The General Who Hates Me

Make That Dream Come True

Make That Dream Come True

0"Why do I feel like we are on our honeymoon instead of being some castaways on a deserted island?" Keira asked, still panting from the exhilarating lovemaking that they just had. They were both still trying to calm their breathing.     

Zach laughed and replied, "Yeah, and I think we are slacking. I mean, I'm slacking…"     

The sun was hot but their craving for each other was hotter and their sexual attraction to each other had released pheromones that made the fragrance of their perspiration to be unbelievably much more pleasant than any perfumes.      

After recovering his normal breathing, Zach stood up and said, "I will return to the jungle to check what else I could bring and see if it would be safe enough for a stroll. You stay here, as promised."     

Keira pressed her lips together and stood up as well. "Yes, General… I will stay and wait for you here but if you don't return before nightfall, I will definitely look for you inside that jungle," She declared irritably, as though she was throwing a tantrum before she walked toward the beach to wash herself.     

"Stay in the shallow part…!" Zach shouted before he turned his back on her and leave. "Aye aye, General!" Keira shouted back and smiled immediately when she saw some seaweeds hanging on a rock near the shore. She immediately collected them.      

She planned to dry them in the sun and store them as back-up food in case it was not possible for Zach to hunt or gather food for any reason, such as weather conditions.     

She knew she should be extra careful as what Zach had instructed her. They must avoid getting sick or injured at all costs. They couldn't afford to get any kinds of ailments or infections, so Keira made sure to take good care of herself and avoid even the slightest cut when she collected some clams.     

Meanwhile, Zach made his way inside the jungle, leaving all kinds of traces behind so he would not get lost. He was hoping to find a waterfall or a creek so they could have a dip and wash themselves because the seawater was salty and sticky.      

He recalled hearing the gushing of flowing water when he was stalking the wild pig earlier. He would check if he had heard it correctly.     

He smiled when he saw some berries along the way. He remembered his Grandma and thanked her silently for lecturing him on the utilization of various plants. Some of those berries would be helpful against diarrhea and he could also make them into mouthwash.     

He also saw some rat's tails which would help against indigestion, taro which was a good source of carbs of which leaves are also helpful to boost their bodies with vitamin C and other minerals.      

He was really happy to see some ivy gourds and broadleaf ginseng, both of which were powerful medicinal plants which could be used to combat various inflammations, as a cough suppressant, to calm a fever and said to have coagulant elements to stop bleeding, which was very helpful should one of them get a cut.      

So far the Island was really not as bad as he expected. He could see that it could provide them with more food and other things that they needed to survive.      

Zach sighed. He only hoped that they would be rescued soon. He was used to this kind of ordeal but Keira was not. This was far different from all the comforts that she was used to.     

He walked further, trying to recall the way to where he heard the sound of gushing water.     

On the beach, Keira rested inside their shelter after she hung the seaweed she had gathered and left them to dry in the sun. She then ate more of the leftover roasted meat because she was still feeling hungry. Zach didn't even let her finish her food before he launched his attack on her.     

She sighed as she looked at the vast ocean and checked if the SOS message was still intact. Zach said they must also be careful when getting help should there be boats or ships around because the possibility that it could be a pirate ship was also high.     

"Gosh… Dad, please find us soon," she murmured because she could not afford another danger to occur to them. All she wanted was to go home soon with her husband to plan well for the future of their family.     

After she prepared more tree branches to be used for the fire later, Keira lied down inside their shelter and she soon dozed off from tiredness. It had been an active day, from exploring the jungle in the morning to their strenuous exercise just a while ago.     

Zach was back and he had concluded that the part of the jungle he had surveyed so far seemed to be safe for them to stroll into. But it was still hard to tell because it was a big island and he hadn't tried to venture deeper into it.      

He had finally found the waterfall which was tucked away inside the unspoiled jungle, but not at all far from the beach. It was a breathtaking cascade with a natural pool around, which created a romantic and a paradise-like scenery, and tomorrow he would bring Keira there as a surprise.     

"Why is she smiling like that?" Zach smiled as he was staring at Keira who seemed to be having a good dream.      

He arranged everything he had gathered from the jungle and made sure to finish everything that he still needed to do because he really intended to keep his words about the 'All Day Long' lovemaking to Keira. He could not get enough of her. He could not wait to finish up and lie down beside her.     

Keira felt Zach's lips on hers and she subconsciously welcomed his familiar lips that were kissing her gently. "You're back," she mumbled drowsily, as she was still feeling sleepy.     

"Hmmm… We are on our honeymoon, so I had to work twice as fast so I could tend to my wife while the sun is still up." Keira laughed and opened her eyes a bit to look at him.     

"I had a good dream…" She said with a beautiful smile.     

"Tell me?" Zach asked as he started to shower Keira's neck with light kisses.      

"In my dream, I was pregnant with a pair of twins, like Rizie and Josh," she explained with excitement.      

Zach chuckled as he teased her, "Even in your dreams, you are shamelessly making love to me, right? How else could we manage to have twins? So let's work hard and make that dream come true. Let's aim for twins, shall we, my lovely star?"     

Keira gave him a smile as beautiful as a flower in bloom, followed by a wink and a giggle as she whispered, "Yeah let's work hard to make twins while we are stuck here in this island…"      

A playful grin escaped her lips as she added, "I will serve my husband well..."     

And without warning, Keira rolled and pinned Zach down onto the ground as she positioned herself on top of him.     

Time was gold and she would not mind making love to her husband as often as their bodies could handle…      

A pair of twins… How nice would it be to have little Keira and little Zach in one go?     

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