Trapped in Her Heart

Pinky promise?

Pinky promise?

0"What game?" Noah asked.     

"The game—hmm the—"     

"Boss is talking about Kung Fu, he liked it alot." Ellie quickly butted in and rescued her boss from getting busted.     

Glaring at Sebastian who was still glaring at him, she added, "Right boss?"     

"Hmm..ahh.." vigorously nodding his head, Sebastian quickly got into character and agreed with Ellie. "I was definitely talking about Kung Fu."     

"Dude, you are acting weird. Did you eat something unhealthy? Or someone served you the wrong coffee?" Noah asked.     

Ellie sighed and helplessly shook her head. 'So he had a coffee way too?' she thought. Did she serve him coffee the wrong way?     

"No, I am okay."     

"Okay then, let's have some delicious lunch and get back to work." Passing everyone their takeouts, Noah asked, "Where is Ava?"     

"She stepped out for a bit to take a phone call." Ellie said before sitting beside Melissa.     

"Seb I bought your regular salad from Twinies." Passing him the salad, Noah added, "We should really take Ellie to Nightingale for the buffet this weekend."      

"El, you are gonna love that place. Their food is so awesome and the place is perfect for taking photographs." Melissa added.     

"Hmm maybe next weekend, I need to clean my apartment this weekend so I am not free."      

"Really? You are doing it this weekend? You can do it some other time and it's not like you have to clean right away."     

"I need to clean it this weekend Mel but we can go there some other day right? And it's not like I am going somewhere." Ellie explained. How could she make plans with others when she already had plans with Sebastian?      

Melissa sighed and pouted her lips. "Fine but are you cleaning everything alone? We can help you out."      

"Yeah, we aren't doing anything this weekend." Noah added.     

Hesitating for a while, Ellie politely turned them down. "It's alright, I'll manage on my own."     

Melissa rolled her eyes and retorted, "Sure, the person who falls everywhere can clean her entire apartment alone."     

"Hey, I don't fall everywhere and I can clean everything alone."      

"Fine El, we will make plans later. You can clean your apartment over the weekend."     

Just then Ava entered the office.     

"Who were you talking to?" Noah asked.     

"Hmm June."     

"Ah so everything good between June and Owen?" Melissa asked.     

"Yeah, it's going great."      

"Finally, another man joins my club." Noah grinned and added, "I wonder when Sebastian and Calvin will follow my footsteps."     

"We can discuss that later right? I am famished." Opening her takeout box, Ava groaned in satisfaction, "Shrimps, I was craving for them since morning."     

As everyone was busy enjoying their food, someone had a huge frown in his face.      

Looking at the bland green salad, Sebastian felt like throwing it away. What the hell was wrong with him? Didn't he like eating them? Why did it suddenly taste so bland? Were his taste buds not working because he was sleep deprived?      

Shoving a piece of lettuce into his mouth, he sighed. Though he was eating the salad, he couldn't stop thinking about the delicious soup and sandwich that Ellie made for him. Damn, the taste and aroma was unforgettable.     

"Dude, aren't you hungry? What happened?" Noah asked before shoving a big piece of steak inside his mouth     

Shaking his head, Sebastian kept on lazily feeding on his salad.     


After lunch, Noah and Melissa left to finish off their work and Ava sneaked out because Calvin was waiting for her downstairs. They had planned to spend the evening together.     

Placing her the lunch box she had brought for herself on the table, Ellie said, "I bought this for myself but the takeout was enough for me so you can have it if you want to." Pausing for a while, she added, "I was late so I quickly made some tuna sandwich but I used a special sauce. It's my mother's secret recipe and I am sure you'll like it too."      

"Oh, you sure you don't want it?" Sebastian wanted her sandwiches so bad but he had to act courteous right? How could he just snatch the lunch box off her hand and start gobbling the sandwiches? That would look very inappropriate and he also didn't want to ruin his image.     

"I already ate enough so you can have them."      

Without wasting a single second, he grabbed the box and started eating the sandwiches. Damn, he was starving.      

After taking a bite, he closed his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. This is what he wanted, this is what his taste buds wanted. Would he ever get over these delicious sandwiches and that soup? No, he wouldn't.     

Ellie smiled and was about to leave when Sebastian called her out.     

"Ms Miller, can you get me some coffee? Only if you don't mind."     

"Of course, but I have no idea how you like your coffee so—"     

Cutting her off, he snapped, "Exactly how you made it in the morning."     

She smiled and nodded her head, "Okay, I'll be back soon."     



"What is going on between you and Sebastian."     

Placing her hand on her chest, Ellie gasped, "What the fuck Mel, you scared me."     

"I scared you? You are scaring me Ellie Miller. You are hiding things from me, like from me? Do you even take me as your best friend any more?" Melissa asked.     

"What are you talking about? You are still my best friend."      

"Then why are you hiding things from you?"     

"I have no idea what you are saying Mel and shouldn't you be working right now?" Ellie asked.     

"That was not the answer I am looking for and do you think I did not see the interactions and gestures between you and Sebastian? Noah is dumb but not me."      

"You are just overthinking okay? There is nothing going on."      

Sticking her finger out, Melissa asked, "Pinky promise?"      

Slapping her hand away, Ellie rolled her eyes, "We are not kids."     

Narrowing her eyes, Melissa gritted her teeth. "See, now I am a hundred perfect sure that you are lying."     


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