Trapped in Her Heart

Rolling all over the bed

Rolling all over the bed

0"But Sebastian is not here right? And I know it's a bit awkward, even I don't like hiding things from everyone but we don't really have a choice right?" Ava asked.     

"Your brothers will kill me but we can't hide this forever but first let me prove myself to them. I'll make them realize that I am no more the Calvin from the past, I am a relationship kinda guy now."     

Giving him a peck on his cheeks, she smiled, "Don't worry, we will get through this." Rubbing her stomach, she added, "I am really very hungry so can we please eat?"     

Calvin sighed and nodded his head before walking into the apartment.     


Ellie's apartment.     

Inside Ellie's room.     

Tossing and turning on the bed, Sebastian was having a really hard time falling asleep.      

Jolting up, he sighed and massaged his forehead. Who would've thought that it would be so hard to fall asleep on Ellie's bed because her pillow, her bedsheet and her blanket was giving him a very strange vibe and it was making him feel uncomfortable. It made him feel like he was sleeping with her but he knew that she wasn't there which was very disturbing.     

The thought of Ellie rolling all over the bed while sleeping was making him giddy and nervous.      

Running his hands through his hair, he got down from the bed to grab a glass of lukewarm water from the kitchen.     


Placing the glass of lukewarm water on the table, he helplessly shook his head and chuckled when he saw her weird sleeping posture.      

Bending down, he slowly lifted her leg up which was hanging from the couch and tucked her into the blanket which was lying on the floor.      

He then squatted down, slowly removed all a strand from her face and gently caressed her cheeks. She looked so beautiful even when she was asleep.      

Admiring her beautiful face for quite some time, he got up and slumped into the nearby couch and slowly drank his lukewarm water while looking at her.      

Not only did he like spending with her, Sebastian liked everything that was related to her. In fact, he even loved the way she was sleeping just like a cute little baby.     

Thinking for quite some time, he slowly rushed into the room to grab his cellphone.      

He then sneakily started taking pictures of her in every possible angle.      

Looking at the pictures, he chuckled and started admiring it carefully. He had to keep these precious photographs safely for future reference.     


Next day.     


"Ahh I am sorry, I had to go on an emergency business trip for the entire weekend so I couldn't come."     

"So how was your trip?" Markus asked.     

"It was nice," she smiled. Not just nice, it was the best trip ever. Though she felt a bit disappointed when she did not see Sebastian when she woke up but all her disappointment vanished within a few seconds when she saw the note that he had left.     

[Don't forget to have your breakfast, its inside the microwave and come soon because….I don't know, just come soon]     

"Hmm your smile clearly says that it was definitely more than just fine," turning towards her, Markus added, "Quick tell me, did something happen between you and your handsome boss? Did you tell him that you like him?"     

Ellie widened her eyes in shock and snapped, "What? Like him? No I don't—"     

Cutting her off, he chuckled, "Oh come on, who are you trying to fool? Me or yourself?" Pausing for a while, he added, "You do know that it's written all over your face right? It's so clear that you like him and according to the things that you tell me everyday, I think that your handsome boss likes you too."     

"Like? I don't know Markus,"      

"But why? What is there not to know? Don't you feel nice when he is with you? Don't you crave for his company? Don't you feel like being around him all the time?" He asked.     

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Ellie hesitantly asked, "Hmm what if I feel like that?"      

Tapping the tip of her nose, he chuckled, "Then my little woman, you are already trapped in the beautiful web of love."     

When Ellie did not say anything, he added, "Can't you say that you are already falling for him? I mean have you not noticed the bright smile on your face whenever you talk about him? I don't know about you but I have."      

Slumping on the bench, she sighed, "Isn't it wrong?"      


"If I fall for my boss, isn't that wrong? I mean he is my boss and I work under him. There is this huge gap between us you know, he is the owner of such a big company and I am just a mere employee."      

Flicking her forehead, Markus chuckled, "Love has no boundaries, it can happen with anyone, anytime and anywhere." Pausing for a while, he added, "And what are you talking about? Boundaries? Huge gap? Okay so you tell me, did he ever make you realize that he is superior to you?"      

When Ellie shook her head, he continued, "Did he ever look down on you? Did he ever try to show you or did he do something which made you realize that he is something that is beyond your limit?"     

"No, he didn't."     

"So if he doesn't care then why do you? If he doesn't care about anything then why are you overthinking? If he is willing to create a separate special bond with you then why are you holding back?" Patting her head, Markus smiled, "You know darling, life is too short for regrets so grab and do everything that you and your heart wants. Always remember one thing, regret is the only illness that has no treatment and medicine."      

Giving him a hug, Ellie smiled, "You are great Markus, I love you."     

"Ahh too bad darling, you are 45 years late."      

Pulling away, she chuckled, "Ahh my bad."      

Glancing at his watch, Markus said, "Time for work little woman and all the best with everything."      

"Okay, I'll get going now and thank you for talking and listening to me."      

After Ellie rushed out of the park, Markus smiled and helplessly shook his head, "She is just like Brenda."     


Stewart International Group.     

Sebastian's office.     

Massaging his forehead, Sebastian frowned, "Will you all tell me what you people are doing here early in the morning? It's Monday and I am sure you people have many things to do."     

"Not exactly, I am here to invite you all for the housewarming party." Looking at Ava who wasn't looking very well, Owen added, "Yo, what happened? You don't look so well."     

Rubbing her stomach, Ava sighed, "Hyperacidity, I think I ate too many fried chicken yesterday."     

Owen chuckled and helplessly shook his head, "So you ate fried chicken after eating those potato chips? Geez no wonder you are suffering."     

"What potato chips?" Ava asked.     

"The ones Sebastian was buying at the supermarket yesterday."      

Ava frowned and snapped, "What are you talking about? Sebastian? Supermarket? Are you stoned early in the morning? How can you meet Sebastian at the supermarket?"      

Owen frowned and retorted, "What stoned? I met Sebastian in the supermarket yesterday in the evening around 7 or 8."      

"How is that even possible Owen? Sebastian was in San Francisco yesterday and came back today in the morning." Ava snapped harder.     


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