The CEO Who Hates Me

The General Who Hates Me (2nd Book for Hate & Love Series)

The General Who Hates Me (2nd Book for Hate & Love Series)

0Title: The General Who Hates Me     



Zacharias Lim was a loyal, diligent and persevering soldier. Despite his poor background, he had managed to rise steadily from the lowest rank of a Private to the youngest and one of the most respected Generals in his country. He was a principled man who always acted by the book and followed every rule. Because he had grown up in a poverty-stricken condition and having had to work extremely hard to get to where he was now, he detested people who didn't appreciate life just because they were lucky enough to have been born with a silver spoon in their mouth.     

That was until he met Keira Chan...     

Keira Chan was a beautiful, bright, mischievous and confident young woman who always knew what she wanted. Having been born as the only daughter of one of the richest and most prominent families in the country, where gold was treated as sand, she had always led a carefree life and she could always get what she wanted without having to exert much effort.     

That was until she met Zacharias Lim...     

It just so happened that she fell in love with the young General at first sight and was set to win his heart. And thus her laborious but hilarious journey to get him to be her man ensued...     


Love and hate are separated with just a thin line. The meanest person to you can also be the one who loves you the most. A real love interest in your life.     




"Can I ask why? I mean why would you take the admission test for the military training?" Zach asked suddenly out of curiosity. It was strange, but for some reason, he wanted to know why would someone like Keira take the admission test for Military Academy.     

 Keira chuckled because of the opening of a great opportunity. For her, it was a sign to push things through.     

"Hmm, do you really want to know? But why, why are you asking me that? Is it perhaps because you think I will not make it till the end? Because you said before that I'm clumsy. Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm confident I will pass all the exams and will be admitted for sure." She said nonchalantly.      

Zach looked at Keira and said, "Physically? I really think you won't last long in the training if you ever pass and get admitted… But then, I do believe in one's perseverance… If you believe in one thing and set your mind and body to it… then you will succeed in the end and that's for sure."     

 Keira seemed to not mind Zach's words as she just stared at his face intently, inspecting every detail on Zach's face as if she was memorizing every part of it.     

"Do you really want to know the reason I am desperately trying to get inside that Military Base?" Keira whispered not blinking an eye as she met Zach's confused eyes.     

Then, Keira leaned on closer at him, not giving him a chance to say a word as she closed into him leaving only an inch between them.     

 Zach was caught off-guard with Keira's bold movements and it left him speechless for a brief moment.     

'What is she doing?' He thought with his eyes going wide, then he felt Keira's palms on his both cheeks.     

He froze that instant. He did not move at all like his body became a statue with that simple touch.     

'What is wrong with me?' He complained to himself, thinking that it could be the alcohol's effect.      

He saw Keira smile at him. It was a pleasant and beautiful smile that not only carved on her lips but also touched her deep-seated eyes.     

"General Zacharias Lim, I, Keira Chan, will absolutely get admitted to that Academy so I can get closer to the person I like for the first time in my life," Keira whispered to his face and Zach could smell the sweetness of her breath mixed with alcohol.     

But that was not it, because for some reason his body was reacting on his own.     

At that instant, he knew what could happen next, but instead of pushing Keira away from him, he did nothing but stayed put, it was like he was anticipating what would happen next as he remained frozen.     

Then, Keira added in her horse sweet voice, "I will enter the Military Academy to conquer you, General Zach. So be ready, because I never take a 'NO' for an answer."     

That was the last words that Keira dropped before she closed the gap and kissed Zach on his lips, leaving him just staring at her in bewilderment...     

Zach was dumbstruck by what Keira said and did.     

Her lips touched his, but then she suddenly passed out in his arms and he was made to quickly catch Keira's body to not let it slip onto the floor.      

For the first time in his life, Zach did not know what to do.     

For him, dealing with Keira at that moment seemed even harder than creating a strategy for a battle.     

It was because of the handcuffs. He did not know whether to remain in their current position, where he was hugging Keira, or lay her down on the sofa.     

The troublesome thing was that they were handcuffed, so it was impossible to properly carry Keira.      

He looked around, but then he remembered that the key was in Keira's purse, which was at the other side of the table.     

His phone was in his right pocket. If he tried to get it, Keira's body would slide down.     

'Damn,' he cursed as he studied how awkward they look right now. Even the buzzer to call the waiter was far and out of reach.      

Zach sighed. He was not comfortable in their position at all. Keira was so close that he could feel everything about her, even her same scent from before which seemed to not left him.     

Meanwhile, Keira's face was buried on Zach's chest, so the latter could not see how wicked her smile was.     

'It feels good, being cuddled like this.' Keira mumbled silently as she felt she was on cloud nine, being locked up in the strong and wide arms of her man.     

He would end up becoming her man for sure. 'People might think I am being redundant,' she chuckled inwardly. But she wouldn't get tired of being redundant if it came to Zach.     

'Hmm, how long should I keep on acting?' She mused, obviously, she was enjoying everything, taking absolute advantage of the situation at hand.      

She could hear Zach's irregular breathing and thumping of his heart.     

'What the heck? Is this for real, or am I just hallucinating?' She asked inwardly.     

Then, she heard Zach whisper her name.     




It was like music to her ears, but she knew it was him, trying to wake her up.     

She bit her lip and tightly closed her eyes. She stayed like that for so long that she actually indeed dozed off because of the warmth she felt in Zach's arms. She felt secure and comfortable.     

"Keira…" Zach murmured.     

He blew out air when he heard Keira's stable breathing. She seemed to be in a deep sleep.     

"How can you peacefully sleep like this?" Zach muttered.     

Something was bothering him, and for goodness sake, this scenario was a complete torment for him.     

But then, the worst part started when Keira moved as if she was climbing onto her bed, but in reality, she was climbing on Zach, causing him to end up lying on his back on the sofa while Keira was on top of him.     

"Oh. My. God." He gasped when he felt how Keira snuggled her face on his neck.     

Zach felt that he was in a complete tribulation at that moment and it seemed that the time almost stopped ticking for him.     

At that moment he realized, getting close to Keira was too dangerous, so he must keep his distance as much as he could.     

Keira Chan was trouble...     


Author's Note:     

Read this here only at webnovel APP and site --     

Title: The General Who Hates Me     


** Add it now guys in your LIBRARY and I do hope to see you there --     

Thank you so much.      

From your humble author,     

EUSTOMA_rgc (pen name)     

Real Name: REYNA G. C.     

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