Trapped in Her Heart

The big event

The big event

0Placing her hand on his shoulder, she grinned, "Firstly, you have no idea how glad I am that you finally decided to do this, Ellie is so perfect and you both look so cute together. Secondly, I know it's completely normal to have cold feet but you need to calm yourself down and think about the result. Don't think what will happen if you mess things up but think about how beautiful and amazing your life will become after this proposal. Ellie will be your girlfriend, you can hug, kiss and most importantly love her as much as you want without worrying about anything. After today, your relationship with her will be secured and nobody can separate you both no matter what. And trust me, that feeling is so amazing."     

Sebastian vigorously nodded his head and took a deep breath, "Okay you are right, all I need to think about is the beautiful result."      

"Yes and you are Sebastian Stewart bro, you never fuck up or such at anything. You got this and I know that you'll rock this thing," Ava cheered her brother. She was very happy for him and completely supported his relationship with Ellie. There was a time when she thought that her brother would never date any woman let alone falling in love with one and he would never cut himself loose to actually enjoy life like others. He refused to change no matter what she or anybody tried but who would've thought that all he needed was a perfect woman who understands him more than everybody else to break through his shell.     

Without waiting for his reply, she added, "Ah I forgot to tell you that Ellie is looking for you."      

"Right." Straightening his clothes and after fixing his hair, he asked, "How do I look?"      

"You look perfect Seb, you always look perfect now go, don't make her wait," she chuckled.     

After Sebastian left, Ava silently squealed in excitement and quickly ran towards the others, she couldn't wait to share the news with everyone.      


"There you are, I have been looking for you everywhere," Ellie sighed.     

"I was just behind that bush checking the woods, are we ready to leave?"      

She smiled and nodded her head, "Yes, I just asked June to take care of Boji while we are away."      

Extending his hand towards her, he said, "Let's go then."      

Wrapping her arm around his, she intertwined their hands together. "We can go now."      

After they were nowhere to be seen, Ava squealed in excitement. "You guys, Seb is about to propose Ellie."      

Melissa and Patricia gasped in surprise. "What? Now? Who told you?"     

"Sebastian, he told me just—"     

Cutting her off, Charlotte sighed, "Alright ladies, contain your excitement for a while because we have bigger things to execute."      

"What's next? What do we have to do?" Noah inquired.     

Trying her hair into a bun, Charlotte grabbed her bag and explained, "We need to reach there before they do and one of us has to sneakily handover this flower to Sebastian and there is a thing that I have arranged. We just need to wait for the correct time to execute that."      

"Wait a minute, you guys already knew?" Melissa frowned.     

"Except for you, Ava and Patricia? Yes, we knew," Charlotte answered.     

Glaring at Noah, she fumed, "You knew about this but you did not tell me Noah Stewart? How can you hide things from me?"      

"B-But honey, you did not ask me so I thought that it wasn't important and—"     

Pressing her finger on his chest, she roared, "Are you trying to say that my best friend's big day isn't important to me? What makes you think that I don't care?"      


"And this is why we requested Noah not to tell you anything. You are Ellie's best friend so you would definitely feel tempted to tell her everything which would ruin the entire plan. All we want is to make sure that everything runs smoothly for Ellie and Seb so can we please stop this not so important discussion and do what we are supposed to?" Charlotte asked.     

Melissa sighed and nodded her head, "Alright, we should do what is more important right now."     

"Okay people, get your ass moving."      

"Wait, how are we going to go there? I mean won't they see us?" Owen frowned.     

"We will take a shortcut—" Looking at Brandon, she smirked, "There are many snakes in that area so I hope that won't be a problem."     

Gritting his teeth, Brandon scoffed, "Of course not, I'll be just fine."      


"This place is so beautiful, I am so glad that we came here."      

Sebastian smiled and nodded his head, "Hmm so I guess you'll like the place even more now."      

"What do you—" Stopping midway, she gasped, "This is beautiful."      

Looking at the vast skyline-silver lake which looked so peaceful, she added, "I love lake sides, it reminds me of my grandma's place back in Ohio."      

"Do you want to enjoy this beautiful scenery with me for a while?" He nervously asked, each and every second starting now felt like an eternity to him which made him even more nervous.     

Without saying anything, she grabbed his hand and smiled at him.      

Taking it as a big fat 'Yes' he kissed the back of her hand and guided her towards the wooden walkway built on the lake but he stopped midway when he realized something.     

Someone was supposed to pass him a flower a few minutes ago. The initial plan was that he would distract Ellie and someone would give him the flower from the back but that didn't happen.     

When he stopped moving, she asked, "What happened?"      

Not knowing how he was supposed to distract her, he quickly hugged her behind. Placing his chin on her shoulder, he wrapped his right hand on her waist while his other free hand wandered behind his back, waiting for someone to pass him the flower.     

Tiptoeing out of the bush where they were hiding, Calvin slowly made his way towards Sebastian.     


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