The General Who Hates Me

Good Prank

Good Prank

0'Oh crap!' Keira panicked and pursed her lips when the Lieutenant sitting next to General Lei quickly drank water. But he did not comment, rather he excused himself, saying that he was going to go out to the restroom.     

Torin was grinning inwardly as he observed Zach's face.     

'I got you, Bro!' He exclaimed silently, he felt like he had won the lottery when he saw Zach gulp in as his face crumpled. Now, all he needed to do was to scoot.     

General Lei laughed and commented first, "It's not that bad. Just a little bit salty and spicy I guess, but it's tolerable."     

Keira tried to smile with General Lei's comment. As expected, her Uncle was trying to say the words as nice as he could.     

She saw Jeru smile at her and gave a thumb up gesture so Keira smiled back, feeling a little bit relieved, thinking the food was not that bad.     

A cadet entered the room and interrupted the awkward atmosphere in the room.     

He looked at General Lei and said, "Sir, Field Marshal Chan wanted to see you if you are already done with the meeting here."     

General Lei nodded as he excused himself, stood up and walked towards the door.     

When he passed by Keira, he winked and the latter smiled back at him.     

"Practice makes it perfect, dear. You should master the cooking next," General Lei whispered at Keira's ear before he left the room.     

Keira bit her lip, feeling gutless for the first time in her life. She looked at Zach and his face was still blank.     

Meanwhile, Torin stood up and said, "I forgot, I need to check on something so I will leave fir…" Torin said as he looked at Zach and Jeru but before he could finish the sentence, Zach's voice boomed in the room.     

"Sit down Lieutenant Jang! You will not leave this room until I say so!" Instructed Zach in his serious and commanding tone.     

Then he shifted his gaze to Keira and May as he said, "You two go back to your unit, now!"     

Jeru was quiet as he observed Zach intently. He did not meddle and even wanted to thank Zach at that moment for dismissing Keira.     

As soon as Keira left the room, Jeru spit out the beef stew in his mouth and quickly drank a whole cup of water. That was why he never said a word because the food was still inside his mouth. He couldn't explain the taste at all, but the only thing that came to his mind was plainly horrible tasting food.     

Then he stood up and scoffed, "Enjoy the meal you two."     

Zach did not respond but let out a long, deep sigh as he stared at the beef stew.     

"Bro, I really have to go," Torin complained, but Zach's face was still gloomy.     

"No! Finish that food and eat with me! You will not leave until we finish it all!" Said Zach glaring straight at Torin.     

'Oh shoot me! I'm gonna kill you for this, Cielo!' Torin hissed silently because it was Cielo's idea.     

Torin even recalled Cielo's laughter as she said, "I'm sure those two doesn't know how to cook! Let Zach eat what Keira will prepare! That is definitely a good prank"     

Good prank my ass! He wore an ewww expression when Zach continued to eat the beef stew with rice.     

"What are you waiting for, Torin? Eat it or I will assign you to monitor the male recruits training instead!" Zach said with an arched brow.     

'Darn!' Torin cursed silently because Zach knew his weakness. He was always blackmailing him with being assigned to the male recruits, but it was very effective because he loved staring at beauties rather than hulks.     

Torin ate the beef stew. It was edible, but the taste was so bad that Torin had to drink water after every spoonful he ate.     

"You asked for this, Torin, so suffer the consequences!" Zach hissed when he noticed Torin's disgusted expression.     

"Geez, Bro, how can you eat it like it's something tasty? Do you like Keira Chan that much?" Probed Torin as he threw a direct gaze at Zach, trying to push Zach to confess his true feelings.     

"NO, Torin! This has nothing to do with Keira!" Said Zach irritably.     

Then he sighed, "You know how I hate when food is wasted! Not all people can afford to eat, Torin! A lot of people are suffering from not having a meal to eat! So do you think this is all a joke, huh? Asking them to cook and waste ingredients, but then not eat it? Why would you give that kind of an absurd punishment to those society elites anyway? So eat it and don't waste a single ingredient!" Zach added irritably.     

Torin scratched his head. He forgot that Zach hated to waste food because he came from a very poor family where a single bowl of rice was so important.     

Torin sighed and looked at the pot of rice that Keira and May had prepared. Fortunately, it's not that much because he was sure that Zach would make him eat it all.     

'Darn,' he cursed once more, he felt like Cielo had pranked them both instead.     

That time one cadet entered, who was on duty to clean the Conference Room B and Torin quickly grabbed him to share the food.     

"Help us finish this then I will exempt you on cleaning the rooms for a week," said Torin.     

The cadet stared at the pot of and answered, "Make it one month, Sir!"     

Torin twitched his mouth and said, "Shoo you, stingy cadet! Out! You will clean this room forever!"     

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *     

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