Trapped in Her Heart

" are my Olaf."

" are my Olaf."

0Behind the bush.     

"Why do we have to hide and why didn't he take the flower with him?" Noah whispered.     

Glaring at him, Charlotte snapped, "Really? Don't you know why we are hiding? And he couldn't take the flower because he had nowhere to hide it. You don't expect the guy to hide the flower in his underwear right?" Without waiting for his reply, she continued, "That box was already very hard to hide so we didn't want to take a risk with the flower."      

"Wait what? There is a box?" Melissa murmured. Though she was so happy for Ellie, she was mad over the fact that she was the last one to find out about the whole plan that the entire group had been working on for God knows how many days.     

Owen nodded his head and answered, "Yes, Seb brought a small proposal gift for Ellie."     

Groaning in frustration, Ava gritted her teeth, "You guys let Sebastian buy a gift for El all by himself? You people got to be kidding me. Noah, don't you know how awful his taste is on things like jewellery?"     

"Ah don't worry about that, I helped him choose one so that isn't a problem anymore," Brandon proudly smiled.     

Crossing her arms in the front, Charlotte raised her brows at him. "So you helped him? No wonder it was very nice."     


When Sebastian suddenly wrapped his arm around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder, Ellie's heart skipped several beats and she couldn't even move a muscle. She had not seen or anticipated the sudden hug but was she complaining? Of course not, she loved it when he gave her surprise hugs.     

Sebastian on the other hand was getting more nervous by every passing second but his hand never stopped wondering behind his back. He was still waiting for someone to give him the damn flower as planned.     

Realizing that he couldn't just stay this way without telling her something, he was about to strike up a decent fluffy conversation when she leaned against his body and closed her eyes.     

"You were right, I like this even more," she muttered.     

Just then, Calvin handed him the flower and quickly rushed back to their designated hiding spot.     

Tightening his grip around the flower, Sebastian calmed himself down before pulling away.      

Turning towards him, Ellie was about to ask what had happened when he retrieved a red rose from his back. Her heart started dancing and leaping in joy after seeing him stand right in front of her with a pretty rose in his hand.      

"I-I brought this for you." Extending his hand towards him, he added, "A pretty rose for the most beautiful woman in my life."     

With her cheeks already burning in joy and excitement, she pursed her lips and quickly accepted it, "Thank you so, I didn't see this one coming."     

Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, he gently caressed her cheeks, "There is a lot more that you are yet to see Ms Miler. Now will you give me the honour to spend some quality time with you near this beautiful lake?"     

"The pleasure is all mine Mr Stewart."     

Tapping the tip of the nose, he smiled and guided her towards the wooden walkway.     


Behind the bush.     

"Wow who helped Seb with those heartwarming lines?" Ava curiously inquired, she had never seen her brother express himself so cheesily until now.      

Shrugging his shoulders, Noah answered, "I didn't."     

"Me neither."     

"Nope not me too.'     

When everyone looked at Brandon who was busy checking out whether the bush was snake-free or not, he gave them a weird look. "I just helped with the gift, I have no idea."     

Looking at the two love birds, Charlotte chuckled, "Well, Mr Yogurt isn't as dull as I thought he was."     

"So Seb is the one who came up with that line?" Placing her hand on her chest, Ava gasped and started sobbing, "Oh God, my big brother is finally growing up."     

Wrapping his arms around her shoulder, Calvin chuckled, "It's okay, we all are happy for him."     


Edge of the wooden walkway.     

Sitting on the edge of the walkway, Ellie took a deep breath and sighed, "I love the humid air around this place, it's so fresh and natural."     

Closing the distance between them, Sebastian kept shifting towards her until their arms touched.      

Wrapping her arms around his, she smiled, "This feels so perfect," before placing her head on his shoulder.     

Kissing the top of her head, he nodded in agreement, "It is indeed perfect."      

Keeping quiet for quite some time, he chuckled, "You know El, I never really appreciated all of this ever in my life. Maybe it's because I didn't have you by my side until recently but before you, I saw things in a very materialistic way and everything was just you know, a thing for me but things changed after you accidentally tripped in my office."      

"Okay, do you have to bring that up? It was embarrassing and happened only because the floor in your office is very slippery," she chuckled, how could she forget her first day in his office where she had tripped and made a complete fool of herself?     

With his lips curled upwards, he vigorously nodded his head in agreement, "You are absolutely correct, nothing is wrong with you but everything is the clean floors fault."     

Kissing the top of her head, he smiled, "You made me see things in a way that I had never seen, you made me realize how easy going and fun life can be. I mean, who would've thought that watching a movie about a snowman who could talk and munching a bag of unhealthy potato chips can be so interesting?"      

Lifting her head up, she turned towards him and giggled, "That snowman's name is Olaf, he is fun loving and makes everyone happy."     

Gentling brushing his thumb on her cheeks, he added, "You made my life beautiful and you make me happy Ellie, you are my Olaf."     


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