Trapped in Her Heart

You are crazy

You are crazy

0Sebastian frowned and asked, "Car?"      

"Mr Stewart, who were you talking to over the phone?" Officer hook inquired.     

"I was talking to my mom, she told me that someone called her saying that I was in trouble." Massaging his forehead, Sebastian added, "I have no idea about the car or who called my mother."      

Taking out a picture, officer Hook asked Ellie, "Is this the car which was about to hit Mr Stewart?"     

Looking at the picture, Ellie nodded her head, "Yes, It was the same black car."      

"The car ended up losing control and hitting an electric pole. The driver tried to escape but the locals detained him. He is in our custody right now and is being interrogated. We also checked the CCTV footage and it seems like Ms Miller is right, the car was targeting you." Officer Hook explained.     

Pausing for a while, the officer asked, "So Mr Stewart, did you have any argument with any one recently or may be any suspicious business rival?"      

Sebastian thought for a while and shook his head. "Not to my recollection." He barely had any argument with outsiders or any business rival who would actually want him dead. Sebastian always minded his own business without paying much heed to what others are doing which is one of the reasons why it was very shocking to believe that someone wanted to kill him.     

"Alright, we will let you know the result of the interrogation and if we manage to find a lead."      

Noah left along with the officers while Melissa and Ava decided to give them some space. The nurse quickly finished the dressing and left too.     

"Why did you do that?"      

"Do what?" Ellie asked.     

Sebastian frowned and snapped, "How could you risk your life like that?"      

"So did you expect me to just stand there and watch that hit you and break your head? If that is what you wanted me to do then I am sorry, I will never do that." She retorted.     

Massaging his forehead, he sighed, "I just can't see you like this Ellie." Sitting down beside her, he continued, "Do you have any idea how I felt when you passed out in arms? It was terrifying and I couldn't think of anything at the moment. I was so scared and worried."     

"And I cannot just sit back and watch you getting hurt," she retorted.     

Looking at each other, both of them chuckled.      

Kissing the back of her hand, he sighed, "You are crazy."      

"Hmm, I thought you already knew that I am."      


Outside the room.     

Wrapping her arms around Noah's waist, Melissa smiled, "I guess you were right."      

"About what honey?" Noah asked.     

"I am talking about them," Looking at Sebastian and Ellie who were looking so good and happy together, her smile widened. "Maybe you were right about something happening between them, I mean just look at them, they look so happy together."     

Wrapping his arms around her, he smiled, "Hmm, it feels great to see Seb so happy." Noah had witnessed how tough and hectic things had been for Sebastian all his life and this is the reason why he kept doing silly and mischievous things to add colors in his life. Sebastian was very close to him and all he wanted was for him to be happy no matter what.      

"I am happy that Ellie found someone who will take care of her and can also handle her silliness." Melissa knew Sebastian for three years now and despite his strict decorum and straight behavior, she still always thought highly of him. So after seeing her best friend with a responsible man, she felt quite relieved.     

"You guys, my brother finally found a woman for himself, I am so happy. Ahh Ellie is gonna be my sister-in-law." Turning towards Melissa, Ava added, "I feel so blessed whenever I think about you and Ellie becoming my sister-in-law's. It feels nice and heart warming."      

Melissa widened her shock and gasped, "Oh God, what will happen to our plan if Ellie marries Sebastian?"      

"What plan babe?"      

"El and I had planned that when we have kids, we would get them married so that we can become in-laws. How will we do this if she marries Sebastian and I marry you?"      

"It's alright babe, they can be cousins," Noah tried to coax Melissa who seemed quite upset because her plan got ruined.      


Inside the room.     

"So what do you want to eat?" Sebastian knew that she was definitely hungry as it was almost seven in the evening.     

"Hmm there is no restriction in food right? I can have anything I want to." Ellie asked.     

He frowned and shook his head, "To be on a safer side, we will avoid oily food until you are fully recovered." Thinking for a while, he added, "I don't think so you should eat takeouts for a whole. Hmm so I'll quickly rush home and make something for you."      

Grabbing his hand, she pursed her lips. "No, don't go."      

Placing his hand on hers, he asked, "What happened El?"      

Squeezing his hand, she lowered her head and sighed, "We still don't know whether the accident was planned or not so it's still risky outside and I don't want you to get hurt." She was really worried about his safety after today and had also decided not to move around recklessly in the future with him. Though Sebastian always kept a very low profile, he was still a prominent figure and there was danger everywhere.      

"Hey, nothing will happen to me okay? Whatever happened today was because I let my guard down and acted recklessly but I swear that I'll be extra careful in the future and watch where I go." He tried to assure her but even after his assurance, when she was still reluctant to let him go, he added, "Okay I won't go but let me ask Melissa to bring something for you."     

"Hmm, ask her to get something for both of us," Ellie reminded him.     


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