and to start our relationship in a very sweet and perfect way." Hugging her from behind, he kissed her nape. "Did you like it?"      

Turning around, she hooked her arms around his neck and vigorously nodded her head, "I love it and I love you."      

Placing his hand on her right cheek, he gently caressed brushed his thumb against the corner of her lips.      

Clutching onto his t-shirt, Ellie closed her eyes anticipating the most awaiting thing to happen.     

Gulping in nervousness, Sebastian tried to calm himself down before leaning closer…..     


Behind the bush.     

"Ahh they are going to kiss," Melissa excitedly beamed before moving a little closer to get some more access.      

"What? Let me see," Calvin, Noah and Owen got overly excitedly and started peeping too.     

While everyone was busy sneaking at the couple, Brandon felt something crawl through the back of his neck. He widened his eyes in shock when he realized what it could be and as every normal person should react, he shouted his lungs out before running out of the bush.      


"Take it out snake, a snake it's going to eat me snake." Dancing, jumping, leaping hopping, there was nothing that he did not do to take that crawly disgusting thing out of him.     

The sudden yelling surprised Ellie and Sebastian.      

Looking at Brandon who was still crying and yelling, she frowned, "Isn't that Brandon? What happened to him?"      

Gritting in teeth in annoyance, Sebastian snapped, "I have no idea but he better have a very solid reason for creating nuisance while we were about to do something important."      

"Let's check." Grabbing his hand, she started walking towards him.     

"Help help...snake I–"     

Rolling his eyes, Sebastian grabbed his collar and fumed, "What the hell are you doing here?"     

With his eyes squeezed shut and his face covered in sweat, Brandon stammered, "S-Snake...."     

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