Trapped in Her Heart



0When Ellie came back, she widened her eyes in shock when an empty bowl greeted her. Lifting the bowl, she frowned and started looking around for her custard.     

"Woah El, you already finished yours?" Melissa asked.     

Giving her a weak smile, Ellie nodded her head but she couldn't stop thinking about the missing custard. She clearly remembered that the bowl still had a lot of it. There was no way she actually ate everything without even realizing that she did.     

"Hey Seb, is that your third bowl?" Owen asked.     

Looking at her brother, Ava slapped her forehead and murmured, "Seriously Seb? A third bowl? Do you want to die? You just two big bowls of that and now third?"     

Looking at the blue bowl Sebastian was quietly eating the custard from, Ellie widened her in shock. When she realized that the bowl she was holding was yellow in colour, she gasped. She clearly remembered taking a blue bowl because that was her favorite colour and there was one bowl for each colour. So does that mean Sebastian was actually eating from her bowl?     

Keeping the bowl down, Ellie helplessly shook her head. How is that even possible? Why on earth would Sebastian exchange their bowls? Why would he take all the trouble to eat the same dessert for the third time?     

When Sebastian saw Ellie's shocked expression, he lowered his head and kept on eating the third bowl of the gruesome dessert. He had no idea why he swapped his empty bowl with her. He had no idea why he was okay eating with the same spoon and bowl she had eaten from. He did what his instincts told him to. His hands automatically swapped the bowls and here he was about to finish it off too.     

After forcing themselves to eat the entire thing, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.     

"So how was it?" Melissa asked.     

"Damn nice babe it was delicious—" pulling her into his embrace, Noah gave her a peck on her lips, "Just like you."     

"Aww my baby." Hooking her arms around his neck, Melissa pressed her lips on his.     

Seeing them kiss each other, Calvin rolled his eyes. "Great, after eating this piece of devil, Noah is at least getting a kiss but what about us?"     

"I know right?" Wiping his sweat away, Owen added, "I feel like walking out of a battlefield victoriously and yet no one to kiss and reward me."     

Just then June leaned towards him and kissed him on his cheeks. "You did great."     

Owen widened his eyes in shock and blushed. Touching the cheek he just received his reward on, he jumped in excitement.     

Looking at Owen who was excitedly jumping around, Calvin frowned, "Great, even he gets a reward but what about me?"     

"Ahh come here, let me give you your reward." Leaning towards him, Ava slapped his cheeks and ran away.     

Slamming the table, Calvin gritted his teeth and shouted, "Ava Stewart, you are so dead." Before rushing after her.     

"So do we have a new couple amongst us now?" Melissa asked.     

Wrapping his arms around June, Owen grinned, "We will let you all know very soon."     


"Ah no stop." Ava shouted.     

Grabbing her waist, Calvin pulled her into his embrace. "Try and run away now."     

Ava stopped struggling when she felt his warm breath behind her ear. She gasped when he tightened his grip around her waist.     

Burying his face on her neck, Calvin took a deep breath. "Stop me Ava because if you don't, I might do something which will never allow us to be just friends in the future."     


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