Trapped in Her Heart

Blind date

Blind date

0"I see, well seems like you both share a greater bond than I thought," Judith smiled.     

"It's nothing like you think," Ellie denied.     

"Okay so tell me what I should think."     

Thinking for a while, Ellie tried to come up with a best way to explain what kind of relationship they share. "We spend a lot of time together like we watch movies together, eat our meals together and he loves the sandwiches that I make for him."     

"The tuna or salami one?" Judith asked.     

"Both and he loves grandma's special soup recipe and you know what mom, he eats them all day but he never gets bored or tired of it. In fact, he keeps looking for ways to persuade him to make one. We play board games and I force him to watch Disney movies with me." Ellie excitedly explained. Thinking about the time she had spent with Sebastian never failed to bring a smile on her face and she could smile all day without getting tried. Maybe they had just spent a couple of months together but the memories and bond that they shared felt like they had met decades ago. It just felt very warm and comforting.     

"Honey, are you sure that you are not dating him?" Judith asked.     

"What? No mom, we aren't dating. Why would you think that we are?" Ellie asked.     

"Because you sound like you are. Watching movies together, sharing all the meals together, spending time together and you are cooking for him too." Pausing for a while, Judith added, "These are the things your dad and I used to do when we started dating back then."     

"Honey, where is my wallet?" Harry shouted from downstairs.     

Kissing Ellie's forehead, Judith smiled, "I don't know what is going on and I want to interfere either. All I want is for you to be happy."      

"I love you mom."     

"I love you too sweetheart."     


Next day.     

Sebastian's place.     

Sebastian frowned when he saw Owen, Noah and Calvin in his living room, happily munching on the snacks he had bought for Ellie.     

Snatching the box of chocolate that Owen was about to open, Sebastian snapped, "Who told you all to touch this bag?" Shoving the leftover snacks inside the bag, he added, "If you want anything in the future, ask me."     

"Dude what are you so cranky about early in the morning? It's just snacks, they are manufactured to be eaten," Calvin retorted.     

"Yes and later we just shit them out," Owen added, earning a weird glare from everyone.     

"Are you sure you did not hit your head somewhere Owen?" Without waiting for his reply, Noah added, "Because I think you did. "     

"No I didn't and I even had a MRI and CAT done but everything is okay." Owen sighed.     

"Hey Seb, why can't we eat these? Did you buy it for someone special?" Noah asked.     

Grinning from ear to ear, Calvin beamed, "Maybe he bought it for Ellie."      

Sebastian frowned and glared at Noah who was trying to ignore his gaze.     

"Hey, don't look at Noah like that because we already knew there was something going on between you and El."      

"Cal is right and Noah just confirmed our suspicion," Owen added before trying to sneakily take a chocolate from the bag.     

Slapping his hand away, Sebastian placed the bags separately on the dining table so that no one could touch it.      

"So will you tell us what's going on?" Owen asked.     

"We can help you with this whole confession thing," Calvin added.     

"Yes and—" Noah stopped midway when his phone started ringing.      

Looking at the caller ID, he frowned, "Why? Why? Why would she call me?"     

"Who?" Sebastian asked.     

"Aunt Rebecca," Noah snapped.     

Owen and Calvin scrunched their faces while Sebastian sighed.     

Reluctantly picking up the call, Noah started talking to Rebecca in the best polite way he could.     

"Hey aunt...Sebastian? Yes he is with me." Passing the phone to him, Noah helplessly shook his head. He could already say that Sebastian's mom was about to create a ruckus again.     

Sebastian, who had been ignoring his mother's call for quite some time, was not in a mood to deal with her but he had no other choice.     

"What is wrong with you? Why aren't you receiving my calls?" Rebecca yelled at her son. She had been trying to contact him for three weeks now but he kept ignoring her calls and messages.     

"I was busy."     

Sebastian's straight and blunt reply made her even more angry but she decided to keep her calm.     

"Anyway, I want to go on a date today with Mr Nelson's niece in the evening and—"     

Cutting her off, he snapped, "I am not going anywhere today."     


"I need to work," he retorted, there was no way he would go on a date with anyone.      

"Stop making excuses and do what you are told to Sebastian Stewart. Either you go there on your own or I'll fly back right now and force you to go there in person." She snapped.     

"Alright, remind me to send you a car at the airport," he sneered before hanging up the call.     

Taking the phone from his hand, Noah frowned, "They are coming back?"      


"What?" Ava shouted before rushing towards Sebastian. "She is coming back? But why? I thought they weren't any time soon."      

"She asked me to go on a blind date again," Sebastian explained.     

"Date? What happened to Ellie then?" Owen asked.     

"Nothing happened to Ellie okay? And I am not going on any date," he snapped.     

"Then why the hell is she coming back?" Ava snapped, she was literally freaking out. She didn't want her parents to come back anytime soon. Her good days with her friends and Calvin would surely be restricted to the extent where she starts feeling suffocated and everything would start falling apart.      

"She will come back if I don't go on that date."     

"Damn, I am sorry man but your mother is a pain in everyone's ass," Owen sneered.     

"What are you gonna do now Seb?" Calvin asked.     

Ava frowned and hissed, "What? Just go on that stupid date and prevent her from coming back."     

"What? There is no way I am going anywhere," Sebastian frowned.     

Keeping quiet for sometime, Noah suggested, "I think you should go."     


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