Trapped in Her Heart



0Ellie sighed and helplessly shook her head. "You are clearly overreacting okay? There is nothing going on between, under, beneath or above boss and me."      

"Tell me that nothing, like nothing happened when you two were together yesterday."      

"Uh huh, nothing happened." Ellie answered while reminiscing about the fall and how Sebastian had saved her like a hero.      

"Liar you—"     

Cutting her off, Ellie said, "I have to leave now okay? I'll talk to you later."     

"El—" before she could complete her sentence, Ellie rushed out of the pantry.     


Sebastian office.     

Taking the last bite of the sandwich, Sebastian groaned in satisfaction. Ellie's sandwiches were surely heavenly for him.      

Just then Ellie entered the room along with the coffee.     

Looking at the empty lunch box, she chuckled, "Looks like I am late."     

Taking the coffee from her hand, he shook his head, "You are right on time." Taking a sip of the coffee, he closed his eyes and smiled. A nice cup of coffee after having the delicious sandwiches felt so satisfying.     

When everyone said that he wasn't enjoying his life and missing out many things, were they talking about this satisfying feeling after eating Ellie's sandwiches?      

"I'll get a different one for your next time."      

"Yes—I mean," awkwardly clearing his throat, he continued, "If you want to then it's fine."     

"Hmm so you mean that you don't want them?"      

He widened his eyes in shock and snapped, "What? When did I say that? I like your sandwiches and—"     

Cutting him off, Ellie chuckled, "Don't worry boss, I'll get it for you."     

Glancing at the watch, she added, "It's almost time for your meeting with Mr Nelson. I'll go and see if he is already here."     


Lewis International group     

Calvin's office.     

"Like seriously? Sebastian saw those movies?"     

Ava chuckled and nodded her head, "Uh huh, I was shocked too."     

Kissing her knuckles, he sighed, "I am sorry I couldn't take you out as promised. That meeting was very important and—"     

Cupping his face, she smiled, "It's alright, I know that work is important too and—" Wrapping her arms around his waist, she buried her face on his neck, "this is so much better than anything else."     

"Woah, I had heard that girlfriends usually go mad when the boyfriend cancels the plans so I had thought that you would lash out."      

Ava frowned and pulled away. "Really? That is what you think of me? How can you compare me to those dumb women who know nothing?"     

Calvin panicked and vigorously shook his head, "No babe, that is not what I meant I—"     

Clutching onto her stomach, Ava started laughing out loud, "Ahh look at your face." Squeezing his cheeks, she added, " You look so cute."     

"What the hell was that Ava? Damn, you scared me." Placing his hand on his chest, he tried to calm himself down.      

"What? Didn't you say that all girlfriends snap when plans get canceled? I was just showing you how it feels like when a girlfriend actually snaps."      

"Uh huh, now I'll show you how it feels when a best friend snaps Ava stewart." Crossing her arms in front, June glared at her bestfriend and added, "You are so fucking dead."     

Owen, who was standing behind her, grinned at Ava and Calvin with a 'I can't lie to my girlfriend' expression in his face.     

Turning towards Calvin, Ava frowned, "You told Owen? What happened to not telling anyone about us for sometime?"     

"Well, hmm Owen saw us already so I thought he wasn't included in that list but he promised he wouldn't tell anyone." When Ava glared at him, he pointed at Owen and shouted, "He broke the pinky promise."     

"Dude, I thought we agreed on never mentioning pinky promise in front of anyone." Owen shouted.     


Stewart International Group     

Sebastian's office      

"I think your mother told you about my niece."      

Sebastian nodded his head and said, "Yes she did."     

"Yes so when do you want to meet my niece?" Without waiting for his reply, Albert Nelson added, "How about this weekend?"     

"I am not available this weekend."     

"I think you can squeeze some time out for my niece."      

Sebastian shook his head and said, "No I can't, it's something very important and I will be busy all day." Yes, he would be very busy during the weekends with Ellie. He had to help her clean the apartment, eat the delicious food that she will make for him and also watch a movie with her. How could he squeeze in some time from his busy schedule for someone insignificant? He wouldn't even if he wanted to. His entire weekend was booked for Ellie.     

Cursing himself inwardly, Sebastian frowned. Why was he so excited to spend another day with Ellie?      

Albert Nelson pursed his lips and asked, "How about next weekend?"     

"I am going on a business trip next weekend."     

"Then when do you want to meet her?"      

"You can leave your number and my assistant will let you know if I have a free slot." Sebastian said before taking out a document from his drawer. He then started reviewing it completely ignoring Alberts presence.     

"What kind of behavior is this?" Albert shouted. Sebastian behaviour made him feel humiliated.      

"Please keep your voice down, this is my office not your house."      

Albert gritted his teeth and asked, "Are you forgetting who I am? Nelson Group—"     

Cutting him off, Sebastian casually said, "Nelson group shares a collaboration with my company in which your investment is only 30%. So just in case you have forgotten, we are your benefactor. My mother has zero knowledge about what is happening in the company so maybe you are dupe her but it's not the same with me. You very well know what will happen if my company pulls out all our investments.      


"I have a meeting in 5, don't waste my time. The door is open so please see yourself out."      

Sebastian's blunt words were like a stab to Albert's ego but he decided to suppress his anger because he knew that whatever he said made sense.      

"I'll wait for your reply then." Albert said before getting up and leaving the office.     


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