Trapped in Her Heart



0The sales attendant smiled at him and explained, "Sir, being thin doesn't mean small size. There are other factors that one has to keep in mind like her hip and breast size."     

'Her breast size,' Sebastian gulped and tried to brush off the image of her red lacy bra he had seen in Ellie's room weeks ago from his head. He shouldn't be thinking about Ellie's bra or her breast size, it was wrong and very inappropriate.      

"Mmm if you aren't sure then we can go for small." Without waiting for his reply, she added "You can always exchange it later."      

When he nodded his head, the sales attendant started showing him the new collection.     


An hour later     

Hotel Montana Heritage.     

Ellie's room.     

Still grumpy and upset over that fact she couldn't accompany Sebastian for a stroll and he also left alone without any hesitation.     

Picking up her phone, she thought for a whole before tossing it aside. Why should she call him? He was definitely having fun exploring the city alone, without her.     

Glancing at the watch, Ellie groaned. It was almost half past three and she still hadn't eaten anything.     

Brushing away Sebastian and everything related to Sebastian out of her head, she made her way towards the hotel phone to order something when someone knocked at the door again.     

Assuming it to be someone from the room service, she lazily made her way towards the door and opened it only to find Sebastian standing right in front of her holding a bunch of bags.      


Cutting her off, he made his way into the room and sat down on the couch before taking a deep breath. Who would've thought that shopping was such a tedious task? After carefully examining everything that the sales attendant showed him, Sebastian ended up selecting five tops, three dresses and a bag which the lady attendant told him would go well with the dress.     

"What happened? You look so tired." Passing him a glass of water, Ellie asked, "Are you okay?"     

Gulping down the entire glass in one go, sighed and nodded his head, "Yeah I am fine."     

When Ellie saw the bags which had the H&M logo on them, she chuckled, "You are tired after shopping."     

"I don't understand how Ava goes shopping everyday, I mean-who can do this everyday?"      

"Well, shopping for us women is the same as working for you. Like you never get tired of work, we never get tired of shopping. Now quickly show me what did you buy boss," Ava asked.     

Picking up a bag which had the dresses, he gave it to her and nervously waited for her reaction. He had no idea whether she would like them or not but he wanted her too. After spending an hour selecting everything for her, if she first likes it, he would definitely feel sad.     

Taking out the dresses from the bag, Ellie smiled, "Wow, these are beautiful, Ava is going to love them."      

"You like them?"      

"They are beautiful, I never thought you had such a great taste in clothes." Brushing her fingers against the baby pink dress, she smiled.      

When he saw her admiring the dresses, he proudly smiled and gave her the other bag too.     

"You bought so many? You are such a sweet brother boss, Ava is so lucky."      

Helplessly shaking his head, Sebastian chuckled, "You think Ava is going to wear anything that I buy for her? That girl will surely end up exchanging even the hair band that I'll get for her Ms Miller. You know Ava right? She has her own taste for clothes and accessories."      

"Oh then whom did you buy these for?" She curiously asked. As far as she knew, Ava was the only sister he had so if it wasn't for her then whom? Did he buy all of this for someone special?      

She cringed at the thought of Sebastian buying something for his special someone. For some odd reason, it made her feel unhappy and sour.     

"It's for you."      

"Oh that is—wait what?" Widening her eyes in shock, she stared at him, trying to figure out if whatever she had heard was right.      

When she gave him a shocked and confused look, he smiled and repeated himself. "I said that I bought these for you." Without waiting for her reply, he added, "You didn't have any clothes to wear right? So I bought this for now why don't you go and get dressed so that we can go out and grab some lunch, I am so famished."     

"What..wait, I don't understand." Looking at the brand new clothes, she asked, "You bought these for me?"      

When he nodded his head, Ellie sighed and placed her hand on her chest, "Oh my God boss, you didn't have to and this is too much, I can't take them."      

Sebastian frowned and asked, "Why not? I bought them for you so just keep them okay?"     


"No ifs and buts Ms Miller, just keep them. Take it as a token of lo—"stopping midway, he rephrased his sentence, "Take it as a token of payment for teaching me how to play snake and ladders."      

Looking at him, she asked, "Were you shopping the whole time you left? For me?" When he nodded his head, she smiled at him. "Thank you so much, I feel so touched and you are the best boss ever."      

Smiling at her, Sebastian said, "Get dressed, we need to go out and eat. I'll come back after sometime."      

After he left, Ellie couldn't stop herself from staring at the clothes and smiling like a fool. The thought of cute Sebastian standing in the women's section selecting clothes for her with a slight frown on his face made her chuckle and blush. Though she was a bit disappointed that she missed such a handsome sight, she still didn't want to complain.     

Picking up a dark blue t-shirt from the pile, she danced her way into the washroom. Now she was not only excited for the stroll with Sebastian but also to wear the clothes he had personally bought for her.      


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