Trapped in Her Heart




Angry, Annoyed, frustrated, irritated. There was nothing that Sebastian wasn't feeling at the very moment. He was already feeling very raged when he saw Thomas and Ellie happily talking to each other but he completely lost his mind when he asked for her number and she did not reject him.      

Why the hell would he ask for her number and why wouldn't she reject him? Did she like him? Did they hit off well? Did she like him because Thomas was making her laugh while he was boring and always serious? Did Ellie like jolly men and not serious men like him? And why was she still inside? Was she giving him her number for real?      

He frowned and gritted his teeth, she never gave him her number. In fact, he was the one who gave her his number first and then she messaged him. Why would she not give him her number but to Thomas?     

With so many questions revolving in his head, Sebastian was feeling more annoyed and angry. Only if he could break that stupid guys head who was trying to get all touchy with her.     

"Boss wait," Ellie shouted before rushing towards him, rubbing her elbow which was already swollen and red.      

After hastily turning Thomas down, she quickly gathered her things and rushed after him but she ended up tripping on the nearby table and hurting her elbow really bad.      

Mr Timbleton and Thomas helped her up and asked the waiter to get some ice to apply on her elbow but Ellie didn't wait for anyone and rushed outside after thanking them.     

She had no idea what was wrong with him but his sudden coldness was making her feel awful. She had felt the same when he had scolded her for the first time for changing his schedule.      

"Boss I—"     

"Did you take the graphics from him? Did you go through their project plan? Did you show him ours? Did you take notes?" He snapped as soon she approached.     

Ellie shook her head and tried to explain herself, "No we were about to but—"     

Cutting her off, Sebastian snapped again, "So what did I bring you here for? To work or to chat?"      


Cutting her off again, Sebastian continued, "And are you here to exchange numbers? And how can you just give your number to just anyone like that? Didn't your parents teach you not to talk to strangers?"      

Ellie frowned and retorted, "He was your client's assistant so practically he isn't a stranger and apart from the fact that I did not give him my number, what does it have anything to do with you even if I did? I can give my number to whoever I want and I don't remember any rule which says that I cannot share my number with anyone."      

"You didn't give him your number?" He asked.     

"Scold me for not doing my work properly and I'll not say a word because I know that I am at fault but don't expect me to keep quiet when you accuse me for something I didn't do." Opening the car door, she added, "And my parents did teach me not to talk to strangers and this is why I did not give him my number."      

Getting into the cab which was waiting for them, Ellie squeezed herself in the extreme corner, far away from him. She was so mad at him for accusing and snapping at her for no good reason.     

Sebastian, who finally felt a bit better after knowing that she had turned Thomas down, happily boarded the cab only to find a grumpy and super angry Ellie sitting on the extreme corner of the back seat.     

Gesturing the cab driver to leave, he awkwardly cleared his throat before turning towards her. "Are you angry?"     

After a couple of seconds when she did not say anything, he added, "Are you really angry?" When she did not say anything again, he was about to question her again but Ellie snapped at him.     

"Don't talk to me."      

Sebastian frowned and frowned deeper. His expression turned dark and he felt very bad. In fact, he had never felt so bad and disappointed ever in his life. Why wouldn't she want to talk to him? Would she not talk to him forever?     

The thought of Ellie not talking to him forever made him feel anxious and sad. He was already feeling very wronged when he assumed that Ellie gave Thomas her number but now he felt more wronged. She was the one who was talking to some other guy and now she didn't want to talk to him? Where is the justice?      

Crossing his arms in the front, he grumpily turned towards the window. Even he didn't want to talk to her.     


Hotel Montana Vista     

Outside Ellie's room.     

Not liking the cold treatment that Ellie was giving him, Sebastian frowned and snapped, "So you talk to some other man, give him your number and now you are the one who gets to throw tantrums, don't you think this is unfair?"     

"What do you mean by talking to some other man? He was your client's assistant for God's sake and for the third time, I did not give him my number." Ellie retorted.     

"Uh huh uh huh, you would if I hadn't arrived on time and stopped you. And couldn't you say that he was trying to hit on you?" He asked     

She frowned and snapped, "No one was hitting on anyone, it was just a healthy conversation."     

"You call that healthy? He was touching you and—"     

"When did he touch me?"     

He frowned deeper and gritted his teeth. "You think I didn't see how he brushed his fingers in your arms? Well, I have sharp super observant eyes."     

Groaning in frustration, Ellie unlocked her room and gritted her teeth, "I need to get away from this stupid conversation and clear my head so don't talk to me for a while."      

"You—" before he could say anything, she banged the door shut, leaving him behind all sad and hurt.     

Glancing at the shut door for a few minutes, Sebastian frowned and shouted, "Fine, even I don't wanna talk to you," Before grumpily walking towards his room.     


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