Trapped in Her Heart

Sharing the same tent

Sharing the same tent

0The sparkle in her eyes did not go unnoticed by Sebastian after she mentioned 'DATE'. Though he didn't want their first date to be in a place like a camping space, he still couldn't say no. "Yes, like a date."     

Trying very hard to suppress her squeal and blush, she nodded her head, "Yes, I would love to go on a walk date with you."     

"Alright then, let's set our little tent and—"     

Cutting him off, she curiously inquired, "Wait, we are sharing the same tent?"     

"Of course, who else would you share a tent with?" he frowned.     

Hesitating for a while, she awkwardly answered, "I thought I was sharing one with Ava or Mel so—" Stopping midway, she cursed herself. Was she actually rejecting the whole idea of sharing a tent for two nights and three days with Sebastian, the man she loved? What the hell was wrong with her? She would happily sleep even without a tent on the ground if he would accompany her.     

"What? Why would you even consider sharing a tent with them when you have me?" Realizing that he might have been too blunt or may be said too much, he added, "I mean, this is a forest and there is a high chance that a wild animal might appear at night so it's safer for you to stay with me so that I can protect you if something of that sort happens."     

Pursing her lips, she curiously questioned him, "So you can fight with wild animals if they appear?"     

Giving her a weird look, he raised his brows, "So you think that I cannot protect you and Boji? Is this why you don't want to share a tent with me?"     

"What? When did we say that you can't protect us?" she chuckled.     

"See you are laughing now and what will—" Stopping midway, he covered Boji;s ears and continued, "What will Boji think of me if you make fun of me like that right in front of her?"     

"I am not making fun of you, I just can't stop picturing the whole you fighting with a wild animal to protect us."     

Helplessly shaking his head, he grabbed her other free hand and explained, "Look El, I wanted to talk to you about this later but I think that this is the right time." Pausing for a while, he added, "I think that us not staying together is affecting Boji a lot."     

"What? We stay in the same house Seb, we are together all the time and—"     

Cutting her off, he specified the main reason behind his previous explanation, "By staying together, I do not mean being under the same roof or spending time with each other, what I actually meant is that what happens after we are done spending time with each is affecting Boji."     

Trying very hard to figure out what he exactly wanted to say, Ellie gave up. "What happens after that?"     

Hesitating for a while, he explained further, "After we are done spending time for the day, we go separate ways right? I mean, you go to your room and I go to mine."     

"Yes so?"     

"So this is affecting Boji, it is making her wonder why her parents don't stay in the same room."     

Trying very hard not to laugh, she pursed her lips. She knew exactly what he was trying to say by using Boji as a bait and he looked so cute even though he was trying very hard to maintain a poker face and act serious. "So who told you this? I mean the whole sleeping in two different rooms affecting Boji."     

"Who else could it be? Boji herself told me this and since we are on vacation with her, we shouldn't make her feel sad or uncomfortable and this is why I urge us to share a tent, to make her feel happy."      

Taking a step closer to him, she inquired, "Are you sure that it's Boji and only Boji who isn't okay with us sleeping in two different rooms and she is the only reason why you want us to share a tent Sebastian?"      

Clearing his throat, he avoided her gaze and vigorously nodded his head, "Yes, there is no other reason from my end."     

"So it's solely about you being a good father?" When he nodded his head again, she smiled, "Well then I think that we really can't disappoint her."     

"So who is sharing a tent with whom?" Calvin inquired.     

Patricia, who was silent for quite some time, took a deep breath and started whining, "Firstly, I don't understand why I am here, I mean if the other employees were not coming then why didn't you tell me? Now you people are all gloating and flaunting your lovey dovey stuff in front of me and terribly missing my husband."     

Shrugging his shoulders, Noah answered, "We canceled on other employees because we decided to make this camping trip a private one and we had also planned on throwing a dinner party for our employees."     

"And we did not cancel on you Pat because you are family, there is nothing private when it comes to you," Sebastian added.     

Placing her hand on her chest, Patricia sighed, "Oh God, I am so sorry for the snapping, I didn't know that I was here because I am family."     

Hooking her arms around her shoulder, Ava smiled, "So now since our dear Pat's mood swings are in control, let's decide how we are gonna share the tent."     

"Yes, we have six tents and we are altogether eleven people so ten of us have to share the tent and one of us has to sleep alone," Calvin explained.     

Raising her hands and before anyone could say anything, Patricia snapped, "I cannot share tents with anyone so I will take the single tent."     

"Fair enough so since Mel and I will be sharing one, we are left with four more tents," Noah added.     

"June and I will take one," Owen declared.     

Placing his hand on Ellie's shoulder, Sebastian quickly took one for themselves. "We will be taking one and by we, I mean Ellie, Boji and Sebastian."     


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